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  • Benn

  • Melanie - Note taker

  • Paloma - Facilitator


  • Elliot Williams


  • Zoom recording - (link, includes chat)


  • Housekeeping

  • Updates from the field

  • Planning for 2024







  • Additional agenda topics

  • Announcements

  • Intros for any new attendees

  • Review action items from last meeting

Updates from the field



  • ALA 2024 - San Diego

    • Experience OCLC Meridian: WordCat Entities LD creation and curation

      • Jeff Mixer and Anne Washington

      • No slides available

      • WorldCat Entities - Shared entity management infrastructure; Meridian is the entities editor; use of the editor and APIs is a paid service

    • Staying in MARC: Expectations for BF2MARC conversion and the hybrid metadata of the future

    • Exploring the shift of MARC within the context of LD environment

      • ALA Core MARC Formats Transition Interest Group

      • The Interim Transition: MARC and Linked Data Coexistence in Library Catalogs

      • Challenges

        • Data trust

        • Dirty data

        • centralized vs. distributed model (need to figure out this piece!)

    • PCC participants meeting

      • RDA and some AI

      • PCC Task Group on AI and Machine Learning for Cataloging and Metadata (final report)

    • Share family workshop

      • Share Family - Linked Data community build around vendor/s (Casalini Libri and @Cult), akin to OCLC

        • several US universities involved, including UPenn

      • Beta discovery interface - query all PCC data

      • JCricket - entity management tool (similar to OCLC’s Meridian and Wikidata)

      • Share-VDE ontology - extension to BF

        • svde:Work is a subclass of bf:Work that has an expression svde:Opus, and is in a bf:Hub

        • svde:Opus @type allows to cluster by opus categories, and aids in relating a specific opus with semantically related classes

      • Sebastian Hammer (Index Data) talked about integration of the SVDE interface with FOLIO

        • Copy cataloging in MARC = maintaining data in local silos

        • SVDE, with JCricket editor is the first true LOD collaborative environment

        • Leight University prototype using BF instance from SVDE + Inventory in FOLIO + Delivery in VuFind

      • Andrea Gazzarini - Real time “RDFization”

        • Distributed linked data fragment servers (question) - moving intelligence from servers to clients

        • Linked Data fragments - RDF serialization of the requested data is created on the fly

        • Computation is distributed across LD client (SPARQL end front) and the triple/quads pattern server

        • The Knowledge Base is required to answer to a lot of small and simple requests, instead of dealing with one huge query

  • Vendor and ELUNA community updates

    • discussion about possibility of 3rd party vendors providing Linked Data services for Alma/Primo institutions

    • Idea to maybe invite Amanda Z. Xu from National Agriculture Library to speak about what they are doing with LD and Alma/Primo

    • Overview of LOD enhancements in pending August release of Alma and Primo

      • FRBR Keys for Bibframe to Include URIs (IDs)

      • Contributor Page in Metadata Editor

      • Record Format Facet for Enhanced Repository Search

      • Brief Record Ratings Now Support BIBFRAME Records

      • Improved Display of Thumbnails

      • Link to Copyright Information on Person Page

      • Add FRBR Local Keys for Work URI and ExpressionOf URI

    • Benn gave quick demo of set of BIBFRAME records in Alma

      • how the view looks different than typical MARC record view

      • Discussion of how to create BF records via API, going to an external data source (e.g. LOC) to get RDF/XML and pull in, per Yoel Kortick article

    • Paloma: Gears are turning about how to get buy-in to create Wikidata by showing author info cards in Primo sandbox

Planning for 2024


Action items
