Lab communication and phone tree

  1. Slack
    1. All laboratory members are expected to have a Slack account ( This is the main method of lab communication. You should install slack on your mobile device and work laptop, and make sure to set the time zone and notification preferences properly so that it works best for you. Once you have an account, ask Mike or a graduate student to send you an invitation, and then say hi on the general channel.
  2. SMNP+FALCON lab scheduler
    1. All experimental sessions are scheduled on this calendar. Ask Mike for access if you do not have it. 
    2. When scheduling an experiment, indicate who will be physically present during the experiment. 
      1. Do not put participant info other than their initials in the scheduler. 
  3. One-on-one meetings 
    1.  Graduate students are expected to meet with Mike weekly to review their progress and ask questions. 
    2. Undergraduate students are expected to meet with their project leader (usually a graduate student) as needed. Please respond promptly to any requests to meet. 
  4. Email
    1. Email is used for communication with any collaborators or research participants.
    2. You should use your personal UT email address to communicate regarding scientific discussions, collaborations, abstracts, and manuscripts.
    3. You should ALWAYS use the lab email address to communicate with research participants ( Ask Mike for access to this email if you need it and do not have it. 

Lab phone tree


Phone number

Email address
