Administrative Tasks

Administrative Tasks


The all-sections reports are used by the course scheduling team. The reports run every morning, and need to be formatted properly before use. This task is completed along with other administrative tasks (such as daily deletions) every morning.

This How-To goes over importing the All Sections text file into an Excel spreadsheet that is formatted for easy accessibility to data.

  • If you have a newer Excel version, you must enable legacy mode to accomplish Importing All Sections. Please see the addendum at the bottom of this documentation to see how this is done.

  • Open Excel to a new/blank worksheet. With your cursor in the top left cell (A1), select 'From Text' option in the 'Data' tab. The Import Text File window will appear. From the /scheduling server, select the 'CCYYS_All-Sections…' text file that you would like to import, and click 'Import'.

  • The Text Import Wizard window will appear. The 'Delimited,' button should be selected. For the 'Start important at row' field, enter '6' and click 'Next'.

  •  The next screen in the Text Import Wizard will appear. The 'Tab' button should be checked. Click 'Next'.

  •  The next screen in the Text Import Wizard will appear. In the 'Data preview' box
    1. scroll using the down arrow until you see multiple column headers. The first column header will always be 'CCYYS.'
    2. Once the column headers are visible, scroll all the way to the right to the last column. Hold down the 'Shift' key and click the last (farthest right) column to select all columns.
    3. Select the 'Text' button under 'Column data format.'

  •  Next, scroll all the way back to the left to the CCYYS column. Change any numeric fields to import as 'General.' To do this, select the following columns and click 'general': ANCL, CLMT, SEATS TKN, 12THDAY, TOT ANCL, TOT CLMT, TOT SEATS TKN, TOT 12TH DAY, #XLISTGS, #TL, FROM T1, TO T1, CAP1, FROM T2, TO T2, CAP2, FROM T3, TO T3, and CAP3.

  • Next, scroll all the way to the right to view the last columns. Select the 'Data Check' column and any columns to the right of it, and mark these as 'Do not import column (skip).' Click 'Finish'.

  • The next Import Data popup window dictates where the data will be viewed in the workbook. The location defaults to whichever cell has been selected by your curser. To insert into the topmost left-hand column of an existing worksheet, make sure the cursor is clicked in the 'A1' cell (or enter as '=$A$1') then click 'OK'.

  •  Scroll to the bottom of the Excel sheet and delete the bottom 5 rows. These rows contain data that is not necessary for this report.

  • Next add a filter. To do this, select the first row by clicking the '1' by the first column. This will highlight the whole first row. Now click the 'Filter' button found under the 'data' tab.

  • !worddav9f4a2a06ad64da6b3b622c59aa1eb93b.png|height=130,width=338!Resize the columns to fit the data.
    1. Select all your columns by clicking the box in topleft between column 'A' and row '1'. This selects the entire sheet.
    2. Resize columns: Double click between the 'A' and 'B' column to resize all columns.
    3. Manually Reduce size of size XLIST INFO column: Select the 'XLIST INFO' column only, right click to choose 'column width', enter '25,' click 'OK.'

  • Freeze Panes for scrolling:
    1. Put cursor in cell A2
    2. Select the 'View' tab and click the 'Freeze Panes' option, and then click 'Freeze Panes.' This will freeze the header row, so that the viewer can see it whenever they scroll down.

    1. File should be saved as "allsections_CCYYS_MMDDYY."
    2. Also save the file on the scheduling server, in the external GPC folder under the same name, so other users can access the report: \\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\scheduling\external_gpc_report

B. Addendums

  • Enabling Legacy menus in newer versions of Excel:
    1. Go to "File" and then Options
    2. In the Options menu click "Data" and you should see a Subsection for "legacy data import wizards"
    3. Ensure that all of these boxes are checked.(See example below) 

  • With Legacy menus enabled you can now start the process of importing the data
    1. On the Task Ribbon go to the "Data: tab
    2. Go to "Get Data" and then hover over "Legacy Data"
    3. Click "From Text(Legacy)"
    4. The rest of the process is described in this original documentation, see the beginning of this document for instructions

A Word document version of how to run the report can be found here:

\\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\8.Documentation\How-to (Instructions)\Importing Allsections into Excel.docx

Delsey Jobs

The "Delsey" is a series of three jobs Scheduling runs every Thursday in the Mainframe that communicates information about when rooms need to be unlocked to custodial services.
View the Delsey Jobs How-To Document for detailed steps on how to complete this process
\\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\Registrar\Room Scheduling\Training and How To's\Internal\Tasks and Jobs\How to Order the Delsey Letter.docx 

RG 400 – Room Scheduling System Training Class

This is a course offered by the Office of the Registrar that explains how to use the Room Scheduling System to find and reserve General Purpose Classrooms. It is held on the first Thursday of every month.

  • The PowerPoint used during the class can be found on our website
  • Information about signing up for the courses can be found by going to the UT Learn website and searching by the course name: http://utlearn.utexas.edu/

Prep for the RG 400
\\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\Registrar\Room Scheduling\Training and How To's\Internal\How-Tos\How to- RG 400.docx 

Building Reports

Occasionally you might be asked to run a building report. View the room report documentation here:

\\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\Registrar\Room Scheduling\Training and How To's\Internal\Tasks and Jobs\Building Report How-To.docx

Production Calendar

The production calendar is an excel document that was created to keep track of the functional timing of various tasks the Room Scheduling team should be doing throughout the year. This spreadsheet is a comprehensive list of tasks and documentation that needs to be updated and added to the Outlook calendar at least once a year. For more information, on maintaining the production, view the How-To here:
\\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\Registrar\Room Scheduling\Training and How To's\Internal\How-Tos\How to Create or Update Production Calendar.docx 
The actual production calendar can be found here:
\\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\Registrar\Room Scheduling\Documentation\Production Calendars\Room Scheduling Production Calendar.xlsx

Special Programs and Contacts

  • Explore UT: Confirmation emails for Explore UT (spring event) should be forwarded to Susan Threadgill who coordinates the event. In the past, there have been departmental contacts that Susan resolves. Once the spring queue has been processed in November, an email with all Explore UT email confirmations attached should be sent to Susan. Any subsequent changes should be also sent to her.
  • Student Government: Becky Carreon will make reservations for student government through our office.

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