B.5 On-Time Promotion Review of Tenure-Track Associate & Full Professors

(a) Maximum Number of Years of Probationary Service at UT Austin

Cases considered during the third year of probationary service at UT Austin are considered on-time reviews.

    • These cases are also considered mandatory reviews (“up-or-out”).
    • Accelerated reviews of faculty members in these titles are not permitted due to the University’s minimum years of service requirement (Section A.10).

(b) Expectations for On-Time Promotion for Tenure-Track Associate and Full Professors

While tenure-track associate professors have a shorter time in rank before mandatory tenure review compared with tenure-track assistant professors, the same criteria and expectations [Subsection B.3(c)] apply across all four areas of review (Section A.7).

Similarly, the criteria and expectations for on-time promotion to full professor [Section C.3(c)] apply to tenure-track full professors.

In all cases, emphasis is placed on the candidate’s accomplishments at UT Austin.

(c) Levels of Review for Mandatory Tenure Review of Tenure-Track Associate and Full Professors

Mandatory review cases of tenure-track associate and full professors progress through all levels of review unless the candidate either

(1) resigns from the University or

(2) is terminated by the University for disciplinary reasons in accordance with Regents Rule 31008.

(d) Recommendation Options for Mandatory Review of Tenure-Track Associate Professors

At each level of review defined in Section A.2, recommendation options for mandatory review are:

(1) “award tenure in rank of associate professor,”

(2) “promote to professor with tenure,” or

(3) “terminal appointment.”

(e) Recommendation Options for Mandatory Review of Tenure-Track Full Professors

At each level of review defined in Section A.2, recommendation options for mandatory review are:

(1) “award tenure in rank of professor” or

(2) “terminal appointment.”