Blog from July, 2013

Reference Materials will be described as a series and include the Charles Moore Library, slide collection, and other reference materials that have been housed with Professional papers, awaiting processing.

Series will be made up of:

  • Material collected by CWM --           
    • Pamphlets, brochures, reports
    • Files on architects, photographers
    • Catalogs – Exhibition and publisher, product and manufacturing
  • Slide collection
  • Library          

Reference Materials physically moved to stacks level 2 on May, 31, 2013

EAD data migration

No project numbers need be listed in the detailed description of drawings, unless that is the only identifying piece of information about a project.

Collection codes should be used for container type, with roll numbers or other information as the content – to create a break between projects and apply meaningful AAA data that will not change to each project. See example, from the Max M. Sandfield records (00123.xml) below:

            <container type="SAND">   r077     </container>

Drawing database records can be exported from Filemaker Pro for entry into XML finding aids in Oxygen. The process is outlined below:

            In Filemaker Pro, select Records> Show all records, then Records, Sort Records.

            Sort Records by Project name.

Select File> Export Records. A box will pop up to allow you to name the resulting file. Choose a destination and a name for the file, making sure to select Excel Files (*.xls) as file type.

When given the option to Specify Field Order for Export, select the following order:

            Group by: Project Name

            Field Export Order:

                        AAA roll #

                        Project name

                        Date on drawings

                        Primary archt/firm


                        Street address





Click Export to generate the Excel file.

Open the Excel File.

Add columns containing XML tags around the drawings metadata field data. See example of the first tags added for the first project from the Sandfield record.










Material is removed from binders and re-housed, generally in folders. 

Keep binder if it has artifactual value (hand made, drawings or sketches on covers, etc.). 

When in doubt, contact supervisor.