G.7 Research | (e) Scholarly Collaboration Statement

The candidate must provide a brief narrative (limited to two pages) that provides an overview of their research and scholarly collaborations and how their participation contributed to the overall impact of the work.

Candidates are encouraged to group their scholarly activities by collaboration and identify the publications and grants using the numbering schemes on their CV.

The discussion must address the nature of the collaborations, the standards for listing co-authors on papers, their roles and responsibilities on any grants, and metrics for evaluating their individual contributions to the collaboration.

Several example scenarios are outlined below.

  • A candidate has continued to collaborate with their PhD advisor or postdoc mentor throughout their time in rank.
    • The discussion must address why these collaborations are in the best interest of the candidate’s future development as an independent researcher.
  • A candidate and a tenured faculty member in their primary academic unit collaborate frequently.
    • The discussion must address the candidate's unique contributions to the collaboration.
  • A candidate is part of a large consortium of researchers from around the world who use a field observatory.
    • Most of the candidate’s publications include the names of all the consortium members.
  • A candidate is funded via a multi-institutional NIH grant with researchers from three other universities.
    • Most of the candidate’s publications include the names of the principal investigators from the four universities.