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titleFaculty Member

Faculty Member

FieldWhat is it?Updated byWhen updatedNotes
Faculty MemberLastName, FirstName (matches name as listed on PAR)DO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed offer letter
EIDEID as entered on PARDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed offer letter
Personnel folderLink to Dean's Office Box folderDO Faculty AffairsUpon creation of Box folder
ActiveOptions: Yes, No (appointment ended within past 5 academic years), Future appointment (Offer letter signed, but not yet active in Workday)DO Faculty AffairsUpon change of status in Workday
Appointment notesBrief summary of unusual circumstances pertaining to appointment as a whole. Nothing confidential.
Examples: hired as Professor without tenure; hired with a different last name, etc.

Also use to add a brief explanation for manual adjustments to review schedules.

DO Faculty Affairs

Executive Assistant to the Dean


As appropriate


Appointment Details

FieldWhat is it?Updated byWhen updatedNotes
Instructional Start Use only 9/1 for fall start or 1/15 for spring start. This date is used to calculate other fields.DO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed offer letter
Appt Start AYAcademic/Fiscal Year during which appointment started, based on Instructional Start DateCalculated valueAutomatically calculated when Instructional Start date is entered
Clock Start AYYear the Promotion & Tenure clock starts for the faculty member. For fall-start faculty, this will be the same as Appointment Start. For spring start faculty, this will be the Academic Year of the following fall (one Academic Year later than Appointment Start AY.)

a) Instructional start date 9/1/2023: Appt Start AY is 2023-24 and Clock Start AY is 2023-24.

b) Instructional start date 1/15/2024: Appt Start AY is 2023-24 and Clock Start AY is 2024-25.
Calculated valueAutomatically calculated when Instructional Start date is entered
Starting RankRank at time of hireDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed offer letter
Current RankCurrent rank should match active profile in Workday. DO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed offer letter or at time of promotionPromotions are always effective 9/1
External YOSFaculty hired as tenure-track Assistant Professors or tenured Associate Professors, with prior full-time academic years of service in an equivalent rank at a prior institution, may elect to count up to three of those years immediately preceding time at UT Austin toward the number of years of effective years in rank required for on-time promotion at UT AustinExecutive Assistant to the DeanUpon receipt of Dean's acknowledgement of request COE: P&T - Election to Use Combined Years of Service
External YOS NotesFormat: Name of Prior Institution and most recent years served in rank there, up to a maximum of 3 years.

Example: NYU 2018-21
Executive Assistant to the DeanUpon receipt of Dean's acknowledgement of requestInformation source: CV submitted as part of PAR packet

titlePrimary dept

Primary Department Details

FieldWhat is it?Updated byWhen updatedNotes
Primary DeptHome departmentDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed offer letterAdministrative home of faculty member, provides all or majority of salary funding, primary position in Workday
Joint DeptLong-term appointment of more than 1% FTE, where funding is from a source other than primary department instructional. Does not include courtesy (0%) appointments.

DO Faculty Affairs


Upon receipt of signed offer letter for initial or subsequent appointmentsOptions: Three-letter abbreviation of academic department within COE; A&P - COE (for Administrative and Professional positions with COE, for instance Assistant Dean, with an FTE greater than 0%); External to COE (for positions outside of COE, but elsewhere at UT Austin, with an FTE greater than 0%)
Chair at hireChair at time of receipt of signed offer letter

DO Faculty Affairs


New hires: updated by DO Faculty Affairs upon receipt of signed offer letter

Existing faculty records: updated by Department or Dean's Office as records become available

EA at hireExecutive Assistant/Administrative Manager at time of receipt of signed offer letter

DO Faculty Affairs


New hires: updated by DO Faculty Affairs upon receipt of signed offer letter

Existing faculty records: updated by Department or Dean's Office as records become available

Faculty MentorName of assigned faculty mentor, if assignedDepartmentAs appropriateOptional - not all COE faculty have assigned mentors

titleAsst Prof

Assistant Professor

Details will not display for faculty members hired at Associate Professor or full Professor ranks.

FieldWhat is it?Updated byWhen updatedNotesInformation link
Name Assistant ProfessorCalculated value copied from field Faculty Member; for convenience when viewing faculty records in Form viewCalculated valueUpon entry of Faculty Member name

1st Probationary RvwCalculated value based on Instructional Start dateCalculated valueUpon entry of Instructional Start date
COE: Reviews - T/TT Faculty > tab "Mid-Point Asst."
Adjust Asst Mid-Probationary RvwManual entry, rare cases only. Positive or negative whole numbers to manually add or subtract years from Asst Mid-Probationary Rvw column, when other options are not applicable or the reason is not known.Executive Assistant to the DeanAs appropriateAdd brief explanation to Appointment Notes field in section "Faculty Member"
Asst Mid-Probationary Rvw

Required review in third year of rank. 

Calculated value based on Instructional Start date, plus or minus any adjustments made in Adjust Asst Mid-Probationary Rvw

Executive Assistant to the DeanAs appropriate
COE: Reviews - T/TT Faculty > tab "Mid-Point - Asst."
Expected Tenure RvwCalculated value based on Instructional Start dateCalculated value Upon entry of Instructional Start date
COE: P&T - Policy and Process
Ext. 1-2 ProbationaryA maximum of two probationary extensions allowed in rank. "Approved" reflects an extension requested AND approved by EVPP, each of which adds one year to Actual Tenure Rvw. "Available" means the extension has not yet been taken.Executive Assistant to the DeanUpon receipt of APS approvalIf an approved probationary extension is rescinded, corresponding field is changed back to "Available"COE: Probationary Period - Tenure-Track Faculty > tab "Probationary Period extensions"
Ext. COVIDIf "Approved," adds one year to Actual Tenure RvwExecutive Assistant to the DeanUpon receipt of APS approval
COE: Extension of Probationary Period for COVID-Related Impact
LWOP 1-2Any duration of LWOP automatically stops the clock.DO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of Faculty Request for Leave form from department

A Faculty Request for Leave form should always be submitted for unpaid time off.

Additional columns can be added as needed

For unpaid leave request process, see COE: Unpaid Time Off
LWOP DatesDates of Unpaid Time OffDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of Faculty Request for Leave form from departmentAdditional columns can be added as needed
Adjust Review AsstManual entry, rare cases only. Positive or negative whole numbers to manually add or subtract years from Actual Tenure Review column, when other options are not applicable or the reason is not known.Executive Assistant to the DeanAs appropriateAdd brief explanation to Appointment Notes field in section "Faculty Member"
Actual Tenure RvwCalculated value based on Expected Tenure Rvw, plus or minus any probationary extensions. LWOPs, External Years of Service (YOS) or other adjustmentsCalculated value

Automatically, whenever probationary extensions, LWOPs, External YOS, or other adjustments are updated

COE: P&T - Policy and Process
Tenure DecisionPromoted (if promotion case to Associate Professor is successful, with new rank effective in fall of the following Academic Year; or Terminal, if promotion case was not successful, and faculty member's following Academic Year will be their Terminal Appointment.Executive Assistant to the DeanUpon official notification by Provost's Office

titleAssoc Prof

Associate Professor

Details will not display for faculty members hired at full Professor rank.

FieldWhat is it?Updated byWhen updatedNotesInformation link
Name Associate ProfessorCalculated value copied from field Faculty Member; for convenience when viewing faculty records in Form viewCalculated valueUpon entry of Faculty Member name

Assoc Start DateInstructional start date (9/1 or 1/16) for faculty member's first date in rankDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed offer letter or at time of promotion

Adjust Assoc 3rd Year RvwApproved deferral request; adds one year to Assoc 3rd Year RvwExecutive Assistant to the DeanUpon receipt of APS approvalAdd brief explanation to Appointment Notes field in section "Faculty Member" COE: Reviews - T/TT Faculty > tab "Assoc. Prof. 3rd Year Review" > section "Deferral"
Assoc 3rd Year RvwInternal COE reviewExecutive Assistant to the DeanAs appropriate
 COE: Reviews - T/TT Faculty > tab "Assoc. Prof. 3rd Year Review"
Eligible Promotion to Prof RvwEligible (but optional) after six years in Associate Professor rank. Calculated from Assoc Start Date. Calculated valueUpon entry of Assoc Start Date
COE: P&T - Policy and Process
To Be Reviewed Assoc?Will Associate Professor be reviewed in Actual Promotion to Prof Rvw AY? Yes or no.Executive Assistant to the DeanAs appropriate

Adjust Rvw AssocManual entry to adjust review years as needed, particularly where past records differ from expected review cycle dates, but where the reason is unclearExecutive Assistant to the DeanAs appropriateAdd brief explanation to Appointment Notes field in section "Faculty Member"
Actual Promotion to Prof RvwManual entry - when the faculty member goes up for optional promotion review to full ProfessorExecutive Assistant to the Dean

COE: P&T - Policy and Process
Promotion DecisionPromoted or denied.
If promoted, columns after become irrelevant. 
If denied, Provost determines whether promotion case becomes CPR, or if CPR will be required the following year.  See "Provost CPR Follow-up"
Executive Assistant to the DeanUpon official notification by Provost's Office

Provost CPR Follow-upWhen Associate is denial promotion to Professor, Provost may require a CPR the following academic year. Field options: yes or no.Executive Assistant to the DeanAs appropriate

Adjust CPRs AssocNote plural. Adjusts timing of all CPRs in Assoc Professor rank, including those that have already passedExecutive Assistant to the DeanAs appropriateAdd brief explanation to Appointment Notes field in section "Faculty Member"
Deferral 1-4 CPR AssocApproved deferral request; adds one year to that specific CPR review cycle date, as well as all Assoc CPR review cycle dates going forward. (Does not affect past CPR dates.)Executive Assistant to the DeanUpon approval of deferral request

Add brief explanation to Appointment Notes field in section "Faculty Member."

Additional columns can be added as needed

CPR 1-4 AssocRequired review every 6 years in rank, post-tenureCalculated valueUpon entry of Assoc Start Date, plus/minus any deferrals or adjustmentsAdditional columns can be added as neededCOE: Reviews - T/TT Faculty > tab "Comprehensive Periodic - Tenured"
Eligible 10-Year Review AssocAcademic year when Associate has the right to invoke a tenure review to Professor rank, regardless of departmental approvalCalculated valueUpon entry of Assoc Start Date

10-Year Reviewed AssocDid faculty member invoke review at 10 years in rank? Yes or no.Executive Assistant to the DeanAs appropriate

PC Flag 1 AssocApproved Personal Circumstances Flag requestExecutive Assistant to the DeanUpon approval of PC Flag requestDoes not affect review clockCOE: Personal Circumstances Flag > section "Impact on faculty reviews"
PC Flag 2 AssocApproved Personal Circumstances Flag requestExecutive Assistant to the DeanUpon approval of PC Flag requestDoes not affect review clockCOE: Personal Circumstances Flag > section "Impact on faculty reviews"



FieldWhat is it?Updated byWhen updatedNotesInformation link
Name ProfessorCalculated value copied from field Faculty Member; for convenience when viewing faculty records in Form viewCalculated valueUpon entry of Faculty Member name

Prof Start DateInstructional start date (9/1 or 1/16) for faculty member's first date in rankDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed offer letter or at time of promotion

Adjust CPRs ProfNote plural. Adjusts timing of all CPRs in Professor rankExecutive Assistant to the DeanAs appropriate

Add brief explanation to Appointment Notes field in section "Faculty Member."

Deferral CPR Prof 1-7Approved deferral request; adds one year to that specific CPR review cycle date, as well as all review cycle dates going forward. (Does not affect past CPR dates.)Executive Assistant to the DeanUpon approval of deferral request

Add brief explanation to Appointment Notes field in section "Faculty Member."

Additional columns can be added as needed

CPR Prof 1-7Required review every 6 years in rank, post-tenureCalculated valueUpon entry of Prof Start Date, plus/minus any deferrals or adjustmentsAdditional columns can be added as neededCOE: Reviews - T/TT Faculty > tab "Comprehensive Periodic - Tenured"
PC Flag 1 ProfApproved Personal Circumstances Flag requestExecutive Assistant to the DeanUpon approval of PC Flag requestDoes not affect review clockCOE: Personal Circumstances Flag > section "Impact on faculty reviews"
PC Flag 2 ProfApproved Personal Circumstances Flag requestExecutive Assistant to the DeanUpon approval of PC Flag requestDoes not affect review clockCOE: Personal Circumstances Flag > section "Impact on faculty reviews"



FieldWhat is it?Updated byWhen updatedNotesInformation link
Separation TypeOptions: Resignation, Retirement, Terminal Appointment, or DeathDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of Workday Business Process from department
COE: Separation and Retirement - Faculty
Separation DateEffective date of employment end in Workday. For Phased Retirement and Retiree (Active), the Separation Date is the end of their tenured position; subsequent positions are without tenure, and their details are not recorded on the List.DO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of Workday Business Process from departmentFor retirements, note that in Workday, must be effective last day of the month. For mid-month retirement dates, see COE: Retirement - Faculty > tab "Retirement process" > section "Mid-Month Retirement Process"COE: Separation and Retirement - Faculty
Has phased retirement?Box checked only if Phased Retirement Agreement has been approved, for filtering purposes.DO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of APS approval of Phased Retirement Agreement
COE: Phased Retirement
Start Phased RetirementEffective date of Phased Retirement AgreementDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of APS approval of Phased Retirement Agreement
COE: Phased Retirement
End Phased RetirementEnd date of Phased Retirement AgreementDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of APS approval of Phased Retirement Agreement
COE: Phased Retirement
Phased Retirement Notes
DO Faculty AffairsAs appropriate

Amended End Phased Retirement 
DO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of APS approval of amended Agreement
COE: Phased Retirement > tab "Amending Phased Retirement"
Separation AYAcademic Year/Fiscal Year during which separation happenedDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of Workday Business Process from department

titleCourse Releases

Course Releases - Offer Letter at Hire

FieldWhat is it?Updated byWhen updatedNotes
Name Course ReleasesCalculated value copied from field Faculty Member; for convenience when viewing faculty records in Form viewCalculated valueUpon entry of Faculty Member name
Total course releasesNumber of course releases included in signed offer letter at time of hireDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed offer letter
Course release distributionTiming of course releases as described in offer letter. Example: 1/1 course load in first year, two course releases in years 2 and/or 3, three course releases to be used within first 2 years, etc.

DO Faculty Affairs

Upon receipt of signed offer letter
Course release 1-7Options: "Available" if offered but not yet taken; Semester YYYY if used (example: Fall 2023); or n/a for course release fields in excess of those offered (example: if 3 course releases were awarded, Course Releases 4-7 would be "n/a")


Department AM should update "Avalable" to "Semester YYYY" as course releases are usedThere are no Workday Business Processes or official forms associated with using course releases, and therefore no record or notification process for the Dean's Office to track. Department Administrative Managers are therefore responsible for tracking course release use.
Course release notesNotes pertaining specifically to course releases included in signed offer letter at hire

DO Faculty Affairs


As appropriate

Course Releases - Post-hire (counteroffer, retention offer, etc.

FieldWhat is it?Updated byWhen updatedNotes
Post-hire course releasesCourse releases awarded outside of and subsequent to the offer letter at time of hire - for instance, as part of a counteroffer, chair or associate dean position, etc.  Example: 1/long semester (for duration of Associate Dean position)DepartmentAs appropriateTracking is for internal department records only.
Post-hire course release distributionTiming of post-hire course releases. Example: 1 per long semester, each semester as Associate Dean


As appropriate
Post-hire course release notesNotes pertaining specifically to course releases awarded post-hire (optional)


As appropriate
Post-hire course release 1-3Track timing of post-hire course releases as appropriate (optional)DepartmentAs appropriateThere are no Workday Business Processes or official forms associated with using course releases, and therefore no record or notification process for the Dean's Office to track. Department Administrative Managers are therefore responsible for tracking course release use.


Summer Salary - Offer Letter at Hire

FieldWhat is it?Updated byWhen updatedNotes
Name Summer SalaryCalculated value copied from field Faculty Member; for convenience when viewing faculty records in Form viewCalculated valueUpon entry of Faculty Member name
Total mos. summer salaryTotal number of months of summer pay included in signed offer letter at time of hireDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed offer letter
Summer salary distributionTiming of summer pay as described in offer letter. Example: 2 months during each of first 2 years of appointment

DO Faculty Affairs

Upon receipt of signed offer letter
Month 1-5Options: "Available" if offered but not yet taken; Month YYYY if used (example: June 2023); or n/a for summer month fields in excess of those offered (example: if 3 months of summer pay were offered, Months 4-5 would be "n/a")

DO Faculty Affairs

Upon Academic HR Executive approval of associated Workday summer Add Job BPCopy of offer letter should be uploaded to Workday business process
Summer notes

Notes pertaining specifically to summer salary included in signed offer letter at hire.

Example: "Summer salary offered only if no SRA in 2013-14. SRA was accepted." (In this case, Months 1 and 2 were recorded as "not needed.")

DO Faculty AffairsAs appropriate

Summer Salary - Post-hire (counteroffer, retention offer, etc.)

FieldWhat is it?Updated byWhen updatedNotes
Post-hire summer salary mos.Total number of months of summer pay included in documented agreement (signed counteroffer letter, etc.)DO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed offer letter
Post-hire summer salary distributionTiming of summer pay as described in documentation. Example: 2 months in academic year 202X-202Y

DO Faculty Affairs

Upon receipt of signed offer letter
Post-hire months 1-3Options: "Available" if offered but not yet taken; Month YYYY if used (example: June 2023); or n/a for summer month fields in excess of those offered (example: if 3 months of summer pay were offered, Months 4-5 would be "n/a")

DO Faculty Affairs

Upon Academic HR Executive approval of associated Workday summer Add Job BPRelevant documentation (signed counteroffer letter, etc.) should be uploaded to Workday business process


Faculty Development Leave

FieldWhat is it?Updated byWhen updatedNotesInformation link
FDL #1-2 type awardedOptions: 100% leave fall; 100% leave spring; 50% leave fall and spring (if spread across full academic year)DO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed FDL acceptance form from faculty member
COE: Faculty Development Leave (FDL)
FDL #1-2 AYAcademic Year for which FDL was awardedDO Faculty AffairsUpon receipt of signed FDL acceptance form from faculty member
COE: Faculty Development Leave (FDL)
6th year as FT facultyCalculated value based on Instructional Start date; first year eligible for FDL nominationCalculated valueUpon entry of Instructional Start date

Most recent FRAAcademic Year of last Faculty Research Assignment. Used for FDL nomination eligibilityDO Faculty AffairsFrom available recordsFaculty Research Assignments were discontinued after 2022-23, and replaced by FDLs. FRAs and FDLs are considered equivalent awards for FDL eligibility purposes.
