The DCs in Azure are grouped based upon the Azure regions they reside in.
DCs in South Central US - PLANNED
The DCs in the South Central US region (aka ZSC DCs) will support authentication and authorization for domain-joined devices connected to the Virtual WAN in the same region. The ZSC DCs will be in the Austin-ZSC site and will use InCommon certificates The ZSC DCs will be deployed in early-to-mid 2023.
- aad-dc-zsc-p01
- aad-dc-zsc-p02
DCs in West US 2
The DCs in the West US 2 region (aka the ZW2 DCs) provide BC/DR for the Austin Active Directory and Azure Active Directory. The ZW2 DCs are in the Austin-ZW2 site and use InCommon certificates. The ZW2 DCs will be replaced by DCs in the North Central US region when Availability Zones become available in that region.
- aad-dc-zw2-p01
- aad-dc-zw2-p02