2014-05-20 Meeting Notes DPIG


20 May 2014



  • AWG updates
  • ArchivesSpace update
  • ideas for focused topics/speakers/demos for subsequent meetings?
    • cloud storage addressed in donor agreements - Georgia Harper
    • grant-funded project ideas?
    • migrating accession records from FMP to archivists' toolkit?
    • demo something you find useful
  • Round robin updates

Discussion Items

Archivematica Working Group updatesMelanie & Ladd
  • detailed meeting notes in wiki (labelled "AWG")
  • weekly meetings Thursdays, 10am, for the next several weeks
  • Ladd's initial tests w/ small files on Amazon instance: really slow processes (esp FITS)
  • will have user logins ready for Thursday meeting
  • mount storage on desktop to speed up processing?
  • balancing batch processing need and transfer processing speed
  • question about what Archivematica's "Standard" transfer is
Streaming Media ServicesLadd
  • demonstrated Avalon for CTL
  • Could demo for UT-DPIG
ArchivesSpace updateJennifer
  • revisit this in a year
  • documentation behind membership req is problematic
  • iSchool is exploring educational use - tap Carlos for details
ideas for meeting topics/speakers/demosall
  • DPOC project updates (e.g. VRC Drupal interface demo)
    • NOTE: Nature of DPOC is currently changing
  • LIFT funding opportunities
  • Grant funding ideas?
    • Adam - TACC established relationships via internally funded seed projects for future grants; challenging process with TACC b/c of resource allocation among competing grants; paradigm shift needed, since projects in early stages not likely to win awards due to lack of proof of concept and startup costs. Duke as model (spend $$ to make $$)
    • Elizabeth - engage Computer Science faculty and students in early project momentum-building - integrate digital projects with CS curriculum
    • Jen - pairing iSchool and CS students as teams on innovative UTL projects
    • Inroads with CS?
  • Every third DPIG meeting - breakout groups?
  • Exploring BitCurator use at UT Libs; workshop w/ Porter Olsen 5/21, and talk 5/22 in iSchool - maybe demo BitCurator for UT-DPIG?
  • New unit in UT Libs - Digital Curation Services (Digitization services, Scholarly comm, Digital archivist (recruitment pending) announced last Friday)
  • Implementation working group on Digital Curation, more news forthcoming
  • Learning Drupal theming
  • Working on The Voice website
  • attending Digital Humanities conferences, exploring Libraries' place/role
  • Faculty driven projects:
    • 900+ slides of 16th century Mexican architecture; collaborating with ArtStor (cost-sharing) and using SharedShelf
    • Fat Cookie Login transition issues
  • New School of Architecture website with Drupal
    • VRC site forthcoming
  • Large, growing archive of born digital and digitized archeological documents - needs long-term home and rich online publication. Currently have medium-term archival home w/ TACC.
    • tried automated metadata extraction process with TACC
    • TACC isn't long-term archival storage solution
    • now at point of publication, looking for appropriate platform (data blog?)
    • this illustrates typical archeological data problem
  • NEH startup grant
    • develop workflow and software solution: Cultural Heritage Imaging and Digital Lab Notebook
      • user-generated metadata created during workflow of taking pictures, transforming them, and producing 3D model
      • focusing on problem space of point-of-creation metadata - well-formed package to hand to Library/Archive for digital preservation
  • PI on project researching period assertions
    • recording usage
  • Randy Deal - Archeology Summit Friday 5/24, will include:
    • TARL at Pickle - COLA discussion about what to do with it
    • Need for lab with digital focus (which means more datasets needing homes going forward)



Action Items

  • Add Adam to wiki
  • Add Benn to AWG group
  • Email TDL folks about UT-DPIG