Do we have big reviews for all of electrical or do we organize specific project reviews?(ex: power arch, battery, som, sharepoint) Who is working on what? Any other big project reviews?
Emech, Power Systems, and BPS
Present daybreak design and additions for solar McQueen
Present module design, integrate with the battery box, what needs to be manufactured
October 5th
Power Architecture/SOM-
Include enclosures and where boards go in the car
How do we integrate boards with enclosures
SOM review
September 28st, After workday
Next week
Nathaniel’s PR
Compiling with the right structure
BSP works with hardware, completely blackboxed
Spring Break
System level deadlines(ex: UART) set internally
Sensor Suite-
How are we meeting mechanicals reqs for sensors?
Blindspot detection
October 12st
System Architecture Document
September 28th
What are our goals for daybreak and what are our checkpoints?
Drive days by Spring Break
Battery Done beginning of Feb
Power Board Mid-Jan
BPS stuff Mid-Jan
Motor- Just be working
DashboardBoard- Beginning of December
Leaderboard Board- Whenever it gets done
Contactor Driver x Fan BoardBoard- Beginning of December
Drive fans with the same signal and power out
Make all connectors vertical(verify connector with Farthiv)
System Diagrams and requirements
System Diagrams done by 28th ideally much much much much earlier
Requirements done by 28th
Big overview, Split into systems and review system level things, Electrical overview, WOrkday 2 now, presentation, projects
Design Standards