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PncHelp and PNC Updates

This page contains directions on how to access PNC Help and the latest PNC Product Updates.

PncHelp contains documentation including on using WebPnc, in the form of videos and documents.

  • If you don’t see these, please contact HITS to add this feature to your profile.

Access PncHelp 

In PncSchedule, click the drop-down arrow at the top of right of your window to open the help menu:

PNC Product Updates

In PNCHelp > Under "What's New" you can find the latest PNC Product Updates

Scrolling all the way down on the Product Update page takes you to "Full Release Notes"

Lots of web app tutorials

Click one of the blue buttons for information or do a keyword search in the top right.

  • If you select “Getting Started” under Web Apps, you see a list of related articles.

This is the list from WebApps>Getting Started:

  • If you type a subject such as “web scheduling” in the search area in the top right, you’ll get a list of articles containing those key words.