• Ready for review
  • Course & Syllabi Requirements

    Syllabi Requirements

    Syllabi are due on the first day of classes each term. The provost's office outlines syllabi requirements on the Your Syllabus at UT website. The Faculty Innovation Center offers additional tips on best practices. SOA sample syllabi are also available from Academic Affairs

    Office Hours

    Instructors are expected to hold office hours. These scheduled times are included in the course syllabus.

    Course Schedule

    The Course Schedule lists the courses to be offered each semester, including time, location, unique number and instructor, and other essential registration information and instructions. The Course Schedule becomes available about two weeks before the beginning of advising each semester. Confirm the days, times, location, and reservations/restrictions for your course(s) on the Course Schedule. Contact the SOA Course Scheduler with any questions about how your classes appear on the Course Schedule. 

    Domestic Field Trip Information

    The University of Texas’ travel policy is in the Handbook of Operating Procedures.

    If you plan to take a domestic trip this semester that is more than 25 miles away from the UT Austin campus, you will have to comply with the requirements below and submit everything at least 5 days before travel.

    1. Faculty must submit a Faculty Request for Travel Authorization and submit assigned to group 00049.

    2. Faculty must submit a Faculty Domestic Field Trip Form (one per trip) with roster attached. Your trip will not be approved with final signature until all traveler documentation is received. Students do not complete this form. 

    3. Students must fill out and electronically sign the Student Domestic Field Trip Form via DocuSign. Note: If students will submit a single form for multiple trips over the semester, they must enter the complete dates and destination for each trip. This document allows students to attach the following requirements:

      1. Proof of health insurance

        1. If a student does not have medical insurance, they will need to purchase day-to-day event insurance, for $5/day. Students can purchase this insurance at the reception desk in the Dean’s Office, but please let your students know that we can only accept exact cash or check.

      2. Drivers: Copy of valid driver's license and copy of car insurance, if using a personal car.

    Electronic Course Instructor Surveys (eCIS)

    UT Austin uses electronic Course Instructor Surveys (eCIS) at the end of each semester to survey students about their experience in class and with their instructor. SOA default is to administer surveys electronically. The CIS window will open during the last two weeks of class. Instructors receive an informational email from both the CIS office and from the SOA CIS Contact. Students will also receive an email from the CIS office that will provide them with a link to take their surveys. We suggest that all instructors set aside class time to have students participate in the survey. Let students know about the scheduled time in advance, so all students can bring their laptops with them to class on that date. Instructors and/or TAs are not allowed in the room when students complete the survey.

    See the CIS Frequently Asked Questions.

    View your results at MyCIS or Official CIS Results.