Frame Research Overview
Frame 101: Guide to the Frame Subsystem
Take hardpoint and design specs and design a tubular frame
1/1.1+ FOS, minimize stress and displacement of tubes
Validate using ANSYS
Design frame job
Send design to VR3
Weld using TIG welding principles
Forces & Moments
Axial Force
Parallel to the member
Cause tension or compression
Plastic deformation (necking) or buckling
Tubes most resistant to this
Short, stiffer tubing -> less chance of buckling
Shear Force
Perpendicular to the member
“Cutting force”
Tubes aren’t that resistent
Bending Moment
Rigid body bends
Rotation about a fixed point causes bending stress
Torsional Forces
Twisting forces result of torque applied
Assume infinite stiffness in specific degrees of freedom
Resist different forces and moments based on type
Change in length/Original Length
Elastic Modulus
Elastic region - linear
Yield Strength
Maximum stress a material can have before plastic deformation
FOS measured by this
Ultimate Strength
Maxiumum stress a material can have before fracture
Perpendicular to cross-section (compression/tension)
Parallel to cross-section (bolt shearing)
Shear stress caused by moment
Twisting force
Caused by moment with tension and compressive stress
Calculated by bending moment, moment of inertia, and vertical distance
Most stable
Create lateral support
Avoid if can
Results in reduction of overall strength
Add bracing to compensate for bends
Avoided if can
When one tube dead ends another
Could cause bending
Design Tips
Separate different parts of the frame
Create the load cases contact points
Use VR3 design reqs immediately
Trim Tube
Ensure both “Allow Extension” and “Bodies” is turned off
“Face/place” only utilized when one side of tube is being cut
Interference Detecion
To ensure there are no tubes intersecting\
Zero Thickness Geometry
Means there is a gap between tubes
Fix by ensure “Allow Extension” is turned off
Combine frame with combine tool and export as parasolid (.x_t)
How to FEA
How to start a simulation
Static Structural project and import parasolid file
Open model, wait to launch
Make sure proper material is applied
More nodes the better/more accurate
Hold geometry to simulate a load case
Use a displacement or remote displacement to accurately represent deformation
Support four tire contact patch locations
Forces/Load Cases
Apply force to specific place ASC guidelines want, and document/screenshot
Equivalent (von-mises) stress
Maximum principal stress
Frame can’t displace more than 25 mm
FOS can’t be below 1 (for roll-cage it’s 1.1)
What to do if fail
Analyze ALL load cases
Frame Jigging
Assembly of parts properly supporting the frame
How to design a frame jig
Table flush jobs support entire bottom level of frame
Build from ground up
Optical table used for constraining DOFs
Consider dynamics of joining process
Parts cool at fast rate in open air = martensitics formation (deformed shape) and weld distortion
Martensite = extremely hard and brittle phase
Reduce by increasing time takes for weld to cool
Most likely to see distortion when weld cools, consider heat transfer
Critical external features then critical internal
Simple stiffest jigs that restrict all 6 DOFs and prioritize accessibility
TIG welding means Tungsten Inert Gas Welding
Involves tungsten electrode generate arc to melt metal
Welder pedal -> arc generated by bridging gap between mtal and torch’s electrode
Puddle of molten metal joins it
AC - Aluminum, DC - Steel
Pre and Post-Flow
Pre-Flow refers to flow before arc
Post-Flow refers to flow after arc is stopped
Keep torch at 15-30 degree angle
Frame Design Early Research
Early Design Considerations of the Frame
Look at design regulations
Maximum vehicle dimensions
Occupant space required clearances
Roll cage construction regulations
Required load cases
Wheelbase to track width
Define main goals
Light weight
Low center of gravity stab;e
Ergonomic comfort
High-level design choices
Body Shape
More suitable for CX races
Rear-biased in weight
Long and narrow
Shape hard to keep
Wider and bulkier
Distributed weight
Interior room
Can’t run over as easy
Wheel Configuration
4 wheeled
Less energy efficient
Dynaniacall stable
Motor on left/right rear wheel
Simple suspension design
Tire wear
Simple, stable handling
Lots of design resources
3 wheeled
More energy efficient
Less dynamically stable (esp at corners)
Symmetric design
Complex suspension design
Look better with narrower tear-drop profile
Need wider track width and wheel base
Balance COG and position of driver/battery so that 60-70 percent of weight shifts while braking
Handling is difficult
More innovative
Fram configuration
Tubular Space Frame
Quick design
Cheap and less time consuming
Mounting is complex
Simulation less complex
More jigging during manufacturing
Compositive monocoque
Extensive time
Expensive and time-consuming
Lightweight and energy efficient
Mounting suspernion complex
Simulation complex
Less jigging
Heavy structure turns light weight
Complicates validation
Starts development of composite monocoque
Main goals
Design for suspension
Form around hardpoints
Choose height and width
Design for ergonomics
Interior room and enveloping driver trade off
Room for driver’s legs
Room for ergo
Design for battery and motor controller
Leave space
Design for aeroshell
Canopy and roll cage are designed in tandem
Thickness or chassis
Performance targets
Locate major systems to optimize stability
Determine target center of gravity based on predetermined track width and wheel base
3 wheeled, COG longitudinally located nearer to front axle
Ways to lower COG height
Where driver and battery location to dynamically stable max
ASC 2024 Regulations
10.3A: Occupant Cell
Roll cage
Structural cage encompassing driver from shoulders up
Can’t be made of composites, have to be metal
Needs to deflect body/array panels of car up and away from occupant
Front roll cage angled backward
Structural Chassis
Tubular frame/monocoque composite chassis/hybird encompassing occupant’s body and where suspension sys is connected
Occupant Cell
Combo of roll cage and structural chassis
Must provide documentation stating which part of car is occupant cell
Encompasses driver in all directions and chassis can’t interfere with cell at all
Protection must be documented
Preliminary sketch and description need to be submitted to ASC HQ
Helmet comes in contact then padding that absorbs energy and must be bonded and secured
Must be 50 mm of clearance in all directions between any member in occupant cell and helmets of occupants seated in norm driver position
Must be 30mm to clearance btw occupants helmet and padding
Any carbon fiber within 500 mm of center of occupants head and above occupants shoulders need shatter resistent fabric
Can’t deform more than 25mm and will not fail UTS
Must be a head restraint behind occupant’s head without use of cable ties, fabric straps, or temp attachments, must support head
10.3C: Occupant Space
Occupant space for each upper torso is arc with 835 mm radius measured from hip point and projects forward 45 degrees from vertical, 25 degrees rearwards, and 7 degrees side-to-side from centerpoint of driver
Structure must lie outside of occupant space, only steering wheel, mirrors, seat backs, and head restraints can be inside
Driver’s head must be above and behind driver’s feet, seat must be approx constructed with solid base and back rest
Appendix F
Report Presentation
Submit report following format
Loading conditions
Suspension and steering systems
1G turn, 2G bump, and 1G braking
Loads applied to wheel patch
Vehicle Impact Analysis
Describe vehicle frame, construction techniques, incl materials used, important dimensions and properties
List specific impact criteria adn sample calculations and computer output
Structural drawings from top, front, side, rear, isometric
Driver location and orientation
All members considered “structural”
Locations of ballast and batteries
Locations of chassis hard points (points of attachment)
Calculated center of mass
Driver’s compartment from top, front, side
Driver location
Roll cage design and location
Location of structural members
Driver’s harness attachment points
Must contain isometric drawing of body and solar collector
3D elements should be used for all joints
Shell elements require a FOS of 1.4 or greater
Occupant Cell Impact
Bumper height 100mm, width of 600mm, and elevation 350mm
Can’t deform more than 25 mm and can’t exceed UTS
Load cases (5g)
3 side impact locations
Roll Cage Impact
Loading patch no more than 150mm diameter
Can’t exceed yield strength
Load cases
Combined loading (5g down, 4g backward, 1.5g lateral)
Sideways angled loading (5g at 30 degrees downward from horizontal)
Sideways angled loading (5g at 60 degrees downward from horizontal)
Sideways horizontal loading (5g at the top of the hoop)
Rearward horizontal loading (5g at the top of the hoop)
Roll Cage Notes
Bars are placed to share the load
Diagonal tubes prevent longitudinal loads, made it more rigid and stronger
Try to attach the horizontal and diagonal members as high up as possible
Asymmetrical roll cages aren’t recommended
Front and rear members of roll cages needs slope to deflect
Slope of roll cage bars of 15 degrees
Figure 1: Daybreak Car LHRS
Figure 2: Michigan Car ASC 2018
Figure 3: Michigan Car 2024
Figure 5: Meet University of Michigan Student Engineer Garrett Simard - Corporate Blog