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Event Planning 101

An "RTF event" is defined as activity that occurs outside the classroom that involves requesting additional Department or College resources (funding, space, staff, purchasing, compensation, marketing, etc.). To host an event outside of your class, follow the Events Checklist & Timeline, starting with getting approval from the Chair. Because funding is limited and distributed on a first come, first served basis, submit your proposals before the end of the first week of classes for priority consideration.

If you are just wanting to invite a guest speaker to talk to your class, please refer to the classroom guest lecture guidance on the Compensation page.

Page Navigation

The items listed on this page are organized on a six-phase timeline for event planning. Click on links in table below to jump to that section of the page.

General Resources

Phase 1 (2 to 6 months out)

Phase 2 (1 to 2 months out)

Phase 3 (3 weeks out)

Phase 4 (2 weeks out)

Phase 5 (Event Day)

Phase 6 (Post-Event)

  • Send Thank yous to Vendors, Event Staff, and Guests

  • Post Pics on Social Media

  • Turn in outstanding receipts to accounting

  • Event Review: Make notes for future; send survey?

Request Event Approval from RTF Chair

Directions on getting approval to host an event.


Before contacting staff and at least 2-6 months prior to the event, obtain approval from the department Chair and area heads. Chair approval is required before you proceed any further with event planning. If you attempt to schedule an event with less than a 2-months heads up, there may be fewer resources available. Because funding is limited and distributed on a first come, first served basis, submit your proposals before the end of the first week of classes for priority consideration.

Procedures & Timelines

2–6 months prior to the event, submit the Request Event Approval form to request approval of funds and the use of resources from the Chair.

The form will ask you the following information about the event:

  1. Proposed title of event
  2. Brief description
  3. Type of event (e.g., screening, guest lecture, panel discussion, reception, etc.)
  4. Purpose and benefit to the department
  5. Target audience
  6. Whether it can fit into an existing series/initiative or paired with a class
  7. Location: On campus or off campus? And If there is an online component (e.g., Zoom)
  8. Budget info and scope, including thoughts about partnering with other units for funding and cross-promotion, and if you need support in finding funding. Here are potential partnership options / funding sources.
  9. Potential date/dates. First, be sure to consult internal planning calendars to avoid conflicts with other events with similar audiences:
    1. RTF Department Calendar
    2. Annual RTF Activities by Month
    3. Moody’s internal special event spreadsheet
    4. if you are working with another unit on co-sponsorship, check in with their event planning internal calendars.

Checklist/Timeline for Event Planning & Coordination

Starting from 2-6 months out until after the event has concluded, follow these steps for a successful event.

Phases of Event Planning

Phase I:
2–6 months prior to event date...

  1. Because funding is limited and distributed on a first come, first served basis, submit your proposals before the end of the first week of classes for priority consideration.
  2. Figure out a rough budget and whether you might need to find additional sponsorship across other areas of UT. You may need to draft an event title and abstract/description before approaching collaborators. You can always request a meeting with RTF leadership to brainstorm about your options. Do not approach the Moody College dean for funding; instead, set up a meeting with the RTF Chair.
  3. Chair Approval - Receive Written Approval from the Chair for the Event, Event Date, and Department Funding. WRITTEN CHAIR APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER.

  4. Submit appropriate request forms to secure support from RTF staff and initiate UT protocols.

  5. Contact Elana Wakeman for Event Promotion.
  6. Inform Colleagues - Add your event (once approved) to the internal calendars. We don't want others to plan events at the same time as yours!

Phase 2:
1–2 months prior to event date...address the following applicable tasks:

  1. Order Catering.

  2. Send invitations.
  3. Plan for alcohol service. Work with Milaka if you plan to have alcohol at your event.
  4. Need chairs, tables, trash cans, waters set up...? Place Facilities Requests through Milaka.
  5. Request A/V support.
  6. Request on-site coordination support. You may need to hire a student worker as additional support or find volunteers.
  7. Make arrangements for Event Photography.
  8. Make arrangements for Event Videography and/or Audio Recording.

Phase 3:
3 weeks prior to event date...address the following applicable tasks:

  1. Prepare for VIP needs.
  2. Continue working with Elana Wakeman on event promotion.

Phase 4:
2–1 week prior to event

  1. Check on RSVPs if applicable.

  2. Confirm all details.

  3. Continue to promote and send reminders.

  4. ADA Accommodation: If needed, contact the UT office of Disability and Access to request accommodations.

Phase 5:
Event Day

  1. Coordinate activities. Enjoy!
  2. Make sure you collect any invoices and turn them in to Milaka.

Phase 6:

  1. Post-event coverage if agreed to by MarCom team/Elana.
  2. Full video posted to YouTube by Tech Services team, if relevant.
  3. Follow up and thank you to VIPs.
  4. Event evaluation: assess successes/learnings, send attendee surveys, record notes for future similar events.

Community Resources for Event Planning

Request Staff Support & Initiate UT Protocols

Submit appropriate forms to secure support from RTF staff and initiate UT protocols:

  1. For any event that includes food, submit Request for OOEF, which will initiate steps towards the following:
    1. Arranging event-related travel
    2. UT approvals for future reimbursement, event purchases such as catering, and vendor contracts, if applicable
    3. Securing an off campus venue
    4. Promoting the event
  2. If you are bringing in a guest or contractor, fill out a Compensating Guests Request Form.
  3. For an on-campus room reservation, email


You will need to create a budget and have estimated funding support approved before you start planning event logistics.

Major items to consider when creating your budget are:

  • Source of funds and amount available – think about whether you will be requesting co-sponsorship from other campus units. Review this list of recommended partnership options and funding sources.

  • Funding account number/s (for help, check with

  • Estimated costs for event and creation of draft budget, considering factors that may be applicable, such as:

    • the number of people

    • and/or setup/facilitation costs

    • catering costs (including tips / service fees, if applicable)

    • travel/accommodations

    • honoraria

    • decorations

    • photographer/videographer and any other vendors

Note: For any events $10,000 or over, we will need to request the Dean’s approval at least two weeks prior to the event.

Secure the Venue


If a contract is needed...

  • Faculty/staff members are not permitted to sign contracts on behalf of the University.
  • The contract approval process usually takes 3-4 weeks.

Considerations for selecting a venue

    • Number of guests
    • Parking
    • A/V needs
    • Physical flow of activities, including food traffic and set-up
    • Rental fees
    • Signage
    • Inclement weather/back-up plan if outdoors
    • ADA Accommodations
    • Restroom access
    • Multiple vendors needed? (e.g., space rental + catering + bartender + furniture + waste removal)


Off campus venues and vendors

  • Contact Milaka for reaching out to vendors.
  • Contract needed? Once you choose your vendors and negotiate your event prices, vendors may ask you to sign their contracts. Faculty/staff members are not permitted to sign contracts on behalf of the University. You will need to submit the contract and a filled-out Business Contracts Review Checklist to to start the contract signature process through the central business office. This process usually takes 3-4 weeks.

Moody College Rooms & Spaces

UT (Non-Moody) Venues

  • To review other campus venues, use this Find a Space tool.
  • Note for screening at the Texas Union Theatre, McCullough Theatre, and other theatrical screening spaces on campus, please know that there are fairly steep rental fees.

Note: Permits are required for special events that feature any of the following:

  • tents
  • temporary cooking equipment
  • open flames
  • temporary decorative lighting
  • food trucks
  • pyrotechnics (fireworks) or flame effects

Special Events Speakers - Stipend & Travel

Below are directions for compensating and/or arranging travel or travel reimbursement for visiting speakers who will participate in public events outside of the classroom.


  • Since this event speaker is connected to an event, Chair approval for the event itself needs to be secured before proceeding.
  • The Department Chair must approve funding for paying a guest prior to making arrangements to compensate a guest or pay for a guest's travel.
  • Because funding is limited, there is no guarantee of approval.
  • UT does not allow the department to reimburse faculty or staff for paid professional services (because the University is responsible to fulfill IRS requirements for year-end reporting of non-employee compensation); instead, we will need to pay the professional/s directly.
  • *Note: If you fail to notify us until after the services have been performed, you will be required to submit an exception letter to the Dean’s office and the AVP of Purchasing for approval. There is no guarantee these exceptions will be approved, meaning that your business associates and students would be at risk of not being paid.

Procedures & Timelines

  1. If you have not already done so, submit the Event Approval Form to receive approval from the chair for the event itself.
  2. Submit the Event Speaker Request Form in advance of services in order to arrange compensation for the speaker, according the following timeline:
    1. If no travel is needed:
      1. at least 30 days prior to the visit/service
      2. at least 60 days in advance for International non-employees
    2. If travel is needed:
      1. at least 45 days in advance for domestic travel
      2. at least 60 days in advance for international travel
  3. If the event and request to compensate the speaker are both approved, the RTF Accounting team will follow up with directions for you to notify the event speaker about what is needed for compensation, and then they will follow up with the professional in order to process the payment.



Coffee, snacks, or any food or beverage for any meeting or film crew must be requested BEFORE purchase.

To request reimbursement or pay a vendor directly for food/entertainment expenses at an official meal or reception, submit the Request to submit the Official Occasion Expense Form (OOEF) at least 5 days before the event, or 10 days in advance for events estimated over $5K or alcohol is served at the event.


Sooner is better to make sure you have time to book the vendor.

Send Invitations / Request RSVPs

Your event may not need invitations. Typically we send invitations when we need a headcount or a certain minimum number of attendees. If your event does require invitations, work with both Elana (design) and Milaka (managing invitations & RSVPs). You may need to provide a guest list.

Facilities Services

If you need any of these services for on-campus events, contact Milaka to submit an event planning request them:

  • Cleaning
  • Carpentry
  • Electrical
  • Set-up and tear-down
  • Trash collection
  • Furniture (e.g., cocktail tables, chairs)

Note: These services are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and there may be associated fees, including overtime for after-hours services.

Technology & A/V Services & Considerations

Procedures & Considerations

If you would like to request assistance with technology at your event, please submit a Generic Request for Tech Team request on the Texas Moody Support Portal.

For a screening, consider the following:

  • Subtitles/Captions for ADA accommodations
  • Media format: DCP, Blu-Ray, Quicktime file…
  • Quality Control
  • Screener copy for Q&A facilitator to watch in advance/prepare
  • Other support

For a talk, consider the stage set-up and technology needs

  • Stage layout and background images (we have a slide with the department logo, for example)
  • Lighting
  • Mics
  • Recording
    • Do you plan to have the event recorded?
    • How will you use the recorded footage when complete?
  • Request access to green room from facilities manager if you need it for pre-event staging

Arrange On-Site Coordination / Support

You may need greeters, runners, set-up/tear-down help, etc. Contact Milaka to request support. If the event falls outside of business hours, you may need to solicit volunteers or hire support, such as student workers. To request hiring services/student workers, fill out this form.

Event Photography

If you need a still photographer at your event, please contact the Marketing and Communications Team. If they are unavailable to help, you can hire Texas Student Media.


  • What specific photos need to be taken?
    • Candid or formal?
    • When to take? Before, during or after the event?
  • How will the photos be placed or distributed after the event?

Ask your guests to sign release forms.

Request Event Videography and/or Audio Recording

Consider how you will use/share the video or audio recording.

Reach out to the Moody Production team at If they are unavailable to help, you can hire Texas Student Media or other student videographers.

Videography subjects will need to sign release forms.

Plan for Alcohol

If your event involves serving alcohol...

  • Note: Expenses for alcohol may not be the primary expenditure submitted for reimbursement. Spending on alcohol MUST be equal to or less than the subtotal (pre-tax/pre-tip) of total food cost. See UT policies.
  • To manage alcohol consumption and orders, consider offering a specified number of drink tickets (e.g., 1–2 per guest) and stationing a greeter at the door to hand them out to guests who have RSVP’ed.
  • On-campus events (see all UT alcohol policies)
    • UT prohibits the service of alcohol in many university locations. To be granted an exception to this policy, contact Milaka at least 3 weeks in advance of your event to submit the form to request permission to serve alcohol.
    • You will need to hire TABC-licensed bartender/s.

Prepare for VIP Guests

Work with Milaka and work out plans for what your VIP will need during their visit, such as:

  • Parking pass or swipe card for a garage
  • Quiet room
  • Signing a release form for photos and/or video/audio recording
  • Set up time for mics
  • Car service
  • Seats saved?

ADA Accommodations

If needed, contact the UT office of Disability and Access to request accommodations.

ADA Accommodations language to include in event promotion: To request accommodations such as captioning or American Sign Language services for this event, please email [RTF point of contact] at least two weeks (or 10 business days) before the event date. We will make every effort to provide services for requests made with less notice, but there is no guarantee.

Confirm Details

  1. Check in with venues and guest speakers

  2. Make sure any deliverables (screener, catering, A/V, etc.) is on target to make the event date.  If a film/TV Q&A, the facilitator may need an advanced screener.

  3. Make sure everyone involved in the production of the event knows the Run of Schedule (ROS), including times and who is in charge of different phases, if applicable (include contact info).

  4. If you have guest speakers,
    • Ask Milaka for water bottles. Make sure there’s a surface to put them on during the event.
    • Depending on the venue and recording needs, guests might need time to be mic’ed.
  5. Prepare talking points, including potential acknowledgments for event sponsors, contributors, vendors, and organizers. 

Canceling Events

If you need to cancel an event, the event organizer should:

  • Consider/craft the cancellation messaging (e.g., “This event has been canceled and will be rescheduled for a time later in this semester. Please stay tuned for further details.”)
  • Email all staff involved, so that they can proceed to instigate cancellation protocols….
    • Office Manager (Milaka Falk) and ask her to cancel room reservations and any services ordered (catering, facilities, etc.)
    • Accounting Team  to check in whether to update or cancel any POs
    • Communications/Marketing (Elana Wakeman) and ask her to
      • Notify Moody Marcom to remove/update graphics on Moody College digital monitors, kiosks, social media channels, and other planned communications
      • Update CMA 6 slides
      • Email the community
      • Update social media posts
    • If applicable, the Moody production tech team or others who may have been asked to support the event
  • Notify co-sponsors so that they can proceed with cancellation protocols in their community

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