For assignments, click on the name of the offending question,
click on the withdraw/change points tab, and select either withdraw no credit or withdraw full credit.the most appropriate button for your purposes.
Withdraw no credit will eliminate the points of this question from the total points of this assignment–it is as if this question (and it's points) are erased. Withdraw full credit offers all students the points of this assignment–everyone gets it correct and the question's points are retained in the total points of the assignment.
Active means students will be expected to answer the question for the amount of points in the box (in this case, zero).
(Either action will preserve the students' submissions on the "View Submissions" page.)
Extra Credit means if this problem is correct students will get +points to their assignment, even though these points will not be counted in the denominator total sum of the assignment (hence, extra credit)
Click 'Save' to update the assignment with this item withdrawn.