The DCs in Azure are grouped based upon the Azure regions they reside in.
Do not use the following names when configuring applications to access the Austin Active Directory. The names below are for reference only.
Do not use the IP addresses of the following names when configuring firewall rules or network ACLs to access the Austin Active Directory. The IP addresses of the names below are permitted to be any value in the Austin Active Directory networks: Active Directory Networks
DCs in North Central US - PLANNED
The DCs in the North Central US region (aka the ZNC DCs) will provide BC/DR for the Austin Active Directory and Azure Active Directory. The ZNC DCs will replace the ZW2 DCs when Availability Zones are availalbe in the North Central US region.
These DCs will be in the Azure-NorthCentralUS site and use InCommon certificates.
- aad-dc-znc-p01
- aad-dc-znc-p02
DCs in South Central US
The DCs in the South Central US region (aka ZSC DCs) support authentication and authorization for domain-joined devices connected to the Virtual WAN in the same region.
These DCs are in the Azure-SouthCentralUS site and use InCommon certificates.
- aad-dc-zsc-p01
- aad-dc-zsc-p02
DCs in West US 2
The DCs in the West US 2 region (aka the ZW2 DCs) provide BC/DR for the Austin Active Directory and Azure Active Directory. The ZW2 DCs will be replaced by the ZNC DCs when Availability Zones are available in the North Central US region.
These DCs are in the Azure-WestUS2 site and use InCommon certificates.
- aad-dc-zw2-p01
- aad-dc-zw2-p02