Bioaerosol Sampling With SKC Biosampler Impinger, a video post on #IndoorMicro #Biomethods

A video post on methods! Today Chloe Wooldridge and Juan P. Maestre talking about the SKC Biosampler.

According to wikipedia a bioaerosol "is a suspension of airborne particles that contain living organisms or were released from living organisms".  These particles vary in size, from nanometers (viruses), micrometers (bacteria and fungi), to hundred micrometers (pollen particles). Bioaerosols can be collected by means a variety of devices such as collection plates, electrostatic collectors, and impactors.

The SKC Biosampler is an impactor, part of the so-called impinger samplers. These kind of samplers impact bioaerosols into a liquid, such as phosphate buffer solution (PBS), that swirls upward on the sampler's inner wall and collects the particles. According to SKC, the BioSampler is a highly efficient collector and only requires a high-volume sonic flow pump to trap airborne microorganisms.

Here the video on how to use this device.

I hope you like it!


Here for your reference, a couple of papers using this device: 1 and 2.