G.5 Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Each candidate must prepare a comprehensive CV that documents their professional accomplishments.

The CV must clearly distinguish between accomplishments in rank and in a previous rank.

Tenured associate professors who were promoted from tenure-track assistant professor to tenured associate professor at UT Austin may include accomplishments during the academic year corresponding to the previous promotion review as accomplishments in rank. However, each accomplishment must count toward only one promotion at UT Austin. For example, if a paper was listed as in-press for promotion from tenure-track assistant to tenured associate professor, that paper must not be counted as in rank for promotion to full professor.

Two exceptions to this rule exist:

  • Tenure-track assistant professors may consider accomplishments as a tenure-track instructor at UT as in rank
  • Tenured associate professors may consider accomplishments in rank as a tenure-track associate professor at UT Austin as in rank.

Each college/school is strongly encouraged to create a CV template that includes all required components for their promotion candidates to use to help standardize the presentation of material. Templates must include the elements listed below. In colleges/schools that do not offer a template, the candidate must provide a CV with the following minimum elements:

  • All degrees, fields of study, dates awarded
  • Names of any formal advisors, including PhD advisor(s) and postdoctoral mentor(s)
    • Throughout the CV, the names of these formal advisors/mentors must be highlighted
  • Titles of the candidate’s thesis or dissertation
  • Professional registrations, licensures, certifications
  • All academic employment and/or appointments and dates of affiliation
  • Complete record of publications/scholarship/creative work categorized by type, including:
    • Publications and other evidence of scholarship/creativity listed by type (e.g., books, chapters, papers, reports, proceedings, performances, and other materials)
    • Peer-reviewed work must be identified
    • Link to Google Scholar profile or other online tool for tracking citation metrics, if appropriate for the candidate’s discipline. (This link must remain public for the duration of the dossier review.)
    • Complete list of names of co-authors in the order that they appear in the publication
    • Clear designation of the candidate’s role if not an author (e.g., editor or translator)
    • Forthcoming works must be clearly labeled (e.g., accepted or in press) and the date of notification must be listed
    • If listed on the CV, works in progress (e.g., in preparation, submitted, or under review) must be clearly labeled and applicable dates must be listed
    • Beginning and ending page numbers for papers (or total number of pages if page numbers are not available) and total number of pages for books and book chapters
    • Scholarly presentations or creative performances/exhibitions
    • Acceptance rates where relevant (e.g., conference proceedings)
    • Identify any open-access publications
  • Complete record of the candidate’s external and internal funding.
    • Unless otherwise defined by the template provided by the college/school, each grant, contract, or award should be into assigned to one of five funding categories:
      • Sponsored Research Funding – Candidate Serves as PI/co-PI/co-I
      • Sponsored Research Funding – Candidate Serves in Key Personnel Role (other than PI/co-PI/co-I)
      • Gifts and Other External Research Awards or Contracts
      • Internal Research Funding – Candidate Serves as PI/co-PI/co-I
      • Internal Research Funding – Candidate Serves in Key Personnel Role (other than PI/co-PI/co-I)
    • Projects within each category must be grouped by funding status (Current, Under Review, or Completed). Seven information fields must be reported for each project:
      • Sponsor name
      • Name and Affiliation of the Principal Investigator
      • Role of the Candidate (PI, co-PI, co-I, Other Key Personnel, or Consultant)
      • Project Title
      • Project/funding period
      • Affiliation and relative effort of each PI and co-PI
      • Funding amount under candidate’s supervision
    • Candidates should list external funding from any source (e.g., a federal agency, state or local agency, industry, foundation, or foreign entity). The sponsor of internal funds should also be identified.
  • Patents and associated status (e.g., issued, pending, and application filed). Identify patents that are based on research conducted while holding a faculty appointment at UT Austin.
  • All formal mentoring activities and first placement of former graduate students and postdoctoral scholars
  • Administrative and committee service, and academic-related professional and public service with dates
  • Honors, awards, and other evidence of merit or recognition with dates