Annotating Variants: Introduction
As we've already seen, determining the presence or absence of a variant from NGS data is not trivial. It is software dependent and has inherent trade-offs between sensitivity and specificity. Inevitably, the number of putative variants in a real data set is very large; for example the first samples from the 1000 Genomes project typically found 0.1% variants (3 million variants), approximately 10% of which had never been previously observed (300,000 novel variants per individual.) False positive discovery rates are also typically very high at this stage.
Auxiliary data is often used to reduce putative variants without compromising sensitivity. Examples of auxiliary data include other samples within a cohort, existing SNP databases, gene or other feature annotations, and sample-specific information such as pedigree:
- By comparing genotypes across a set of samples and defining one as "reference" (or "wild type") enables other samples to be properly genotyped (i.e. 0/0 for hom. WT, 0/1 for het, 1/1 for hom. alt)
- Existing SNP databases such as dbSNP or the
files from the 1000 genomes project may be used to reject "common" variants under the assertion that "common" means "non-disease causing". - Gene annotations allow for codon analysis to determine whether mutations are synonymous, non-synonymous, nonsense, mis-sense, or create early stop codons.
- Pedigree information is particularly effective in mendelian autosomal recessive diseases; filtering for heterozygous mutations in parents and unaffected siblings which are homozygous in the proband usually yields a very small set of candidate variants.
Variant annotation tools perform the function of combining the raw putative variant calls with auxiliary data to add meaning ("annotation") to the variants. In many cases, the variant detection tool itself will add certain elements of annotation, such as a definition of the variant, a genotype call, a measure of likelihood, a haplotype score, and other measures of the raw data useful to reduce false positives. In other cases, the annotator will only require a vcf
file combined with other auxiliary data.
Because these tools draw in information from may disparate sources, they can be very difficult to install, configure, use, and maintain. For example, the vcf
files from the 1000 Genomes project are arranged in a deep ftp tree by date of data generation. Large genome centers spend significant resources managing these tools.
Pre-packaged programs
Annovar - one of the most powerful yet simple to run variant annotators available
Annovar is a variant annotator. Given a vcf file from an unknown sample and a host of existing data about genes, other known SNPs, gene variants, etc., Annovar will place the discovered variants in context.
Annovar comes pre-packaged with human auxiliary data which is updated by the authors on a regular basis. It is a well-constructed package in that there is one core program
which can perform a variety of different types of annotation AND download the reference databases required.
The authors have also included a wrapper script
which runs a fairly comprehensive set of annotations automatically. You may be asking yourself "where can I find this awesome program?", but hopefully by now your assumption is that it is either on TACC or in the BioITeam folder. Generally speaking "programs" that consist of a series of scripts without many complex dependencies can easily be installed in the $BI folders. While the most popular programs will eventually be turned into modules. Despite its power, you can find this program in the $BI folders.
This next exercise will give you some idea of how Annovar works; we've taken the liberty of writing the bash script
around the existing
wrapper (a wrapper within a wrapper - a common trick) to even further simplify the process for this course.
First we want to move to a new location on $SCRATCH
Next, look at the code for our
Now let's run it on the .vcf files from the 3 individuals (NA12878, NA12891, and NA12892) from both the samtools and gatk output in the $BI/ngs_course/human_variation/ directory. (You may recognize these as the same individuals that we worked with on the Trios tutorial. Throughout the class we've been teaching you how to create a commands file using nano, but here we provide a more complex example of how you can generate a commands file. As you become more proficient with the command line, it is likely you will use various piping techniques to generate commands file. The following calls Perl to custom-create the 6 command lines needed and put them straight into a commands file
Do not run this command yet
ls $BI/ngs_course/human_variation/N*.vcf | \ perl -n -e 'chomp; $_=~/(NA\d+).*(sam|GATK)/; print " $_ >$1.$2.log 2>&1\n";' > commands
A helpful note to make your life better.
Make sure you are on an IDEV node using the showq -u command
chmod +x commands ./commands
The easiest way to check if this is working is to use ls and see an explosion of new files. This will take quite a bit of time to complete running. As such, we have ALREADY pre-computed these outputs so you can begin evaluating the results.
cds cd GVA_Annovar mkdir provided_results cd provided_results cp $BI/ngs_course/human_variation/*chrom20.samtools* .
Later, when your results have completed running (likely >90 minutes as annovar not configured to use multiple processes, compare your results to these provided results).
For the scavenger hunts below you should also copy over the GATK results.
cp $BI/ngs_course/human_variation/*chrom20.GATK* .
ANNOVAR output
Annovar does a ton of work in assessing variants for us (though if you were going for clinical interpretation, you still have a long way to go - compare this to RUNES or CarpeNovo). It provides all these output files:
NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.exome_summary.csv NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.exonic_variant_function NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.genome_summary.csv NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.hg19_ALL.sites.2010_11_dropped NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.hg19_ALL.sites.2010_11_filtered NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.hg19_avsift_dropped NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.hg19_avsift_filtered NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.hg19_esp5400_all_dropped NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.hg19_esp5400_all_filtered NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.hg19_genomicSuperDups NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.hg19_ljb_all_dropped NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.hg19_ljb_all_filtered NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.hg19_phastConsElements46way NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.hg19_snp132_dropped NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.hg19_snp132_filtered NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.log NA12878.chrom20.samtools.vcf.variant_function
The exome_summary.csv
is probably the most useful files because it brings together nearly all the useful information. Here are the fields in that file (see these docs for more information, or the Annovar filter descriptions page here):
Func | exonic, splicing, ncRNA, UTR5, UTR3, intronic, upstream, downstream, intergenic |
Gene | The common gene name |
ExonicFunc | frameshift insertion/deletion/block subst, stopgain, stoploss, nonframeshift ins/del/block stubst., nonsynonymous SNV, synonymous SNV, or Unknown |
AAChange (in gene coordinates) | |
Conserved (i.e. SNP is in a conserved region) | based on the UCSC 46-way conservation model |
SegDup (snp is in a segmental dup. region) | |
ESP5400_ALL | Alternate Allele Frequency in 3510 NHLBI ESP European American Samples |
1000g2010nov_ALL | Alternative Allele Frequency in 1000 genomes pilot project 2012 Feb release (minor allele could be reference or alternative allele). |
dbSNP132 | The id# in dbSNP if it exists |
AVSIFT | The AVSIFT score of how deleterious the variant might be |
LJB_PhyloP | Conservation score provided by dbNSFP which is re-scaled from original phylop score. The new score ranges from 0-1 with larger scores signifying higher conservation. A recommended cutoff threshold is 0.95. If the score > 0.95, the prediction is "conservative". if the score <0.95, the prediction is "non-conservative". |
LJB_PhyloP_Pred | |
LJB_SIFT | SIFT takes a query sequence and uses multiple alignment information to predict tolerated and deleterious substitutions for every position of the query sequence. Positions with normalized probabilities less than 0.05 are predicted to be deleterious, those greater than or equal to 0.05 are predicted to be tolerated. |
LJB_SIFT_Pred | |
LJB_PolyPhen2 | Functional prediction score for non-syn variants from Polyphen2 provided by dbNSFP (higher score represents functionally more deleterious). A score greater than 0.85 corresponds to prediciton of "probably damaging". The prediciton is "possbily damaging" if score is between 0.85 and 0.15, and "benign" if score is below 0.15. |
LJB_PolyPhen2_Pred | |
LJB_LRT | Functional prediction score for non-syn variants from LRT provided by dbNSFP (higher score represents functionally more deleterious. It ranges from 0 to 1. This score needs to be combined with other information prediction. If a threshold has to be picked up under some situation, 0.995 can be used as starting point. |
LJB_LRT_Pred | |
LRT_MutationTaster | Functional prediction score for non-syn variants from Mutation Taster provided by dbNSFP (higher score represents functionally more deleterious). The score ranges from 0 to 1. Similar to LRT, the prediction is not entirely depending on the score alone. But if a threshold has to be picked, 0.5 is the recommended as the starting point. |
LRT_MutationTaster_Pred | |
LJB_GERP++ | higher scores are more deleterious |
Chr | |
Start | |
End | |
Ref | Reference base |
Obs | Observed base-pair or variant |
SNP Quality value | |
filter information | |
(ALL the VCF info is here!!) | |
GT:PL:GQ for each file! |
Everything after the "LJB_GERP++" field in exome_summary came from the original VCF file, so this file REALLY contains everything you need to go on to functional analysis! This is one of the many reasons I like Annovar.
Scavenger hunts!
Other variant annotators:
- VariantAnnotator annotations
Variants consist of single base base changes, insertions and deletions, and larger scale structural changes. "Larger scale" is usually defined relative to the capabilities of the technology; for example, a "small indel" usually means "detectable within a single sequence read". In 2009, sequence reads were about 50 bp, by 2011 they were 100 bp, and today the standard hiSEQ run is 150bp and miSEQ runs can be 600bp.