Student facing
Q: Are units needed on numeric free response?
A: No, if entering in anything but numbers it will be counted incorrect (even if correct).
Q: How many decimal places should I go out?
A: Start with 4-6 to the right of the decimal point. Unless otherwise noted, answers are counted correct if within 1% of the correct answer.
Q: Can I review and change my submissions after clicking 'submit answer', like I can on a bubblesheet?
A: Yes, up until there is an input for all questions–at questions–at that point no more changes are possible (even if there is sufficient time left).
Q: Allegedly, my test had a dynamic countdown timer to help me keep track of the time I had left, but I didn't see it–why not?
A: The blue banner is probably covering it up; take these steps to reveal what's underneath.
Q: What can I expect from online testing?
A: You can expect to be monitored as you would be in a classroom to ensure academic integrity is being upheld.
Q: Argh! My webcam isn't turning on and as a result I can't get to my test!
A: Please take these webcam troubleshooting steps and make sure your professor knows what your situation is.
Q: Can I wait and submit all my answers at the end?
A: That approach is really not recommended, although yes, it is possible. (See what is recommended.) The timer cutoff is not well signposted and one could easily lose points from not entering answers in that you are all prepared to. Quest staff is usually available at the start of exams for monitoring and troubleshooting as well, as we have a vested interest in ensuring all goes smoothly