Changing from MBA21.mccombs.utexas.edu to MBA.utexas.edu for your email domain

Changing from MBA21.mccombs.utexas.edu to MBA.utexas.edu for your email domain

If you are a current 2nd year MBA student who is considering changing your email address's domain from MBA21.mccombs.utexas.edu to simply MBA.utexas.edu, here are several things to take into account. You are urged to consider this a change and not an addition.

If you proceed with this change, here is what will happen with the address in the form A.B@MBA.utexas.edu.

  1. A.B@MBA.utexas.edu will be added to your Office 365 mailbox.
    1. You will need to configure every mail client again to use the new address.
    2. Your current Office 365 mailbox will receive mail sent to the new address.
    3. You will send mail out with the new address as the "From" address.

  2. When you graduate, your Office 365 mailbox will be deleted and your mail will begin to bounce. However, you can sign up for lifetime email forwarding prior to graduation.
    1. No mailbox will exist, so you cannot send email as the lifetime email address.
    2. Your A.B@MBA.utexas.edu address will now act as an alias that forwards to whatever destination address you chose when you enabled lifetime forwarding.

If you proceed with this change, here is what will happen with the address in the form A.B@MBA21.mccombs.utexas.edu.

  1. A.B@MBA21.mccombs.utexas.edu will remain on your Office 365 mailbox.
    1. You will continue to receive mail sent to the old address only until your Office 365 mailbox is deleted after leaving the University.
    2. You will no longer be able to send mail out with the old address as the "From" address.

  2. When you graduate, your Office 365 mailbox will be deleted and your A.B@MBA21.mccombs.utexas.edu address will cease to function. Mail sent to this address will bounce.

Please consider carefully whether changing to the MBA.utexas.edu email domain is worth living with these consequences. We are happy to answer any further questions you have, and only once you are satisfied that you understand and accept the consequences, ask us to proceed and we will make the change.