Visiting Faculty

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What are visiting faculty?

Per Rule 31001: Faculty Appointments and Titles, Visiting Faculty appointments are temporary (non-tenure track) appointments for those who are either: a) Visiting from other institutions where they hold similar ranks or b) brought to the institution on a trial basis. Contract terms are not to exceed two academic years, and are not renewable.

The Visiting faculty track includes the following professional-track titles: 

  • Visiting Professor (0012)

  • Visiting Associate Professor (0022)

  • Note that per HOP 2-2010, the title Visiting Assistant Professor is not used at UT Austin

Related faculty tracks include:

  • Adjunct (Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor, Adjunct Assistant Professor): A qualified person from business, industry, government, private practice, or another institution of higher education who may be participating in teaching, research, or clinical care at a UT institution. Adjunct contracts are not to exceed one academic year.

  • Research titles, paid and unpaid: See COE: Research Positions.

For information on other professional track (non-tenured) tracks, titles, and ranks, see COE: Titles and Ranks - Professional Track Faculty.

Contracts for visiting faculty

When a fully-executed contract is required for visiting faculty, use the appropriate Visiting Faculty Agreement template found on the Business Contracts Office website. Consult with Academic Personnel Services (APS) and the Business Contracts Office as needed.


See COE: Hiring Professional Track Faculty.



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Karla Steffen 3 (26 days ago)