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  • Paloma Graciani Picardo (facilitator)

  • Melanie Cofield

  • Katie Pierce-Meyer
  • Yogita Sharma
  • Benn Chang

  • Michael Shensky
  • Nancy Sparrow


  • Zoom recording (link, includes chat)


  • Action items from last meeting
  • ExLibris and LOD (speaker: Melanie Cofield)
  • Discussion


  • Introductions: Benn, welcome to the group!

Action items from last meeting

  • August meeting has been rescheduled to the 30th - DONE
  • Prepare demo of current Alma/Primo LD implementations (Melanie) - DONE
  • Reach out to Xiaoli Li to invite her to the August (or July) meeting (Melanie)
    • Melanie will reach out soon, following our discussion and talks with LSP folks at UTL, which will inform what she asks
    • Laura Ackermann(?) - may also be a good option
  • Confirm with Jackie Shieh about September meeting (Paloma)
    • She cannot do it at the time of our meeting, she is very busy and active
    • We should find someone else to talk about local identity management
    • Smithsonian is presenting most likely at LD4 and SAA - may be good time to identify other option
ExLibris and LODMelanie
  • Demo is not intended to be comprehensive
  • Melanie has added to our Resources page:
      • Links about Alma
      • Collection of sessions from ELUNA about linked data, with notes! Slides by Yoel Kortick

      • IGELU/ELUNA CoP and working group: user community direct liaison to vendor - listserv, presentation recordings, slack,user story collection form

Linked Data functionality in Alma

  • Can use APIs to extract link data: see first slide deck from Yoel above
  • Publishing profile is other option - Melanie will walk through that today

  • Places to see LD in Alma:

    Search results list

    Go to ellipses, drop down, select Linked Data

    Will show different URIs: name authorities, subject terms, wikidata

    Dublin Core, Bibo (specific semantic properties for OCLC, ISBN), JSON LD (broken - requires integration profile to be defined)

    BIBFRAME view from full recordBIBFRAME serialization
    Metadata editor viewmay be way to copy from the view to include in MARC record

  • Linked Data Advisory Group - working on recommendations for URIs in MARC
    • conversation about what are use cases
    • questions about whether manual or programmatic
  • All views are dynamically generated on the fly, not permanently stored 
    • Not stored to do operational things with
    • API may be a way to get at dynamically
  • Publishing profile: one way to EXPORT linked data for a set of records to enrich and so something elsewhere
    • Create a set of records to use publishing profile
    • Publishing profile does require certain permissions
      • We could create a set of titles then have Access Systems do publishing profile
    • Melanie created a set
      • Can publish on bibliographic level - output MARC21 bib, RDF, or BIBFRAME
      • Paloma: is there a limit to number of records?
        • Not that Melanie is aware if, but there may be thresholds in terms of running jobs, performance 
        • Janeice Connors might have a better sense of those thresholds
        • Benn - knowledge base article indicates that there is no limit to a set
      • Data enrichment - check Linked Data enrichment, adds URIs to datafield tags
  • Paloma: would like to compare BIBFRAME generated with Sinopia 
    • Curious to know how enrichment is happening when enrichment is happening on the fly - is reconciliation happening, what decisions are being made and how

  • There has to be a linked data integration profile setup to get JSON LD of BIBFRAME or RDF 
  • Author card in Primo: hopefully coming in August

    • Based on custom author cards other institutions created
    • Pulling in data dynamically based on linked data
      • University of Wisconsin: Information from the Web - pulled in DB pedia and Wikidata (Gloria Steinem)
      • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: Knowledge cards at bottom of full record display
      • If there is a Wikidata URI, will display author cards
        • If there is not, will look for other authorities - LCNAF, VIAF?
  • Alma Refine in Sandbox
    • If you have a set of records, can use Alma Refine to go to reconciliation services, Wikidata included
    • Melanie encourages thus group to explore AlmaRefine!
  • How do we want to further explore some of the existing Linked Data features in Alma? 
    • Paloma: wants to leverage work she has already done - Wikidata URIs identified through reconciliations

      • Can she feed a list of MMS IDs, creator name, and URIs, asking that the URIs be added?

      • Melanie has not seen how this can be done, but maybe with MARCedit 

      • Paloma shared Knowledge card in Share-vde, which is BIBFRAME data converted from MARC
      • Melanie: instinct is to check Ex-Libris IDEA exchange for user story and upvote or add a user story via collection form
        • Voting on Alma and Primo enhancements - two separate enhancement processes - start mid-Spring to mid-Summer
      • Generate good questions for potential speakers

      What do we want?

      • Looking to Author cards - what if it doesn't happen in August?
      • SPARQL seems off the table
      • What else should we explore - probably APIs
        • If we use APIs to retrieve linked data - what can we do with the data?
        • How do we worked with UTL on APIs?

      APIs: UTL has been conservative so far, may not need to be so much in the future/going forward

      • Working on MARCedit integration which relies on API key - stay tuned

      USE CASE: Paloma has worked on Wikibase instance (docker) for a collection - content to come!

      • Would be great to see if there is a way to connect catalog and Wikibase
      • 5000 bibliographic records
      • Creators on Wikibase instance
      • Can you explore catalog on Wikibase

      Melanie encouraging us to try API export/harvesting

      What are possibilities/ what is potential best return of investment

      Paloma dropped link to DRAFT Linked Data report:

      We could start filling it out based on presentation/discussion

Next meetingPaloma
  • July 26
    • PCC and LOD(Speaker: Paloma)
  • Reminder (warning) - LD4 Conference 2023, July 10-14
  • Anyone going to ALA?

Action items
