Overun Procedure

If a scan is still running more than 10 minutes before the end of your scheduled time, you have a significant risk of your session overrunning.

When you anticipate that your imaging session will overrun:

  • Email bic-staff@utlists.utexas.edu at least 10 minutes before your booking will end
  • BIC will assess the situation, inform affected users, and work with you to complete your data collection
  • You may not start a scan protocol after your session time has expired without the explicit permission of BIC
  • Studies that persistently overrun will be required to book additional time for their imaging sessions

If BIC staff are not informed of an overrun

  • An additional 15 minutes of scan time will automatically be added to your booking
  • Imaging sessions that run > 15 minutes overtime may be  ended by BIC staff at our discretion
  • Users that overrun frequently without informing BIC staff may have their booking privileges restricted

If you encounter an overrun that affects your imaging session and have not received prior notification:

To proactively avoid overruns:

  • An imaging session that will be > 20min late in starting should be cancelled and re-scheduled unless there is available buffer time after your allotted session
  • book out the additional buffer time in FBS, since clinical scans are booked on short notice.