- Dry Run for PDR, provide feedback
Discussion Agenda
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | Expectations | Sidharth |
1 Hr | PDR Dry run | BPS |
20 min | Critiques | Sidharth |
10 min | Action Items | BPS |
Sidharth's Presentation Notes / Critiques
Speaker Notes:
- Good projection, good cadence, good facing the audience.
- Face the audience, not the slides
- Pause instead of "um" or other crutch words. It is more professional.
- Pacing is variable. Pause after each slide, and clearly introduce them.
- reading straight off slides for the most part
- Speaking very fast
- Speaking way too fast
- Over reliant on slide itself
- Assuming too much about what people know
- Good cadence, good projection
- Casual language
- Great pacing
- Face the audience
- Excellent pacing, speech cadence is very good
System Overview
- No pictures :(
- Too many words
- Use highlights to emphasize
- Use tables and other organization structures to
Next-Gen Hardware
- Generally:
- Not seeing enough comparative analysis on why you're doing things
- Ignition Sequence:
- Like the picture
- Clearly show old vs new, it is not clear
- why old system sucks
- Som architecture:
- way too many words on the first slide
- Can put most of this in speaker notes
- Next Gen BPS slide
- Why different colors on labels? Not good
- randomly starts talking about CAN, never introduce it ahead of time (tell me what you need it for)
- PeripheralSOM slide:
- Abbreviate your bullet points
- You can give the most basic ideas in the bullet points,
and explain in the presentation itself - no CAN preface
- BPS leader Board
- Weird naming when you previously started with a psom slide
- Start with a leaderSOM and then talk about the leader's full functionality
- Good pictures though
- Again, clearly highlight what things are for
- Said "as I was talking about earlier" → You never introduce clearly what the components are in a digestible way
- VoltTemp: Voltage
- Font is tiny?
- Specific chips can be a appendix / speaker note
- "The specific chip is xxx, and details are in the appendix"
- Good explanation from champers on why you're switching
- VoltTemp: Temperature
- Good introductory technical explanation
- Again, too many words
- Speeding up trying to read everything - Make your life easier, put less words on the slides and use speaker notes and practice
- BPS Debugging Board:
- Explanation about why debug board is needed was good
- Only slide where I really got a justification
Next-Gen Software
- Embedded-Sharepoint
- Good comparative analysis of HAL vs SPL
- Didn't tell me a ton of what ESHARE does though or really why
- Tell me why having a common core is good
- FreeRTOS:
- Somewhat of a comparative analysis, but could be clearer
- Could limit text a bit more, but voerall decent slide
- Don't need the "subpoints" just making them speaker notes
- HAL Drivers Migration, Why?
- Telling me benefits - good
- Tell me the cons you've identified, and why they're acceptable
- State of Charge Calculation
- Not too much text - good
- State of Charge 2
- If you put kalman filter on here, people will ask question about it. Be prepared
- Dynamic Drift / Error Correction
- way too much text
- Brought up why our particular system is special (charges and discharges during runtime) - emphasize this as a justification
BPS' Presentation Notes / Critiques
Ninette's Presentation Notes / Critiques
System Overview
- Lakshay
- Face the audience
- Don't read the slides word for word
- Slow down to let the audience comprehend
- So many words on the slides
Next-Gen Hardware
- Champers
- Good speed
- Nice, simple diagram/picture
- Too many words on VoltTemp slides
- Well explained
- Lakshay
- Better speed
- Simplify syntax
Next-Gen Software
- Michael
- Good speed
- Simplify text... maybe add images
- Kartik
- Explained well
- Nathan
- Perfect table!
- Why Dynamic Drift / Error Correction WALL OF TEXT
- Good understanding of the topic
Nathan's Presentation Notes / Critiques
- Lakshay
- Talk to the audience, not the screen. Overall, good presentation
- Champers
- Good speed and presentation
- Ninette
- Good speed and explanations
- Micheal
- Good speed and presentation
- Kartik
- Explained well
- Why did you go down that path
- Why are you doing things this way
- Uniform, easy-to-read slides
- Go in the depth of each idea and topic