This page provides links to the IRC's GutHub MATLAB code repository as well as descriptions, instructions, and sample data.
Repository Location and List
The GitHib repository is located here: https://github.com/utexas-irc/MATLAB-code
The list of tools includes:
- checkPNMode: a function that reports the mode of prescan normalization used to acquire a Siemens MR DICOM
- dcm2jpg: a function that will convert a DICOM image to a JPEG image
- dcmvolread: a function that will read all the DICOM files within a directory of a 3D scan, and order them for MPRs
- ernst: a script that will calculate the Ernst angle for an MRI scan given the TR and tissue T1
- movementtracker: a function that will read all MOSAIC DICOMs in a directory, coregister them (Affine), and plot the three rotational factors temporally
- nameLikeXnat: a function that will copy or rename all DICOMs in a directory using XNAT's naming convention
- nlv: a simple GUI-based DICOM viewer written for the NEU366L lab. Rudimentary tools included.
- splitSiemensScans: a function that will take a bulk scan DICOM directory and split all the individual series into respective folders with intuitive names
- v3: a simple 3 axis viewer for 3D datasets (usually used with dcmvolread to import the image data)
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