Itemized Reimbursements

The Office of Accounting requires reimbursements to be completely processed within 60 days of the event. Because of the time required for document processing, both within the department and in Accounting, requests for reimbursement submitted more than 30 days after the event will not be approved by the Dean's Office.

In order to receive a reimbursement you must:

  • Supply original detailed receipts to Aubrey Cunningham
  • Explain why you are requesting reimbursement via email or hardcopy accompanying receipts (What was the event or purchase?)
  • Have a source of funds, either an account specifically for your expenses or departmental approval to be reimbursed from the departmental account 

State Sales Tax

University of Texas employees are exempt from Texas sales tax if a purchase is made for University purposes. Faculty and staff are highly encouraged to utilize this status as sales tax may not be reimbursable for some purposes. If you plan on making purchases that are taxable, please pick up a copy of the Tax Exemption Certificate from Aubrey or download the form and complete the information. You will need to present the certificate to the vendor before or at check-out to claim the exemption for University related expenses (including entertainment) . No reimbursements for any Texas State sales tax will be approved for purchases on department funding. You may have the department make your purchase for you to ensure exemption.