Moody Foley/Atmos Audio Mix Recording Studio Policy

Moody Foley/Atmos Audio Mix Recording Studio Policy

By using these facilities, you agree to observe and abide by the following policies.  Failure to fully comply with these polices may result in suspension of privileges to Moody resources and equipment, monetary fines, and/or departmental remediation.


Section I – Authorized Users

Usage of the space is limited to students enrolled in a qualifying audio course in the Moody college.  All work performed in the space must be associated with the currently enrolled course.  Use of the space and/or its equipment for non-academic purposes will be considered scholastic dishonesty.


The Digital Audio Workstations are university property and subject to requirements enforced by the Information Security Office.  All patrons using these resources must abide by the University Acceptable Use policy


Section II - Reserving the space

All qualified users wishing to use the space should create their own reservations for their desired dates/times to secure accessibility.  Access will be limited to the operational hours of the facilities.


All qualified users will be issued a license to Appspace, our web-based room reservation management platform.  Please follow the instructions provided to your university email address.  Additional information on Appspace can accessed via our wikis.


Dependent on the usage scenario, the Appspace license may be removed at the conclusion of the applicable semester, and/or when the coursework is designated for completion.


Section III – Accessing the space

All qualified users will be trained on the equipment and operational procedure within the space prior to access approval.  Once approved, the student ID of the approved student will be granted access to the space, limited to the operational hours of the facilities.  The access will be removed at the conclusion of the coursework.


The door to the space utilizes the UT BACS proximityID system.  Please swipe your UT student ID card to temporarily unlock the room to allow access.  After approximately three seconds, the door will re-lock automatically.


Please note - both the equipment and the door are alarmed.  If tampered, the alarm will deploy and UTPD will respond.  It’s important the door is never left open or ajar, as this will trigger a door alarm and UTPD will respond


Section IV – Orderly Compliance


  1. All food and beverage is to be kept outside of the facility.  Any edible prop(s) being used for foley recording must be properly transported, contained, and removed promptly from the facility after the prop has served its purpose.


  1. Foley props should be returned to their organized storage area, and the space should be kept neat & tidy.  Items contained within the pits should remain in their respective pits.


  1. Excess dirt, debris, and other loose materials from props/pits should be cleaned up prior to the conclusion of the session.  A broom and dust pan have been provided to you for the clean-up process.  Trash receptacles can be found outside in the hallway.  Please ensure all waste and trash receptacles have been removed and placed outside of the space prior to the conclusion of the session.


  1. No usage of combustibles, aerosols, or open flames is permitted.  Please work with your professor and teaching assistants to discuss alternative solutions.


  1. The foley pits do not have watertight seals.  Under no circumstance should liquid ever be poured into a pit.  Any liquid-based foley performance requires special attention and operational procedure.  Consultation from your professor is mandatory.


  1. The space comes as-is.  Any additional supplies like microphones, pop filters, cables, etc. should be reserved from Moody Equipment Checkout.  Please consult with your professor or teaching assistant for the items your session may require.


Section V: Other General Policies


  1. Under no circumstances may post-production suites, studios, or any other Moody facility, equipment, or service be utilized in any manner for monetary gain or profit, or for activities or projects unrelated to course work without University, College, or Departmental supervision and explicit sponsorship from the Department.


  1. No software, third party utility or outside equipment may be installed or removed in production, post-production, studio or other technical areas without the direct supervision of Technical Area staff. Technical Staff will not certify use of software that has not been licensed by or permitted to the University of Texas.


  1. No user may disconnect, reconnect, or move equipment outside of the parameters necessary for the foley recording process.




In the event of a serious injury or emergency always call 9-1-1 first


                                   Jeremy Gruy – Moody Studio Manager


                                   (512) 232 - 2760              


                                    Susanne Kraft – Senior Production Technical Staff


                                    (512) 517 - 1387


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