I’ve been very busy since I got home for break, so I haven’t made much progress on the PDR presentation template or Daybreak work. My apologies. Harshit made his own template for dynamics if you would like to use that as a reference. I will still try to make a general one. I am also working on resubmitting PVDR for Daybreak by New Years. I will reach out to y’all if I have any questions.
Aeroshell needs bounding boxes for everything attaching to the frame (particularly emech) and intersection points with dynamics. I know there is a full dynamics assembly in the works
Do you have any blockers or conflicts that are preventing you from making forward progress/completing certain tasks OR making things more difficult than they should be?
🚪 ⏲️
General Updates
People have been busy in general and not much responses from people on what they have been upto. However, PDR slides with things that people can fill out are posted for DYN.
Simmed old uprights on Ansys and the numbers make sense and setup makes sense. Can sim new uprights as I get them
Need to teach ppl how I did the sim setups so that I’m not the one presenting all the sims and also need to sim hubs. Working through parts as people ask or I see updates but have been busy with packing