Faculty Review Timing

When is Someone Due for CPR?

Use the following questions to guide you to the correct answer.

  1. Does the faculty member hold a tenured rank?

    1. Yes (Go to 2.)

    2. No (Stop. CPR does not apply.)

  2. Have they gone through a promotion or CPR at UT before?

    1. Yes (Go to 5.)

    2. No (Go to 3.)

  3. Was the faculty member’s CPR originally scheduled for this AY but had a deferral of review approved by the Provost’s Office?

    1. Yes: CPR is due in upcoming AY. (Go to 9.)

      1. Ex. Scheduled for CPR in AY23-24; received approval to defer to AY24-25; review scheduled for AY24-25.

    2. No: (Go to 4.)

  4. Assuming they were hired into a tenured rank at UT, did they start in Fall or Spring term?

    1. Fall (August start): Add 5 to the AY of hire. (Go to 6.)

      1. Ex. Started in Fall 2019 (AY19-20); 2019 + 5 = 2024; AY24-25; CPR will take place in their 6th year in rank. [19-20, 20-21, 21-22, 22-23, 23-24, 24-25]

    2. Spring (January start): Add 5 to the AY of hire. (Go to 6.)

      1. Ex. Started in Spring 2020 (AY19-20); 2019 + 5 = 2024; AY24-25; CPR will take place in their 6th year in rank. [19-20, 20-21, 21-22, 22-23, 23-24, 24-25]

      2. Note: This means that Spring hires will be reviewed with only ~5.5 years in tenured rank (counting year of review) the first time. This is required because the Guidelines state that the CPR must happen “no less often than once every six years”. (sec. 5.a.)

  5. What was the most recent major review?

    1. Promotion: Add 6 to the AY of promotion review (if promotion is successful, this will be the same as adding 5 to first AY in new rank). (Go to 6.)

      1. Ex. Went up for tenure successfully in AY18-19; 2018 + 6 = 2024; AY24-25; CPR will take place in their 6th AY in rank. [19-20, 20-21, 21-22, 22-23, 23-24, 24-25]

    2. CPR: Add 6 to AY of CPR. (Go to 6.)

      1. Ex. Had last CPR in AY18-19; 2018 + 6 = 2024; AY24-25; CPR will take place no later than in the 6th AY following the CPR.

  6. Now that you have the anticipated year of review, we can go through some quick double-checking of less common scenarios to make sure nothing else has occurred that might have affected the timing of the next CPR. First, has the faculty member been appointed as President, Provost, or Dean since their last major review (or hire with tenure)?

    1. Yes: Supersede previous result. Add 5 to first full AY (Fall-Spring) of appointment as President, Provost, or Dean. (Go to 8.)

      1. Ex. Appointed as Executive Vice President and Provost in July 2021; first full AY21-22; 2021 + 5 = 2026; AY26-267; CPR will take place no later than the 6th year following initial appointment. [21-22, 22-23, 23-24, 24-25, 25-26, 26-27]

      2. To be crystal clear, this refers to The President, The EVPP, or A Dean of a CSU. No “Vice” or “Associate”s, etc.

    2. No: (Go to 7.)

  7. Since the faculty member’s last major review (or hire with tenure), were they a) appointed as an Admin for 50% or greater time, b) via a competitive process; AND c) did the Department request in writing to EVPP via COLA that the faculty member’s CPR schedule be reset due to this appointment; AND d) was that request approved by EVPP?

    1. Yes (to all of the things: a-d): Supersede previous result. Add 5 to first full AY of appointment as 50% or greater Admin. (Go to 8.)

    2. No: (Go to 8.)

  8. Did the faculty member receive an “Unsatisfactory” on their Annual Review in two consecutive AYs since their last major review or hire with tenure?

    1. Yes: Supersede previous result. Faculty member is due for CPR in upcoming AY. (Done.)

      1. Ex. Received overall annual review ratings of “unsatisfactory” in AY22-23 and AY23-24: CPR due in AY24-25.

    2. No: (Go to 9.)

  9. Is the AY you have determined for the faculty member in the future (i.e., is not the current AY or a past AY)?

    1. Yes:  Cool (Go to 10.)

    2. No: More than likely, assuming you answered everything correctly up to this point, the faculty member will need to have their CPR in the upcoming AY, but please double-check your results with COLA HR to avoid confusion or missteps.

  10. You should now have a solid AY planned for the faculty member’s next CPR. You can re-check the anticipated AY each year using the above method, and/or remain aware that if or when your tenured faculty member goes up for promotion, receives an Admin appointment that involves half or more of their annual salary coming from the Admin job, or receives Unsatisfactory annual review ratings, you will want to check whether it changes the existing schedule of review.