CUA page (courseuser assignment) (for UT)

Bookmark this page! So, so much can be done from here! (if you need to drill into a different bucket – high school, external college, readiness material–bookmark one level up – – and select the appropriate bucket)

drilling down into a specific institution

entering in the learning module ( will get you to preview the assignment, verify all assignments present, push pregenerate button, will allow you to set (existing and newly added) students on beta

Just some of the things you can do from these pages:

-generate missing course user assignments (cuas) on the instances (masq: instructor, click on assignment of interest, get the, or which comes from the instructor URL of the assignment, instances, main, generate missing instances)

-look up a specific instance for a student assignment, to then see pdf, or solution pdf (spdf), webcam (if accessible), and individual question part inputs (instance numbers can be found two ways 1) from student URL, look for clues if it's the modsession,,, 2) from (ie prof, upper umbrella assignment), drilling down into an individual student

-add an instructor/TA to a class (enter in,, instructors tab, enter in UTeid, edit, and then select the correct role in the drop down)

-add an instructor/contributing editor to an institution (usually high school) may need to be on old production (ie beta=none on sys admin page, put in your uteid). You will need to know the institution code:

Once you have the institution code, take that and the UT eid to the manage credentials (at the bottom of the bucket cua page --ie highs schools

and then the appropriate credential (role = instructor, and contributing editor)