Graduate T D Course Requirements for Undergraduate T&D Majors
From the UT Graduate Catalog:
An undergraduate may enroll in a graduate course under the following conditions:
- The student must be an upper-division student and must fulfill the prerequisite for the course (except graduate standing).
- The student must have a University grade point average of at least 3.00.
- The student must receive the consent of the instructor of the course and of the graduate advisor for the field in which the course is offered. Some colleges and schools may also require the approval of the dean’s office. Individual divisions may impose additional requirements or bar undergraduates from enrolling in graduate courses.
- Students in most colleges must have their dean’s approval before they register for a graduate course.
Undergraduate students may not enroll in graduate courses that have fewer than five graduate students enrolled.
A graduate course taken by an undergraduate is counted toward the student’s bachelor’s degree in the same way that upper-division courses are counted, unless the course is reserved for graduate credit as described in the next section. Courses reserved for graduate credit may not also be used to fulfill the requirements of an undergraduate degree.
An undergraduate student enrolled in a graduate course is subject to all University regulations affecting undergraduates.
Eligible students may contact the COFA Office of Student Affairs to request permission to enroll in a graduate level course.