CMB 6.102 - Front Of House Mixer - How to Reset the SoundCraft to Moody Defaults

The backup of the SoundCraft Front of House Mixer is 

Loaded on this wiki download link 

Here is the backup file to re-load on the SoundCraft
Press Menu

Press Show

Then choose "Save As" to 

save a show

Enter a name for the default setup or show

you would like to save

Press Apply

Use the scroll knob to 

navigate where you want to save the file

When the directory to save the file is selected

Press OK to save

Show will export

Then to load the default settings back into the board.

Press LOAD

Navigate to the 6A Default.ssh

Press OK to load it

This will overwrite

Click YES

Once the files import then the board will re-set to 

our Moody Defaults