Copying an Existing Assignment
Creating a new version of an existing assignment can be accomplished two ways in Quest: via the individual assignment creation page using the existing assignment as a template (1. below), or (in bulk) by using the 'Copy Assignments' page (2. below). Ensure you're listed as an importer or instructor for the original content, and then follow either approaches listed below. At any point feel free to reach out to us by clicking 'contact' in the upper right hand corner (or, we're here to help!
- Using an existing assignment as a template (for instructors and importers)
Start by clicking the "New Assignment" link in your course's left-hand menu or the "New Assignment" button at the bottom of the same page. This opens the typical page for creating an assignment as explained here. At the top of the page is the form to select an existing assignment for copying:
To start, simply select "use an assignment as a template" which will give you a series of selectors (institution, semester, course selectors, assignment type) to identify the specific assignment you'd like to copy:
As you make your selections the next level will propagate relevant options. Once you select an assignment in the last dropdown, the name of the assignment and various settings will be propagated to the new assignment. If you would like to retain the original point value be sure to check that box as well.
At this point you can edit the settings (start/due dates, solutions available, grades viewable, one free try, convert numeric questions to multiple choice, etc), or simply click "Create" at the bottom of the page to finish the copy process.
Copying multiple assignments from an older course to a current course (for instructors, not importers)
The other method of copying assignments requires full access to the course with the original assignments. From within the original (older) course where all the assignments are presently, start by selecting "Copy Assignments" in the left-hand menu (click on the three horizontal bars on to the left of the house if you don't see the left side bar):
The page provides a list of all assignments in the current course, and a list of all the courses where you have instructor access:
Simply select which assignments you would like to copy from the left column into which course(s) on the right, and click "Copy" at the bottom of the page. You will also have the option of retaining the points and publishing with the copy.
The assignments will start to appear as our batch machinery completes the request, so it may take a few minutes longer. Once the assignments are copied, you can edit them and their settings in the course you copied them into.