Academic Appointments

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Jobs vs. Academic appointments

In Workday, referring to an appointment is not the same as referring to a job. See Workday: Terminology Talk - Academic Appointments for more information.

  • Jobs = job profile, compensation, and costing in a Supervisory Organization

  • Academic appointments = academic title tied to an Academic Unit

Academic Units are a parallel structure in Workday that is distinct, but related to, the Supervisory Organization structure. In Workday, academic appointments are used to track key information related to a worker’s academic relationship with the university, including dates, academic unit, rank, title, and tenure status. It is also used to track key information about endowment holders and emeritus faculty. Information in academic appointments is separate from compensation and other job information.

Employees always have positions in Workday, but they may not always have an academic appointment. The following job families are eligible for academic appointments in Workday:

  • Faculty Non-Tenure Track

  • Faculty Tenure-Track

  • Administrative & Professional (A&P) - Academic

  • Some Academic Affiliate titles (adjuncts, clinical affiliates, etc.)

    • A&P Research, A&P Research Fellows, Extension Instructors, and Summer Assignments job families are not eligible for academic appointments.

Note that when an Academic Affiliate appointment ends, Workday access is removed on the effective date of the transaction. See Duration of Worker Access to Workday.

To view Academic Unit information for an academic department, type au: [department name] into the Search bar in Workday.

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Managing academic appointments

See Academic Appointments - Workday Process Overview.

Academic appointments are managed as follows:


Processed by CSU
(Academic HR Partner)

Processed by Provost’s Office
(Academic Specialist)

Processed via system integration
(Non-Workday system) data pushed to Workday



Processed by CSU
(Academic HR Partner)

Processed by Provost’s Office
(Academic Specialist)

Processed via system integration
(Non-Workday system) data pushed to Workday


Add new

  • Faculty courtesy appointment

  • Affiliation with an Academic Unit

  • New A&P Academic

  • New retired faculty

  • New faculty awards

  • Switch appointment track

  • Faculty new hire (PAR)

  • New joint faculty assignment (PAR)

  • New endowment (VIP)

Add Academic Appointment W.I.G.


  • Administrative change to affiliation with an Academic Unit


  • Change related to promotion, terminal appointments, degree contingency for A&P Academic or active faculty

  • Administrative changes for A&P Academic, faculty, retired/active retired faculty or awarded faculty members

  • Change to endowment (VIP)

Update Academic Appointment W.I.G.


  • End of courtesy appointment for faculty

  • End of affiliation with an Academic Unit for academic affiliate

  • Termination/retirement

  • Switch appointment track

  • End of endowment (VIP)

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Types of academic appointments

There are two types of academic appointments in Workday: Academic Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty. Each is explained below.

Both Academic Affiliate and Courtesy Faculty appointments are Academic Appointments and exist in the parallel but distinct Academic Unit (AU) hierarchy structure rather than the Supervisory Organization hierarchy structure. For this reason, an Academic Partner role on the Academic Unit is required in order to process these appointments in Workday - note that these roles are assigned separately from the Academic HR Partner role in supervisory organizations.

Academic Affiliate or Courtesy Faculty?

See the Academic Appointment Workday Process Overview.

Academic AffiliateNon-faculty professionals who may perform academic functions at the University and therefore need access to UT's systems and services (replaces Adjunct/Clinical affiliates used in legacy system). Academic affiliates are not UT Austin employees and therefore do not hold a job or position within the department. Instead, they are strictly academic appointments in the department's academic unit, and the Academic Affiliate category allows them to be tracked and reported on in Workday. These 0%-time appointments have no job or compensation information in Workday, and should only be used to grant short-term access to UT's systems.

See processing instructions at Academic Affiliate process on this page.

Courtesy Faculty: Courtesy faculty appointments can only be created for a faculty member who already has a primary faculty position in another unit at UT Austin. The appointments are used to establish less formal relationships with other departments or colleges, and can continue so long as it is mutually agreeable for both CSUs. Courtesy faculty appointments are not jobs and have no associated hours or compensation. They are strictly academic appointments. Note that courtesy appointments are Academic Appointments only and will not show up in a faculty member's Workday Job Profile. Instead, view the "Academic" tab of the worker profile, then navigate to the "Current Appointments" tab to view a courtesy faculty position.

See processing instructions at Courtesy faculty process on this page.

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Academic Affiliate process

  1. No PAR needed.

  2. No offer letter needed.

  3. Follow the process described in the Add Academic Appointments W.I.G. to add the Academic Affiliate position in Workday. Include the following:

    1. Attach the candidate's current CV to the business process.

    2. In the comments of the business process, include a short summary of what the affiliate will be doing while holding this appointment.


  • Departments should process End Academic Appointments for their academic affiliates once the appointments are no longer needed.

  • Affiliates who are being converted to employee must have the conversion process (manual or via a PAR) completed before the academic appointment is ended. See Convert Contingent Worker W.I.G. for instructions.

Academic Affiliate privileges

To add or update privileges for an existing academic affiliate's appointment, see Add or Update Privileges for an Academic Affiliate W.I.G.

Different levels of privileges incur different costs to the University, so it is important to select only the level actually needed. The following privilege levels are available in Workday to non-employees:

  • Fully Privileged - This is the highest privilege level and conveys the same accesses and services offered to paid employees; including inclusion in the UT Directory and eligibility for a University ID card and library access.  The Network Access privilege must be added, in combination with this privilege, to ensure network services, such as Wi-Fi and VPN, work the same as a full time staff.

  • Official Visitor - This applies to individuals who have short-term affiliations with a university agency or program and are sponsored by a department.  The privilege provides access to many campus services, including eligibility for a University ID Card, library access, and Network Access.

  • University ID Card (building access) - This card includes a built-in reader element that allows access to restricted-entry buildings on campus, when authorized by the department.  Select this privilege if the worker only needs building access.  The incidental account will incur a charge for this card.

  • Network Access - This privilege allows the worker access to the campus wireless network.  By default, the campus wireless network is not accessible to nonemployees unless the privileges include Official Visitor.  By selecting the privilege of Network Access alone or in combination with other privileges, the department is sponsoring network privileges for workers assigned to the position and take responsibility for the worker's actions on the network.  This entitlement extends the same network access (Wi-Fi, VPN) as full time staff (at cost to the university).  Departments should only grant this access for uses consistent with the university's mission.  *Minors* may not be granted access to the network unless the sponsoring department contacts ITS Networking to sign an MOU.

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Courtesy Faculty process

  1. No PAR needed.

  2. A signed offer letter is required - use a freshly-downloaded copy of EVPP’s “Courtesy Appointments” template from Home - Faculty Affairs & Academic Personnel Services ( > Knowledge (top right corner) > FA/APS Knowledge Articles > Offer Letter Templates > Departmentalized CSUs.

  3. Follow the process described in the Add Academic Appointments W.I.G. to add the Academic Affiliate position in Workday. Include the following:

    1. Attach the candidate's current CV to the business process.

    2. Attach the signed offer letter.

Note: Departments should process End Academic Appointments for their courtesy faculty once the appointments are no longer needed.

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