Versions Compared


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  1. Make an account with DellMed REDCap.

    REDCap Structure and Introduction


  2. Ask your trainer to add you to the REDCap projects.

    1. Trainers: Add users to REDCap project & grant user rights

  3. In your project, create a new instrument. Name it “[INSERT NAME] REDCap URA Training Survey.

  4. Practice Survey Directions:

    1. create 3 survey questions, with 3 different field types and embed in a table (descriptive text field)

      1. customize the table with cell colors  

    2. make a hidden question

    3. create 2 questions with numeric answer choices; then, create a sum field

    4. make a date/time question and set the highest value option as "TODAY" 

    5. separate sections with "Begin New Section" fields

    6. after steps 1-4, go to the survey settings: 

      1. change the name of the survey to be different than the instrument name

      2. make responses editable

      3. make font size large

    7. assign this form to event 1, create the survey link, then fill out your form under record ID 0 

    8. lastly, download the zip file of your instrument and upload to Box in your lab notebook
