2014-04-23 Meeting Notes DPIG


23 April 2014


  • Jessica Meyerson
  • Ladd Hanson
  • Sydney Kilgore
  • Lisa Snider
  • Jennifer Hecker
  • Colleen Lyon
  • Melanie Cofield
  • Kathy Isham
  • Jennifer Lee
  • Brent Sipes
  • Ester Kirchner


  • Gauge interest in and preferences for standing monthly meeting days/times
  • Meeting schedule on wiki, with signups for hosting, speakers, demos, etc. 
  • Round robin of updates

Discussion Items

DPN updateLadd
  • DPN now has 2 employees: president and CIO Sandy Payette from Cornell/Fedora/DuraSpace
  • Local DPN news:
    • name for UT node - Texas Preservation Node
    • TDL working w/ TACC and UT Libraries on front end of DPN
    • node ingest testing this summer, followed by more rigorous testing in fall, with plans for early 2015 soft rollout
    • Costs to be developed over the year (likely not cheap at outset).
  • VRC collection (70K+ items) move from Liberal Arts to UT Libraries Islandora system.  
    • Mapping done, working on look and feel of cataloging tool, prepping data records for migration.  
    • Public facing interface will follow.
  • Lisa's position differs from Gabby's previous role at HRC - Lisa is working with born-digital materials only. 
  • HRC updates: new director, big changes coming. 
  • Current projects:
    • Working on establishing new preservation, access, and management system
    • Rehousing physical born-digital materials
    • redoing donor forms
    • email preservation project
    • TSLAC grant, TBD, to address accessibility of HRC materials (includes 3D printing)
updateJennifer H.assisting with VRC project, DSpace 4 upgrade
  • DSpace 4 project in progress, on pause until webmaster position filled. 
  • MCS batch process improvements - new workflow forthcoming in the next month. 
    • New guideline: 100 or more files (even in one item) is a batch
    • Working up new documentation for batch metadata editing
  • Collaborating with TACC and ITS on data management at UT
  • TDL working group prototyping a (data management?) tool for TDL members (forthcoming).
  • Refined local metadata guidelines for CONTENTdm
  • UT Law Yearbooks 1960-1965 will be publicly available via our CONTENTdm site by the end of semester
  • Software developer hiring status - cancelled position w/ plans to repost late summer; contracting w/ former developer in the meantime. 
  • Digital projects will slow down over summer in context of staffing changes and workspace renovations.
updateJennifer L.
  • Marisa Mendez Brady's APL project ongoing
  • How to acquire and transfer course materials to library - culling inappropriate files.  Ben Chang and Wendy Martin working on culling and developing material appraisal/culling guidelines
  • Hiring metadata librarian - posting sometime in May; Hiring a digital archivist, late summer.
  • Wrapping up pilot project - year long digitization/DSpace project 
  • Updating DSpace metadata input forms and scripting for output  
  • Looking to upgrade to Dspace 4
  • Hoping to work towards use of Archivists’ Toolkit at Briscoe
    • currently using Excel to EAD tool w/ macros as a stop gap solution
    • Archivists' Toolkit looks to be a workable stepping stone towards archival management system of the future
  • Campus efforts towards web archiving policies (w/ Mary Rose Hightower-Coyle & Jenn Coast)
  • Working with math archivist to archive content from Editorial Manager application
  • GLIFOS batch edit tool in development. Folklore recordings/takedown policies/ethnomusicology collaboration
  • UT Communications recently transferred born-digital video on DV tape and external hard drives - interesting new type of project which will yield new documentation, for anyone interested
  • Webmaster position still pending; project management position for specific digitization project forthcoming
Discovery Garden updatesLadd 
  • One sole-source Discovery Garden contract approved for Briscoe - Indigenous Language Archive
  • CTL learning object repository in progress
Archivematica working groupLadd, Lisa, Jennifer, Kathy
  • Archivematica sandbox status:  Installed on Amazon, looking for smallish group to test it in a 6-8 week timeframe. UT Libraries interested in hosting it if it works for many of us.
  • Architecture/Planning Library is interested in being involved in testing.
  • Archivematica documentation is hard to follow. Install and use are pretty straightforward; configuration is the labor-intensive. Check list-serv for tips on format prefs, connecting to CONTENTdm, etc.
Porter's visitJessicaPorter Olsen (of Bit Curator) will be here on 5/21-22, giving talk on 5/22 in iSchool - announcement forthcoming.
Campus cloud storageLadd
  • Campus is moving towards Amazon as cloud strategy (ISO, etc, are on board)
  • Amazon standards/compliance exceeds UT data center reqs
  • Ladd has 6 mo. Amazon test bed
Campus streaming servicesLadd
  • On campus committee for streaming strategies
  • UT Libraries volunteer to host video-on-demand for campus, w/ campus help
    • UT Libraries has manager for captioning service in place
  • Wowza and Avalon media - also testing in Amazon soon

Action Items

  • distribute Doodle poll representing preferences for standing meeting (3pm timeslot, not Fridays, etc.)
  • plan Archivematica investigative group meeting
  • plan Avalon demo for next meeting (Ladd Hanson)