\uD83E\uDD45 Goals
Get updates from leads
💸 Operations
Any tire updates?
Old president of UT SVT who wants to come visit. Are they goated? Feather guy
🛠️ Chief Engineer
Chief Engineer Feedback Form
I will check this on a weekly basis. It is anonymous, so please fill out if you have anything you want to tell me, especially if it is criticism
Projects I am working on this week
Creating dynamics reference sketch with displacements
Modeling Instron testing fixtures for composites
Cheefy Help Zone
Are there any projects y’all would like my help on
Areas of Interest
Array x Aeroshell layout discussion progress?
\uD83D\uDDE3 System Updates
🚨 Controls:
Motor Controller STILL isn’t working (no more CAN Issues tho)
Parthiv can say more abt this
Don’t think this is from Controls side, need to verify.
Three more members know how to use profinity/set up + debug
Maddie and Krish - Layout in progress
Lucy - Lighting schematic draft reviewed
Oscar - Leader Dash, SendTriitum
Mika - Addressing Parthiv’s ideas on dashboard, addressing pedals board accel sensor
Week Plan
meeting with Eliana Thursday to look at brakeline for board
I intend to stay on campus throughout break to catch up on whatever work is behind (after 5 PM everyday): pedals board, MC fix if possible, ordering, finalizing with dash etc.
Upcoming Deadlines
Pedal needs to have first draft completed EOW.
🔥 BPS:
Boards are developing
Michael tested his watchdog on hardware but there’s some weird stuff going on, will be starting RTOS stuff soon
Phoenix is testing her RTOS stuff on a Nucleo now
Aneri got SPI running on Nucleo and is working on it over break
Clark is pretty close to starting layout and I think he can get it done pretty quickly
Abby is also pretty close to starting but she needs to address comments on the schematic
Progress on Amperes board is kinda slow, if it conitnues to be slow I’ll starting adding more help
Week Plan
Upcoming Deadlines:
11/09/26 - BPS Software Architecture
⚡ Power Generation:
Accepted quote for MPPT
Tanya and Tong about to send review request
Erika started layout
Week Plan
finish up array layout w/ jason & send it to d2
Upcoming Deadlines
📻 Data Acquisition:
Weather + Array + Battery + Terrain all integrated. Working on simulating dynamics.
RF Receiver schematic complete. Working on layout
IMU/RPM board schematic complete. Working on layout.
Week Plan
Give thanks to the people that have given us so much
Upcoming Deadlines
- RF Board Layout
- IMU/RPM Board Layout
🔋 Power Systems:
Power board layout complete. Waiting on review. Reviews will be addresed prior to thanksgiving break and ordered by the same deadline.
Contactor driver and dataacq env board ordered.
eFuse testboard ready for review. Will be ordered alongside power board
Good progress on env board software (reading humidity and temp values on terminal).
Active precharge board undergoing a slight change (changing power delivery from LDO to buck). Finished and awaiting review.
Power monitoring board sch reviewed. Layout will start soon.
Encountered some issues when trying to spotweld on sigmaclad. Reached out to Kevin Yu (electric) with observations and questions. Havent recieved a response just yet.
Week Plan
Continue battery manufacturing (spotwelding) testing
review active precharge and eFuse testboard.
We also try out hand at the challenges placed before us. But we do it better. 😎
Upcoming Deadlines
- - Power Board Layout
- - Order Power Board
- - Order eFuse testboard
- - ESP32 Batt Char board sch
- - Power Mon board layout
- - Active Precharge layout
🔌 Electromechanical:
Started on Eplan
spot welding problems, going up sometime this week to hopefully get test module built
battery box locks finished with fea completed as well
Week Plan
design review for final cooling parts before we come back
complete mppt and motor controller cooling
Upcoming Deadlines
- Dec 4 - MPPT and MoCo Enclosures
🧑🏭 Body:
Frame 1st iteration had to be redone
Jig Design plan and Welding order started
Pedal Jig used, pedal ratio was tested and confirmed for daybreak pedal box redesign
Steering Wheel layup setup tested, CFC viable for steering wheel construction, needs some refinement
Week Plan
Go over welding theory to help with jigging/welding plan
Re-finish 1st frame iteration, start ansys sims
Decide pedal box placement/bounding box
Continue work on Daybreak pedal box redesign
Upcoming Deadlines
- Nov 16, 2024 - Roll cage position/dimensions set
- Nov 16, 2024 - Driver Model finalized
🔩 Dynamics:
Manufactured inserts for composites testing
Decided brakes
CAD for rear a-arm structure
Talked with fergo to better understand bounding boxes and HDPTS need to be changed
All members got Ansys installed
Carter is doing finding the loads related to bell cranks
Oliver and La’akea began learning manufacturing with me and Gerard
Found lower steering rack geometry
Week Plan
More mockup designs for both front and rear
Break button dimensions and forces on the rotor when we lock up
First iteration rear reference sketch
Load conditions for suspension focusing on bell cranks
Oliver and La’akea testing pushrods
Test with dummy suspension
Reviewing lower steering rack geometry
Members work on designs for upper steering, figuring out how gearbox will work
Upcoming Deadlines
- - Brake calipers and rotor size decided (Arav needs to get us this data) - Unsprung
- - Axle length (already have somewhat of an idea) – switched to doing sims instead - Unsprung
- - Upper steering architecture selected (is in talks with ergo and suspension)- Steering
- - Bump steer design optimization - Steering
- - Version 1 of Upright design in CAD - Unsprung
- - Finalize brakes and rotor config (Arav needs to get us this data) - Unsprung
- - Caliper and motor mount for Swingarm - Unsprung + Suspension
- - Decide bearings - Unspung
- - Version 1 of Hub design in CAD - Unsprung
- - Suspension Geometry Finalized - Suspension
💨 Aeroshell:
Members have been taught ANSYS
Battery box layup, worked on resin infusion research and test fixtures for composite panels
Week Plan
Everyone have a sim done of the parts that they have made by next workday
Getting into the flow of make variation, sim variation
Battery box, first frame panel test subject, maybe machining test fixtures (not sure on this yet, depends on materials), design molds for wire cutter
Upcoming Deadlines
- Nov 16. 2024 - all members have run sim
✅ Action items
⤴ Decisions
Notes over Meeting
Saturday Workday Attendance (Optional)
Less than half of leads will be there.
Not many members
None for body or composites.
Who’s going to pickle?
Maybe Aero.
Thanksgiving social ideas?
Movie night
Ishan brought food.
Laser cutter has exited LHR garage (more space)
Walt cleared out flammable cabinet in the garage so now flammable stuff can go there.
Michael was cleaning up controls room and found something he could sell for $6k.
Ops updates
Old president of solar team who wants to visit, but Nathan is gonna deal with that probably.
Some feather guy mentioned?
Chief Engr updates
Feedback form sent. Phillip wants to improve so fill it out. Especially if you want to criticize.
Projects: Creating dyna ref sketch with displacements in it. Advait and him met with materials lab prof for testing fissures for composites. If you wanna offload, then you can ask Phillip for help.