Documentation and communication strategies (Melanie)
Workshop invitations (Brenna)
Zoom registration form (Do we need to have domain validation?)
Dress rehearsal scheduling (Melanie)
Pre-workshop tasks with Nov 16 deadline
Wikidata item profile - Katie and Yogita
Wikiproject landing page - Paloma and Katie
Upcoming deadlines
November 23 - Wikiproject and Dashboard
November 30 - Workshop sections ready for review
December meeting
Discussion items
Action items from October
Documentation repository and strategy
Katie and Melanie touched base and Katie was able to move the documentation into her business account shared folder: Checking with everyone on the call and everyone has access to the folder. Will keep an eye on potential access issues, because This accounts don't allow for shared ownership, so we need to be very mindful about succession planning. Records retention apply to this account
Elliot and Brenna have finished the outreach email
Should we remove the domain validation for utmail?
Michael will add co-hosts (Melanie and Paloma), and change the validation to "password"
There is a discrepancy between the registration confirmation (contact Michael with questions) and the invite email (contact Brenna and Elliot). This is something that zoom does by default
Everyone should test the registration
Tomorrow the messages will go out
Dress rehearsal
Melanie has sent save the dates for three different time blocks. We can do both, or we can skip one if not needed. Brenna will be out for the January one