Credit By Exam Updates


Each semester a new credit-by-exam (CBE) course file is created by copying the CBE course file from the previous CBE semester: Fall (YY8)-copy Summer (YY5); Summer-copy Spring (YY1); Spring-copy Fall.
Although we request reporting, and fulfill requests placed from The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) to add courses, during all semesters (Spring, Summer and Fall), the majority of administrative tasks take place in the Fall, about 1 month prior to 1st class day. The CBE course file is double-checked against inventory (*NRCBCR) only once a year, in August, when preparing the Fall CBE course file.
CTL makes requests for new sections to be added throughout the year, usually after or upon review of an updated/distributed CBE file, but primarily just prior to the start of semesters.
The CBE course file is vetted in a manner very similar to our published course schedules (a discrepancy list is reviewed for invalid courses and title changes), the changes are then made in *NRCRSE. All items found by review of the discrepancy list and actions we take in *NRCRSE get communicated to CTL in a memo.
The CBE course file differs from the published online course schedule (OCS) in that

  1. it is never re-sequenced,
  2. it does not contain graduate courses,
  3. it does not list timelines, fees, instructors, or Notelines (with the exception of those courses which have statements such as "partially fulfills the legislative requirement for American History" or "fulfills second half of legislative requirement for government".)
  4. sort codes do not apply, and
  5. we list some courses (retired RUS and international baccalaureate courses FLA) which are not in the catalog, and which we don't offer at UT in the online course schedule.

Also, archived documentation fails to clarify actions toward certain items in the discrepancy report. At this time, we take no action on the following items found in the discrepancy report:

  • Same As
  • Standard Statement switches (11, 12, 14, 16, 18)
  • Topics course titles
  • No CRIN record for this course (these are CBM3 reference records; FLA is an example)

CBE course schedules are "CCYYS-1".
Examples: Spring CBE: CCYY1; Summer CBE: CCYY5; Fall CBE: CCYY8.


Generation of each semester's Credit-by-Exam course file normally takes place 30 days before the first day of class. Previous calendar dates for each semester request have been as follows:
December 15: To create Spring CBE (January is too busy following break to attempt)
May 1: To create Summer CBE
August 1: To create Fall CBE


Submission output should be filed on output server: \\\disk\reg\scheduling\CBEANDFiled via copy, NOT move, to documentation server for retention purposes: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\CBE\e-files


  1. Create Credit-by-Exam Course File for the Fall CCYY8

See job submission documentation: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\1-5-8 CBE Rollover.docx

  1. Review Discrepancy List.
  2. Take actions in *NRCRSE (Update (DS command) and Delete (DD command))
  3. Tab pages with changes, so that actions to be taken in NRCRSE can be documented in a memo to CTL. See below 'TASKS' section for more details.
  4. Request additional jobs

See job submission documentation: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\1-5-8 CBE Rollover.docx

  1. Review "Proof Copy" to "Adv Copy" output
  2. Distribute (e- and hardcopies) to CTL (currently Mel Patterson) and copy Margie and Dalton in Records & OP. see template/examples at \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\CBE\Memos_Correspondence

Spring and Summer

  1. Create Credit-by-Exam Course File (CCYY1 for Spring; CCYY5 for Summer)

See job submission documentation: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\1-5-8 CBE Rollover.docx

  1. Distribute (e- and hardcopies) to CTL (currently Mel Patterson) and copy Margie and Dalton in Records & OP.

Discrepancy List

Also, archived documentation fails to clarify actions toward certain items in the discrepancy report. At this time, we take no action on the following items found in the discrepancy report:

  • Same As
  • Standard Statement switches (11, 12, 14, 16, 18)
  • Topics course titles
  • No CRIN record for this course (these are CBM3 reference records; FLA is an example)

Note: The output: CCYYS-1 is audited against CCYYS inventory:

  • Title changes –for standalone courses only
  • Invalid courses -courses that have been dropped from the catalog (they will appear as * Course is not valid for this CCYYS

Discrepancies: When found, tab the pages in the Proof Copy.
Note: Make notes regarding any changes made on the pdf

*NRCRSE –managing updates found in vetting the discrepancy list

Before you can make any updates to a CBE course file, you must be authorized in *NRCRSE for the CCYYS you need to update (the following people are currently authorized to update your settings: Robert Wyatt, Michael, Truman. Go to *DPUSER, AA screen. Semester must read the CBE CCYYS. Once you have completed your edits for CBE, have your settings changed back to what they were before.


  • All invalid course uniques should be deleted using the DD command and should be marked on the copy of the course file. Tab the page for future reference.

NOTE: There are various CRIN related messages. Not ALL of them mean 'delete this section':

  • * COURSE IS NOT VALID FOR THIS YYS * (delete these)
  • * CRIN RECORD DROPPED OR LOCAL INVENTORY ** (delete these if numbered topic. Ask before deleting if not numbered topic.)
  • * NO CRIN RECORD FOR THIS COURSE * (Do NOT delete-these are special)

Note: The DD command is a 2-step process. After entering DD, CCYYS and the Unique, and hitting enter (which should confirm on the screen the FOS and course number of the section you are deleting) the system will ask that you select PF3 to complete the deletion. At this point, the section has only been marked for deletion. Job NRNW29o, when run, will find all of the sections marked for deletion and OBLIT them.
Also note: If a course has been dropped from the catalog and re-added with a
new credit-hour value, delete the dropped unique number and add its
replacement to the file. At no time should you utilize the TEMPCNUM utility.

  • Job NRNW29o will OBLIT the courses you marked with the DD command in NRCRSE. Job NRNW29o will have output: double-check the printout against the lined out courses, or against your notations (tabbed pages) in the discrepancy list.
    • Sometimes sections are oblitted that were NOT on the Discrepancy report-need to look into this

  • Remember that you must delete courses from the current semester CBE course file only. (In other words, do not delete courses from a previous semester). If you make this mistake, any student who should get credit for the course during the previous semester may not receive it.

  • CSP does "due diligence" in noting to CTL (in a memo) info regarding the course that replaces the invalid/dropped one. The new inventory software utilized by OP, CourseLeaf Course Inventory Management, can assist in researching and determining replacement courses. In CourseLeaf enter the course which is now invalid (FOS CRSENUM). Scroll down the page to the Justification for Retirement section (lower third of the page). Departments use this field to communicate to OP why they are deleting the course, and will note the course that replaces it (if there is one).

If no course is found to replace the invalid one, the invalid course will be noted as "dropped" in our memo to CTL. Not all courses have replacements, or are replaced by a single course.
Note: Sometimes it is impossible to OBLIT a course from the credit-by-exam file because there are student records attached. These are students who have received credit by exam for a course in the past. If the Job 29o ABENDS, and the reason is not apparent, it is likely this scenario (a student record is attached the unique) has caused the report to ABEND. Bring this to Priscilla and the SIS person responsible to discuss.


  • All uniques requiring title updates (to standalone courses), should be updated using the DS command and should be marked on the Proof Copy of the course file. Tab the page for future reference.
  • Please review both the current semester title and previous semesters in NRCRIN. If the current semester title is different from the previous title you will need to type it in manually in **NRCRSE.

  • Please note that CSP relays even "cosmetic" updates to titles to CTL in a memo. For instance, if the original title was Geography of Former Sov Union and the title changes to Geo of Former Sov Union…we will communicate these minor title changes to CTL in our memo.

Requests from Center for Teaching and Learning

  • A memo is required from CTL requesting a course or courses be added to the CBE file. At this time, Mellanie Patterson is our recognized contact with The Center of Teaching and Learning (CTL).

  • The memo needs to state the CCYYS for which they are making the request.

  • Courses can only be added to the "current" CBE course file in our 3-ring binder (not previous, and not future CBE course files).

  • NOTE: Credit for graduate courses cannot be given by exam.


Review CBE Course Schedule report (NRNW0296) to make sure course is not already in CBE course file.
Vet in *NRCRIN whether course is valid or invalid.
Vet in *NRCRIN or *NRCBCR that inventory states it is a topics course (SS#16).


  • Please note: CTL wants course added with the topic title they supply, not with the generic title of the course. Follow OVERALL concerning abbreviation and style.

  • Enter a closing limit of 999, and delete all other information that *NRCRSE may have auto-filled from inventory, such as course-related fees and standard statements.

  • If the course "partially fulfills the legislative requirement for American history" (example), add this noteline to the course record. **HOW?? **


  • If the course to be added is not valid for the CCYYS requested, CTL must affirm in writing that the placement exam was taken at a time when the course was valid. When this has been done, add the course according to the instructions below (*NRCRSE –Adding or Updating Courses).

  • Enter a closing limit of 999, and delete all other information that *NRCRSE may have auto-filled from inventory, such as course-related fees and standard statements.

  • Titles for these courses should be preceded with an asterisk (star) (i.e. add an asterisk to the title), to indicate the course is not currently valid.

*NRCRSE – Adding and Updating Courses (at the request of CTL)


NOTE: When adding the course number, leave first space blank for Spring and Fall adds. The space is reserved for F, N, W and S designations when adding Summer courses.

  • Review Proof Copy of CBE Course file to determine unique to be assigned. Select unique number based on course schedule order (NRNW0296 report)
  • Enter information into book (by hand: unique, title, closing limit)
  • Tab page for future review.


  • Enter command = DA
  • Enter appropriate CCYYS-1.
  • Enter Closing Limit of 999
  • Delete all other information from inventory, such as course-related fees and standard statements.
  • Remember to precede any title of an invalid course with an asterisk (star)
  • Add unique to CBE course file PDF via comment


  • Note edit to be made to title in system.
  • Tab page for future review.


  • Command = DS
  • Enter appropriate CCYYS-1
  • Enter Unique of course
  • Update the title
  • Delete all other information from inventory, such as course-related fees and standard statements.


  • Note edit to be made to Notelines in system.
  • Tab page for future review.


  • Command = DS
  • Enter appropriate CCYYS-1
  • Enter Unique of course
  • Delete all other information from inventory, such as course-related fees and standard statements.
  • Under Other (non-CRIN) statements add statement requested (example) "Partially fulfills the legislative requirement for American history".

COMMUNICATION TO CTL about changes made

A template for the memo we use, as well as examples of previous communications are provided on the The Registrar's Server (Registrar\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\CBE.
The memo contains items found in the discrepancy list that are applied to the CBE course file. These items are:

  1. New or updated titles.
  2. Invalid courses (noted as dropped)
  3. Invalid courses with the course that replaces it.

If CTL should make a request to add new test uniques, we reply to them separately via email when we have completed their request. Copies of these responses are also found in the Memos_Correspondence folder on the Registrar Server.

DOCUMENTATION & Distribution of reports

Distribution of Reporting (NRNW0296 –aka CBE Course File)
Recipient: Course Scheduling

Recipient: Center for Teaching and Learning, cc: Records and OP

  • e-copy of CBE Course File and memo: CTL (Mellanie), Records (Dalton/Margie), Brenda, Vasanth, Course Scheduling
  • e-copy of memo only to Official Publications


  1. Save request to CBE CCYYS folder. Add comment indicating unique. Rename file to course number and unique number assigned.
  2. Update CBE course file pdf. Add comment indicating course number and assigned unique.