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  • Review Action items from last meeting
  • Takeaways from Webinar Unlocking Connections - ExLibris
  • Progress report on AlmaRefine and local reconciliation service testing
  • Review of the report draft
  • Wikidata workshop 2024
  • Scheduling: December meeting, looking ahead to 2024



Action items from last meeting

  • All - Add your relevant contributions to sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.4 report sections by the next meeting.
    • This stays as an ongoing action item
  • All - revisit 2022 reasons for holding a Wikidata event workshop and observations from past workshops. Do they still hold true or need re-defining to fit the ethos of the group now? Come prepared to discuss at the next meeting.
    • More to discuss later in the meeting
  • Paloma will reach out to Devon for any interest in contributing to the report given their role with the Islandora RDF store implementation.
    • Will remember to do it for our next meeting
  • Katie will reach out to Adam Rabinowitz for any interest in contributing periodO implementation to the report.
    • Will remember to do it for our next meeting
  • Benn will explore and and report findings.
    • He has updates, Yei!!

Takeaways from Webinar Unlocking Connections - ExLibris

Melanie and Paloma
  • Paloma cannot remember and does not have notes
  • Melanie's notes
    • Melanie had already seen these presenters during the ELUNA conference talking about high level linked data vision
    • This webinar was more on the weeds of practical implementation 
    • Discovery experience – talking about some features for 2024
    • Interoperability with BF (API use for importing/exporting), and integration 
    • Thoughts – Until we have a clear goal and incentive to catalog in Sinopia and BIBFRAME, UTL catalogers will remain focused on using Connexion with MARC and Alma.
    • Concern about Connexion going away among participants (which will not)
  • What would be the incentives for UT Libraries?
    • Not sure yet
  • Potential benefits for catalogers
    • LRM and BIBFRAME are more the natural environment for Official RDA
  • On a related note, Melanie is going to supervise a capstone project in Spring 2024 – testing around alma refine and local reconciliation (working with Architecture collections), and determining ways to assess value of linked data for UTL
    • Might help with the report so we might want to move it forward to later in 2024
    • Add the student to the group roster (list-serv, Google folder access)

Progress report on AlmaRefine and local reconciliation service testing

Benn, others?

  • Benn has started to play with the reconciliation services that Paloma had brought up, and found a CSV reconciliation service that runs with Python
  • Designed to work with openRefine and got it working there, not quite on Alma
  • Needs to figure out what an appropriate CSV formatting looks like for Alma refine
  • Thinking about probably having a workaround where the reconciliation happens in in openRefine and then we use marcedit to import the data into Alma
  • To run this service you need to have a command line or something similar and python
  • Next steps
    • Testing the local reconciliation service
    • Need to figure out how to complement the work that this group is doing with the work that the capstone student will do, so that not everyone is working on the same stuff
Review of the report draft


  • New title
  •  Audience
    • If we have the library admin as the audience then we will need to have an executive summary
  • Put out the DEI related content out of the report
  • Added a couple of more goals
  • Paloma – we need to tight this to AI if we want to this to be read and taken seriously
  • Let's focus next meeting on the report 

Wikidata workshop 2024

Melanie, Katie, Paloma

  • Are reasons for putting on a workshop still relevant for this group's goals?
  • Adaptation possibilities?

Scheduling: December meeting, looking ahead to 2024

  • Move to Wednesday, December 13 (10-11am).


  •  Move December meeting to the 13th - Paloma
  •  Reach out to Devon for any interest in contributing to the report given their role with the Islandora RDF store implementation - Paloma
  •  Reach out to Adam Rabinowitz for any interest in contributing periodO implementation to the report – Katie 
  •  Revisit 2022 reasons for holding a Wikidata event workshop and observations from past workshops – All
  •  Prepare for next meeting by reviewing the report – All
