Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Math Mode ($ vs. $$)

Putting text between dollar signs will activate "math mode" where you can format equations and code in TeX.

A single pair of dollar signs (e.g. $y = mx + b$) produces in-line math mode (ie able to use symbol for i.e. insert symbol $\lambda$). This is used to distinguish math from text.


Code Block
By the Lemma from Section 2.3, the difference of any two solutions of the nonhomogeneous equation $L[y]=g(t)$ is a solution of the homogeneous equation $L[y]=0$.

Displays as:

Image Added

A pair of dollar signs (e.g. $$y = mx + b$$) will bump it to the next a new line and center it on the assignment page in a more prominent display, centered on the &.


Image RemovedExample:

Code Block
$$ \eqalign {
2x &= 3y \cr
2x^2 &= 3y + 2z \cr
x^3 &= 3x^{@e}
} $$

Displays as:

Notice that:

  • \


Use those curly brackets! { } are your friend!

fractions= ${#\over #}$,  and \overline {} will work for larger equations.

subscript: _

superscript: ^



where XXX is what you want bolded


  • eqalign is used for equation alignment for aligning multi-line displays at a single place
  • Each line is aligned by centering on the ampersand ("&")

  • A carriage return is inserted after every "\cr"

  • Only the code between "$$ { . . . } $$" is shown

Commonly Used TeX Markup Tools

All of the following, plus more, can be accessed on the TeX Reference Card!

Tool CategoryItemTeX Code
Elementary Math Control Sequences


(overline is for larger


{<numerator>\over <denominator>}

\overline{ . . . }

Square root\sqrt{<expression>}
Integral\int_{lower bound}^{upper bound} {<expression>}
Formatting Alignment and SpacingIndentation\indent{ . . . }
No Indentation\noindent{ . . . }
Alignment\eqalign{ . . . }

Horizontal Spacing

(spacing within text)



alignment: \eqaline


Vertical Spacing of

various sizes







for no indentions


To display $ is a bit tricky, since it's used to indicate math type.

$\$ monetary unit

note that to call variables (@ans1) math type (ie hugging it in $    $ ) is not needed.


Text FormattingBold font\bf{ . . . }
Superscript<variable>^{<subscript expression>}
Subscript<variable>_{<subscript expression>}
Displaying Dollar Sign$\$

Tips for Using TeX

  1. Incorrect use of curly braces can cause errors, so make sure that for each opening bracket there is a corresponding closing one (and vice versa)
  2. To call variables define in the code field,  prepend it with '@'
    Example: "@ans1" calls variable ans1
  3. Feel free to Google what you're looking for with TeX as well


ex: square root TeX

