Purchase Request and/or Reimbursement

Purchase Request and/or Reimbursement

Purchase requests are initiated when staff or faculty are requesting the use of University funds to purchase or be reimbursed for business or research related items. Original, itemized, paid receipts are required for reimbursement of purchase. There are two types of requests:

  1. The requester has an established account (grant, professorship, research) and has signature authority over that account.

  2. The requester is seeking other funds and an approval for the purchase or reimbursement of purchase from Area/Department.

Access the online Purchase Request Form

Tax ID: 74-6000203

From the REQUESTS HOME page, select "Purchase Request" by clicking the corresponding create button inside the CREATE A NEW REQUEST box. 

This is what the Purchase Request Module looks: 

REQ - Purchase Request - Blank New.PNG
  1. Your newly created request will generate an REQ number, creator/created information, status display, etc. 

    1. Note that this REQ number will appear on your UT Direct homepage and you can use this number to monitor your request. Any inquiries to or from Finance regarding your requests should reference this REQ number. 

  2. The next step is to complete the form: 

    1. Description

      1. Include your name and the type of expense: ex. Patricia Semenov – research books

    2. Request Notes

      1. Indicate if funding request or reimbursement.  How is the purchase to be made and any relevant information. Is it for a class, related to a project, etc.

        1. NOTE: UT recommends utilizing university procurement options first.  Please contact the Finance Office prior to making purchases with own funds as there are reimbursement restrictions.

          1. If the Finance Office has confirmed a reimbursement will be okay, before submitting the REQ, first add or update your non-payroll direct deposit acct: