
All travelers should submit an electronic Request for Travel Authorization (RTA) for business travel. Prior approval for all business travel is required for absences of employees from the campus or other designated headquarters for periods of half a day or more during the normal working period, whether or not there is a cost to the university. Prospective employees (traveler type P on an RTA) also require prior approval before travel dates. Non-employees and students not traveling as employees (traveler types N and S) are not required to have prior approval. All travelers must submit an RTA before claiming travel reimbursements. Payment Services does not require travel authorization for personal absences such as vacation.

Need a downloadable travel guide? Just click HERE.

OADR current travel requests group code is 00301.

Travel limits are based on account rules, State or Local. These rules can be found using the CA3 screen in DEFINE or contacting your Post-Award Specialist.

Per Diem limits are as follows:

Accounts with State Rules: Follow GSA 

Account with Local Rules: Follow UT Handbook of Business Procedures  

NOTE: Travel limits can vary by month and year


Student Travel Policy: University Policy Office 

UT Travel Management Resources

Rental Car Booking

  • Enterprise offers Employees Emerald Club for personal use and Direct Billing for Business use

Concur - UT Austin Online Reservation System 

Anthony Travel 

Hotel Tax Exempt Form: You can get a tax exemption from most hotels in Texas when you travel on university business. To receive the exemption, present the following tax exemption certificate to your hotel when paying.

Maximum Lodging Rate Exception Form

Office of Sponsored Projects - Travel information

For questions pertaining to travel limits, please review the UT HBP Policies or contact your Accounts Payable Specialist. For all other questions, please contact your Account Manager.