- Demonstrate professionalism by dressing appropriately, arriving punctually, focusing upon student needs, respecting confidentiality, communicating respectfully, accepting responsibilities readily, and handling school property carefully. Since most of our Intern I students are guests in AISD classrooms, we will pattern our dress code after theirs: httphttps://wwwutexas.edbatlassian.utexas.edunet/educationwiki/edservicesdisplay/fieldexperiences/5183/policies/COEfieldexperiences/Policies
- Remember that your primary focus at all times should be your students and your cooperating teacher; minimize idle chitchat with other Intern I students.
- If an absence is unavoidable, telephone your cooperating teacher and UT field supervisor in advance. Keep contact information related to your Intern I studentship accessible. Failure to provide prior notification may jeopardize completion of your field experience.
- Maintain contact with field supervisor and program coordinator as necessary.
- Follow Intern I student sign-in procedures in place at your school site.
- Wear the UT Intern I student name badge to your school site each day.
- Secure copies of all pertinent forms from your program coordinator or field supervisor.
- Complete the Intern I Contact Form. As soon as you obtain information for the cooperating teacher section, type the form and send copies to your cooperating teacher and field supervisor.
- Read and demonstrate adherence to the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators, available at httphttps://wwwutexas.edbatlassian.utexas.edunet/educationwiki/edservicesdisplay/fieldexperiences/5183/policies/COEfieldexperiences/Policies .
- Review the policy regarding Intern I students not being left alone with students except for very brief periods. See information for cooperating teachers above.
- Carefully study each cluster of the Formative and Summative Assessments. This document should guide your professional development. Be sure that you and your cooperating teacher have a clear understanding of the standards, skills and practices on which you will be evaluated.
- Print and thoroughly examine the TEA Curriculum Guidelines for Pre-Kindergarten and the Kindergarten TEKS from the TEA Web site.
- Discuss developmentally appropriate practices with your cooperating teacher.
- Obtain a map of the school and tour the building.
- Discuss briefly with a school counselor, a nurse, and the assistant principal such topics as student records, routine and emergency referrals and school safety.
- Clarify procedures for your use of library/media center materials.
- Diagram the classroom and playground. Label areas for clarity. Date your diagram.
- Inventory materials used by your cooperating teacher (including those shared with other classes).
- Complete your Autobiographical Sketch and send copies to your cooperating teacher and field supervisor.
- Review the introduction to this document with your cooperating teacher. Be sure that you have a shared understanding of the goals and purposes of this semester’s field experience.
- Demonstrate an understanding of school emergency procedures.
- Tour the school attendance zone.
- Introduce yourself to a school administrator.
- Use a school district calendar to mark holidays, staff development, parent conference days, etc. Calendars are available through school district websites.
- Obtain a copy of your cooperating teacher’s schedule and complete a Daily Class Schedule form. Send a copy to your field supervisor.
- Use a spiral notebook to record informal observations, questions, and concerns for reflective journals.
- Examine district curriculum guides and/or the district scope and sequence for language arts, mathematics, social studies and science. Ask your cooperating teacher to assist you in locating these materials.