Part 3: Advanced text manipulation
Example data files
For some of the discussions below, we'll use some files in your ~/data directory.
The ~/data/walrus_sounds.tsv file (walrus_sounds.tsv) lists the types of sounds made by several well-known walruses, and the length of each occurrence. Tab-delimited fields are:
- column 1 - walrus name
- column 2 - sound type
- column 3 - length of sound
Take a look at the first few lines of this file:
cd ~/data head walrus_sounds.tsv
The .tsv filename extension stands for tab separated values, indicating that the field separator (the character separating fields) is Tab. We can verify this using the handy hexdump alias we defined for you as discussed at Intro Unix: What is text?
cd ~/data head walrus_sounds.tsv | hexdump
The output looks like this, where the hexadecimal 0x09 character is a Tab.
We will also use two data files from the GSAF's (Genome Sequencing and Analysis Facility) automated processing that delivers sequencing data to customers. These files have information about customer Samples (libraries of DNA molecules to sequence on the machine), grouped into sets assigned as Jobs, and sequenced on GSAF's sequencing machines as part of sequencer Runs.
The files are also in your ~/data directory:
- joblist.txt - contains job name/sample name pairs, Tab-delimited, no header
- the "JAnnnnn" items in the 1st column are Jobs
- the "SAnnnnn" items in the 2nd column are Run
- sampleinfo.txt - contains information about all samples run on a particular run, along with the job each belongs to.
- columns (Tab-delimited) are
job_name, job_id, sample_name, sample_id, date_string
- column names are in a header line
- columns (Tab-delimited) are
Take a look at the first few lines of these files also:
cd ~/data head joblist.txt head sampleinfo.txt
Exercise 3-1
What field separators are used in ~/data/joblist.txt and ~/data/sampleinfo.txt?
How many lines to these sample files have?
Cut, sort, uniq
The cut command lets you isolate ranges of data from its input lines (from files or standard input):
- cut -f <field_number(s)> extracts one or more fields (-f) from each line
- the default field delimiter is Tab
- use -d <delim> to change the field delimiter
- cut -c <character_number(s)> extracts one or more characters (-c) from each line
- the <numbers> can be
- a comma-separated list of numbers (e.g. 1,4,7)
- a hyphen-separated range (e.g. 2-5)
- a trailing hyphen says "and all items after that" (e.g. 3,7-)
- cut does not re-order fields, so cut -f 5,3,1 acts like -f 1,3,5
cd ~/data cut -f 2 joblist.txt | head head joblist.txt | cut -c 9-13 # no field reordering, so these two produce the same output cut -f1,2 walrus_sounds.tsv | head cut -f2,1 walrus_sounds.tsv | head
Exercise 3-2
How would you extract the first 5 job_name and sample_name fields from ~/data/sampleinfo.txt without including the header? Recall that job_name and sample_name are fields 1 and 3 of ~/data/sampleinfo.txt.
sort sorts its input lines using an efficient algorithm
- by default sorts each line lexically (as strings), low to high
- use -n sort numerically (-n)
- use -V for Version sort (numbers with surrounding text)
- use -r to reverse the sort order
- use one or more -k <start_field_number>,<end_field_number> options to specify a range of "keys" (fields) to sort on
- use this option when you want to preserve all data on the input lines, but sort on part(s) of the line
- e.g. -k1,1 -2,2nr to sort field 1 lexically then field 2 as a number high-to-low
- by default, fields are delimited by whitespace -- one or more spaces or Tabs
- use -t <delim> to change the field delimiter (e.g. -t "\t" for Tab only; ignore spaces)
Here we use cut to isolate text we want to sort:
cd ~/data cut -f 2 joblist.txt | head | sort # sort the 1st 10 Runs in "joblist.txt" cut -f 2 joblist.txt | head | sort -r # reverse-sort the 1st 10 Runs in "joblist.txt" # reverse-sort the Jobs in "joblist.txt" then look at the 1st 10 cut -f 1 joblist.txt | sort -r | head
But we can also sort lines based on one or more fields specified by the -k option:
cd ~/data # sort the lines of "joblist.txt" according to the data in field 2 (Job), high-to-low # then view the top 10 lines sort -k1,1r joblist.txt | head # sort lines of "walrus_sounds.tsv" by sound type (field 2) # then by walrus (field 1) & look at 20 cat walrus_sounds.tsv | sort -k2,2 -k1,1 | head -20
Exercise 3-3
Which walruses make the longest sounds?
Here's an example of using the -V (Version sort) option to sort numbers-with-text:
# produce 4 lines of output with integers then an "x" echo -e "12x\n2x\n91x\n31x" # "Version sort" these lines with -V, high number to low echo -e "12x\n2x\n91x\n31x" | sort -Vr
uniq takes sorted input and collapses adjacent groups of identical values
- uniq -c says also report a count of the number of members in each group (before collapsing)
cd ~/data head walrus_sounds.tsv | cut -f 2 | sort # look at the 1st 10 walrus sounds, sorted head walrus_sounds.tsv | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq # collapse the 1st 10 (sorted) sounds head walrus_sounds.tsv | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq -c # add a count of the items in each group
piping a histogram with cut/sort/uniq -c
One of my favorite "Unix tricks" is combining sort and uniq calls to produce a histogram-like ordered list of count/value pairs.
cd ~/data cut -f 2 walrus_sounds.tsv | sort | uniq -c # report counts of each type of walrus sound # output: 33 bellow 52 chortle 34 gong 36 grunt 45 whistle
Since each line of this output consists of a number then a sound name, separated by whitespace (one or more spaces or Tabs), we can use sort's -k1,1nr option to sort it by count, highest to lowest:
# Take the reported sound counts and reverse sort it numerically by column 1 (the count) # to see the most common sounds made cut -f 2 walrus_sounds.tsv | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1,1nr # output: 52 chortle 45 whistle 36 grunt 34 gong 33 bellow
We affectionately refer to this "cut | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1,1nr" idiom as "piping a histogram".
Exercise 3-4
How many different walruses are represented in the ~/data/walrus_sounds.tsv file? Which one has the most recorded sounds?
Job names are in column 1 of the ~/data/sampleinfo.txt file. Create a histogram of Job names showing the count of samples (lines) for each, and show Jobs with the most samples first.
The Run names in joblist.txt start with SAyy where yy are year numbers. Report how many runs occurred in each year.
Which Run in joblist.txt has the most jobs?
Ensuring uniqueness of field combinations
Sometimes you'll get a table of data that should contain unique values of a certain field, or a certain combination of fields. Using cut sort uniq wc -l can help verify this, and to find which are duplicates.
Example: Are all the Job names in joblist.txt unique?
cd ~/data wc -l joblist.txt # Reports 3841 Job/Run entries cut -f 1 joblist.txt | sort | uniq | wc -l # But there are only 3167 unique Jobs # So there are some Jobs that appear more than once -- but which ones? # Use our "piping a histogram" trick but only look at the highest-count entries cut -f 1 joblist.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1,1nr | head
Exercise 3-5
Are all combinations of Job/Run in joblist.txt unique?
Introducing awk
awk is a powerful scripting language that is easily invoked from the command line. It is especially useful for handling tabular data.
One way of using it:
- awk '<script>' - the '<script>' is applied to each line of input (generally piped in)
- always enclose '<script>' in single quotes to inhibit shell evaluation
- awk has its own set of metacharacters that are different from the shell's
A basic awk script has the following form:
BEGIN {<expressions>}
{<body expressions>}
END {<expressions>}
Here's a simple awk script that takes the average of the numbers passed to it, using the seq function to generate numbers from 1-10, each on a line.
seq 10 | awk ' BEGIN{sum=0; ct=0;} {sum = sum + $1 ct = ct + 1} END{print sum/ct,"is the mean of",ct,"numbers"}'
- Once the single quote to start the script is seen on the 1st line, there is no need for special line-continuation.
- Just enter the script text then finish with a closing single quote when done.
- Multiple expressions can appear on the same line if separated by a semicolon ( ; )
- The BEGIN and END clauses are optional, and are executed only once, before and after input is processed respectively
- BEGIN {<expressions>} – use to initialize variables before any script body lines are executed
- Script variables ct and sum are initialized to 0 in the BEGIN block above
- Some important built-in variables you man want to initialize:
- FS (input Field Separator) - used to delimit fields
- default is whitespace -- one or more spaces or Tabs
- e.g. FS=":" to specify a colon
- OFS (Output Field Separator) - use to delimit output fields
- default is a single space
- e.g. OFS="\t" to specify a Tab
- FS (input Field Separator) - used to delimit fields
- The body expressions are executed for each line of input.
- Each line is parsed into fields based on the specified input field separator
- Fields can then be access via build-in variables $1 (1st field), $2 (2nd field) and so forth.
- the built-in NF variable represents the Number of Fields in a given line
- the built-in NR variable represent the Number of the current Record (line)
- awk has the usual set of arithmetic operators (+, /, etc)
- and comparison operators (=, >, <, etc)
- and an if ( <expression> ) { <action> } conditional construct
- The END block is executed when there is no more input
- The print statement in the END block takes a comma-separated list of values
- each value is separated by awk's default output field separator (a single space)
- literal text is specified using double quotes ("is the mean of")
- The print statement in the END block takes a comma-separated list of values
Exercise 3-6
Use awk to print out the highest Job (JA) and Run (SA) in joblist.txt.
A more complicated awk script
Now let's write a more complicated awk script to explore its capabilities further. Our goal is to sum up the walrus sound times in ~/data/walrus_sounds.tsv and print out that total in seconds, minutes and hours. And lets write the script bit-by-bit to show how we can "debug as we go" on the command line.
# First isolate the sound length field (field 3) # We'll use head to test our code on just a few lines until we like our script head walrus_sounds.tsv | cut -f 3 | awk '{print}' # We see the times are in MM:SS (minutes, seconds) so we'll use FS=":" to # specify colon as the input field separatof head walrus_sounds.tsv | cut -f3 | awk 'BEGIN{FS=":"}{print $1,$2}' # Looks good - minutes are coming out as field 1 and seconds as field 2 # Now calculate the number of seconds for each line with some math head walrus_sounds.tsv | cut -f3 | awk ' BEGIN{FS=":"} {seconds = $2 + ($1 * 60) print $1,$2,seconds}' # Now add each sound's seconds to a global total head walrus_sounds.tsv | cut -f3 | awk ' BEGIN{FS=":"; total=0} {seconds = $2 + ($1 * 60) total = total + seconds print $1,$2,seconds, total}' # Now process all the input and just output the final totals cat walrus_sounds.tsv | cut -f3 | awk ' BEGIN{FS=":"; total=0} {seconds = $2 + $1 * 60 total = total + seconds} END{ print "total seconds:",total print "total minutes:",total/60 print "total hours: ",total/60/60}' # One final improvement: use the printf function to format the # output to control how many decimal places are shown. cat walrus_sounds.tsv | cut -f3 | awk ' BEGIN{FS=":"; total=0} {seconds = $2 + $1 * 60 total = total + seconds} END{ printf("total seconds: %d\n", total) printf("total minutes: %.2f\n",total/60) printf("total hours: %.2f\n",total/60/60)}'
To learn more, here's an excellent awk tutorial, very detailed and in-depth.
printf and sprintf functions come from the C programming language, but many higher-level languages implement similar text formatting. Wikipedia has a nice table of printf format specifiers ( as part of its thorough printf page.
Parsing field-oriented text with cut and awk
The basic functions of cut and awk are similar – both are field oriented. Here are the main differences:
- Default field separators
- Tab is the default field separator for cut
- and the field separator can only be a single character
- whitespace (one or more spaces or Tabs) is the default field separator for awk
- Tab is the default field separator for cut
- Re-ordering
- cut cannot re-order fields; cut -f 3,2 is the same as cut -f 2,3
- awk does reorder fields, based on the order you specify
- awk is a full-featured programming language while cut is just a single-purpose utility.
echo -e "A B\tC" | awk '{print $2}' # displays 'B' echo -e "A B\tC" | awk '{print $3}' # displays 'C' echo -e "A B\tC" | cut -f 1 # displays 'A B' echo -e "A B\tC" | cut -f 2 # displays 'C'
When to use these programs is partly a matter of taste. I use either cut or awk to deal with field-oriented data: usually cut if it's Tab-separated and awk otherwise.
For more complex data manipulation, even though awk is a full-featured programming language I find its pattern matching and text processing facilities awkward (pun intended), and so prefer perl with its rich regular expression capabilities.
Regular expressions in grep, sed and perl
Regular expressions are incredibly powerful and should be in every programmer's toolbox!
Regular expression parsing is implemented in many tools and programming languages – but every tool seems to implement slightly different standards! What to do? I'll describe some of my practices below, with the understanding that they represent one of many ways to skin the cat.
First, let's be clear: perl has the best regular expression capabilities on the planet, and they serve as the gold standard against which all other implementations are judged. Nonetheless, perl is not as convenient to used as grep from the command line, because command-line grep has so many handy options.
regular expressions
A regular expression (regex) is a pattern of characters to search for and metacharacters that control and modify how matching is done.
The Intro Unix: Some Linux commands: Regular expressions section lists a nice set of "starter" metacharacters. Open that page now as a reference for this section.
grep pattern matching
The bash shell actually has three slightly different functions: grep, egrep and fgrep. Feel free to learn them all . I stick to the basic grep.
cd grep 'the' haiku.txt # matches 2 lines grep '^the' haiku.txt # nothing - no lines start with "the" grep '^Is' haiku.txt # matches 1 line grep 'th' haiku.txt # matches 5 lines grep 'th[a-z]' haiku.txt # matches 4 lines (does not match 'with ') grep 'th.. ' haiku.txt # matches 1 line with 'that' (th + any 2 characters + space)
For basic command-line pattern matching, I first try grep. While by default it implements clunky POSIX-style pattern matching, its -P argument asks it to honor Perl regular expression syntax. I always use that -P option, and in most cases this works well.
echo "foo bar" | grep '(oo|ba)' # no match! echo "foo bar" | grep -P '(oo|ba)' # match echo -e "12\n23\n4\n5" | grep '\d\d' # no matches! echo -e "12\n23\n4\n5" | grep -P'\d\d' # 2 lines match
My favorite command-line grep options are:
- -v (inverse) – only print lines with no match
- -n (line number) – prefix output with the line number of the match
- -i (case insensitive) – ignore case when matching
- -c (count) – just return a count of the matches
- -l – instead of reporting each match, report only the name of files in which any match is found
- -L – like -l, but only reports the name of files in which no match is found
- handy for checking a bunch of log files for success or error
Exercise 3-7
How many lines of ~/haiku.txt have the word 'the', case sensitive? How many case-insensitive?
Use grep to display lines of haiku.txt and jabberwocky.txt that contain the word "the" (case sensitive), with line numbers.
How many lines does each file (haiku.txt and jabberwocky.txt) have that contain the word "the"? How many all together?
How many lines total do the files haiku.txt and jabberwocky.txt have that contain the word "the"?
Does the word "brillig" appear in either haiku.txt or jabberwocky.txt?
Which lines of haiku.txt contain the word 'not' or the word 'working'?
perl pattern matching
If grep pattern matching isn't behaving the way I expect, I turn to perl. Here's how to invoke regex pattern matching from a command line using perl:
perl -n -e 'print $_ if $_=~/<pattern>/'
echo -e "12\n23\n4\n5" | perl -n -e 'print $_ if $_ =~/\d\d/' # or, for lines not matching echo -e "12\n23\n4\n5" | perl -ne 'print if $_ !~/\d\d/'
Gory details:
- -n tells perl to feed the input one line at a time (here 4 lines)
- -e introduces the perl script
- Always enclose a command-line perl script in single quotes to protect it from shell evaluation
- perl has its own set of metacharacters that are different from the shell's
- $_ is a built-in Perl variable holding the current line (including any invisible line-ending characters)
- ~ is the perl pattern matching operator
- =~ says pattern that matches;
- ! ~ says pattern that does not match
- the forward slashes ("/ /") enclose the regex pattern
- the pattern matching operation returns true or false, to be used in a conditional statement
- here "print current line if the pattern matches"
Exercise 3-8
Use perl pattern matching to count the number of Jobs (lines) in joblist.txt that were not run in 2015.
Use perl pattern matching to find all grunts and bellows made by walrus Antje.
sed pattern substitution
The sed (string editor) command can be used to edit text using pattern substitution.
sed 's/<search pattern>/<replacement>/'
While sed is very powerful, the regex syntax for its more advanced features is quite different from "standard" grep or perl regular expressions. As a result, I tend to use it only for very simple substitutions, usually as a component of a multi-pipe expression.
# Look for 20 runs in the SA19xxx year and report their Job and Run numbers # without JA/SA but with other text cat joblist.txt | grep -P 'SA19\d\d\d$' | head -20 | \ sed 's/JA/job /' | sed 's/SA/run /'
Here's a nice idiom for making sore that text file line endings are just a linefeed ( \n ) not a carriage return plus a linefeed ( \r\n ).
cat some_file.txt | sed 's/\r\n/\n/' > some_file.fixed.txt
See also: Grymore sed tutorial
perl pattern substitution
If I have a more complicated pattern, or if sed pattern substitution is not working as I expect (which happens frequently!), I again turn to perl. Here's how to invoke perl pattern substitution from a command line:
perl -p -e '~s/<search pattern>/<replacement>/[modifiers]'
Parentheses ( ) around one or more text sections in the <search pattern> will cause matching text to be captured in built-in perl variables $1, $2, etc., following the order of the parenthesized text. The capture variables can then be used in the <replacement>.
All input lines are written, but substitution is only performed on lines matching the pattern. Here's a simple example that just performs the same substitution we did above with sed:
cd ~/data cat joblist.txt | head | \ perl -p -e '~s/JA/job /' | perl -pe '~s/SA/run /'
Gory details:
- -p tells perl to print each line (whether there was a substitution or not)
- -e introduces the perl script (always encode it in single quotes to protect it from shell evaluation)
- ~s is the perl pattern substitution operator
- forward slashes / / / enclose the regex search pattern and the replacement text
- parentheses ( ) enclosing a pattern "capture" text matching the pattern in built-in positional variables
- $1 for the 1st captured text, $2 for the 2nd captured text, etc.
- optional modifiers following the pattern control how the pattern is performed
- g (global) - perform the substitutions on all occurrences of the pattern in each record of input
- i (ignore case) - perform the case-insensitive matching of pattern text
# Use parentheses to capture part of the search pattern: cat joblist.txt | head | \ perl -pe '~s/JA(\d+)\tSA(\d+)/Job $1 on Run $2/' # Illustrate use of optional modifiers head joblist.txt | perl -pe 's/0/-/' # replaces only the 1st 0 on a line head joblist.txt | perl -pe 's/0/-/g' # replaces all 0s on each line head joblist.txt | perl -pe 's/ja/Job /i' # performs case-insensitive search head joblist.txt | perl -pe ' s/ja\d\d(\d\d\d).*Sa(\d\d)(\d\d\d)/year 20$2, run $3 job $1/i'
Exercise 3-9
Oops – we misspelled a walrus name: Antje should be Antie in ~/data/walrus_sounds.tsv. Use perl pattern substitution to fix this.
Use perl pattern substitution to transform the "MM:SS" times in ~/data/walrus_sounds.tsv. to text like "MM minutes and SS seconds".
Bash control flow
The bash for loop
The bash for loop has the basic syntax:
for <arg_name> in <list of whitespace-separated words>
Here's a simple example using the seq function, that returns a list of numbers.
for num in `seq 5` do echo "The number is: $num" done
Gory details:
- The `seq 5` expression uses backtick evaluation to generate a list of 5 numbers, 1-5
- The do/done block expressions are executed once for each of the items in the list
- Each time through the loop (the do/done block) the variable named num is assigned one of the values in the list
- Then the value can be used by referencing the variable using $num
- The variable name num is arbitrary – it can be any name we choose
Other ways of writing the same for loop:
for number in `seq 5`; do echo $number done for num in $(seq 5); do echo $num; done
Quotes matter
In the Review of some basics: Quoting in the shell section, we saw that double quotes allow the shell to evaluate certain metacharacters in the quoted text.
But more importantly when assigning multiple lines of text to a variable, quoting the evaluated variable preserves any special characters in the variable value's text such as Tab or newline characters.
Consider this case where a captured string contains newlines, as illustrated below.
echo -e "aa\nbb\ncc" txt=$( echo -e "aa\nbb\ncc" ) echo $txt # newlines converted to spaces echo "$txt" # newlines preserved
- evaluating "$txt" inside double quotes preserves the newlines
- evaluating $txt without double quotes converts each newline to a single space
This difference is very important!
- you do want to preserve newlines when processing one line of text at a time
- you do not want to preserve newlines when specifying the list of values a for loop processes, which must all be on one line
See the difference:
nums=$( seq 5 ) echo $nums # newlines converted to spaces, values appear all on one line echo "$nums" # newlines preserved; values appear on 5 lines echo $nums | wc -l # newlines converted to spaces, so reports only one line echo "$nums" | wc -l # newlines preserved, so reports 5 lines # This loop prints a line for each of the files for n in $nums; do echo "the number is: '$n'" done # But this loop prints only one line for n in "$nums"; do echo "the number is: '$n'" done
Let's use a for loop to process some file names. We'll use find to list the full paths of some student Home directories then use the basename function to isolate the last path component, which will be the account name.
homedirs=$( find /stor/home -maxdepth 1 -name "student2?" -type d ) echo "$homedirs" | sort for dir in $homedirs; do dirname=`basename $dir` echo "account name: $dirname; Home directory: $dir" done # A different way to skin the cat: dirs=$( ls /stor/home | grep -P 'student2\d' ) echo "$dirs" for acct in $dirs; do dirpath="/stor/home/$acct" echo "account name: $acct; Home directory: $dirpath" done
Exercise 3-10
Use a for loop to sum the numbers from 1 to 10.
Use an awk script to sum the numbers from 1 to 10.
The if statement
The general form of an if/then/else statement in bash is:
if [ <test expression> ]
then <expression> [ expression... ]
else <expression> [ expression... ]
- The <test expression> is any expression that evaluates to true or false
- In the shell, the number 0 or an empty value is false
- Anything else is true
- There must be at least one space around the <test expression> separating it from the enclosing bracket [ ].
- Double brackets [[ ]] can also be used to enclose the <test expression>.
- When the <test expression> is true the then expressions are evaluated.
- When the <test expression> is false the else expressions are evaluated.
for val in `seq 1 5`; do if [ $val -gt 3 ] then echo "Value '$val' is greater than 3" else echo "Value '$val' is less than or equal to 3" fi done for val in Foo "$emptyvar" 7 '' $?; do if [ $val ] then echo "Value '$val' is true" else echo "Value '$val' is false" fi done
A good reference on the many built-in bash conditionals:
Reading file lines with while
The read function can be used to read input one line at a time, in a bash while loop.
While the full details of the read commad are complicated (see this read-a-line-at-a-time idiom works nicely.
cat -n haiku.txt | \ while IFS= read line; do echo "Line is: '$line'" done
- The IFS= clears all of read's default Input Field Separator, which is normally whitespace (one or more space characters or tabs).
- This is needed so that read will set the line variable to exactly the contents of the input line, and not specially process any whitespace in it.
- The lines of ~/haiku.txt are piped into the while loop
If the input data is well structured, its fields can be read directly into variables. Notice we can pipe all the output to more – or could redirect it to a file.
while read walrus sound duration; do echo "walrus $walrus, sound: $sound, duration: $duration" done < ~/data/walrus_sounds.tsv | more
Here's a more complex example:
tail -n +2 ~/data/sampleinfo.txt | \ while IFS= read line; do jobName=$( echo "$line" | cut -f 1 ) sampleName=$( echo "$line" | cut -f 3 ) if [ "$jobName" == "" ]; then sampleName="Undetermined"; jobName="none" fi echo "job $jobName - sample $sampleName" done | more
Once a line has been read, it can be parsed, for example, using cut, as shown above. Other notes:
- The double quotes around the text that "$line" are important to preserve special characters inside the original line (here Tab characters).
- Without the double quotes, the line's fields would be separated by spaces, and the cut field delimiter would need to be changed.
- Some lines have an empty Job name field; we replace Job and Sample names in this case.
Exercise 3-11
Using the above code as a guide, use the Job name and Sample name information in ~/data/sampleinfo.txt to construct a pathname of the form Project_<job name>/<sample name>.fastq.gz, and write these paths to a file. Skip any entries with no job name using the keyword continue to skip any remaining code in the loop and start the next iteration.
A few odds and ends
Arithemetic in bash
Arithmetic in bash is very weird:
echo $(( 50 * 2 + 1 )) n=0 n=$(( $n + 5 )) echo $n
And it only returns integer values, after truncation.
echo $(( 4 / 2 )) echo $(( 5 / 2 )) echo $(( 24 / 5 ))
As a result, if I need to do anything other than the simplest arithemetic, I use awk:
awk 'BEGIN{print 4/2}' echo 3 2 | awk '{print ($1+$2)/2}'
You can also use the printf function in awk to control formatting. Just remember that a linefeed ( \n ) has to included in the format string:
echo 3.1415926 | awk '{ printf("%.2f\n", $1) }'
You can even use it to convert a decimal number to hexadecimal using the %x printf format specifier. Note that the convention is to denote hexadecimal numbers with an initial 0x.
echo 65 | awk '{ printf("0x%x\n", $1) }'
Removing file suffixes and prefixes
Sometimes you want to take a file path like ~/my_file.something.txt and extract some or all of the parts before the suffix, for example, to end up with the text my_file here. To do this, first strip off any directories using the basename function. Then use the odd-looking syntax:
- ${<variable-name>%%.<suffix-to-remove>}
- ${<variable-name>##<prefix-to-remove>}
pathname=~/my_file.something.txt; echo $pathname filename=`basename $pathname`; echo $filename # isolate the filename prefix by stripping the ".something.txt" suffix prefix=${filename%%.something.txt} echo $prefix # isolate the filename suffix by stripping the "my_file.something." prefix suffix=${filename##my_file.something.} echo $suffix
Exercise 3-12
Use the suffix-removal syntax above to strip the .bed suffix off files in ~/data/bedfiles.
A few odds and ends
Input from a sub-shell
When parentheses ( ) enclose an expression, it directs that expression be evaluated in a sub-shell of the calling parent shell. Recall also that the less-than sign < redirects standard input. We can use these two pieces of syntax instead of a file in some command contexts.
# These two expressions are equivalent head -3 haiku.txt cat <(head -3 haiku.txt)
Now suppose we have a file and we want to add a header line to, but only to the 1st 5 lines. Here are two different ways of doing that, where the 2nd avoids having to write any intermediate files:
cd echo -e "walrus\tsound\tlength" > hdr.txt head -5 ~/data/walrus_sounds.tsv > ws_head.txt cat hdr.txt ws_head.txt > ws2.txt echo -e "walrus\tsound\tlength" | \ cat - <(head -5 ~/data/walrus_sounds.tsv)
Input redirection like this will not work all the time – a program must be written to accept sub-shell redirection. Most built-in Linux command are written this way, but many 3rd party programs are not.
Using a heredoc for multiple text lines
In addition to the methods of writing multi-line text discussed in Intro Unix: Writing text: Multi-line text, there's another one that can be useful for composing a large block of text for output to a file. This is done using the heredoc syntax to define a block of text between two user-supplied block delimiters, sending the text to a specified command.
The general form of a heredoc is:
COMMAND << DELIMITER ..text... ..text... DELIMITER
For example, using the delimiter EOF and the cat command. Here the block of text is just displayed on the Terminal.
cat << EOF This text will be output And this USER environment variable will be evaluated: $USER EOF
To write multi-line text to a file just use the 1> or > redirection syntax after the block delimiter you name:
cat << EOF 1> out.txt This text will be output And this USER environment variable will be evaluated: $USER EOF
The out.txt file will then contain this text:
This text will be output And this USER environment variable will be evaluated: student01
The 2nd (ending) block delimiter you specify for a heredoc must appear at the start of a new line.