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Note that Maymester teaching is not considered summer employment. See COE: Maymester (Intersession) Faculty Appointments for guidance.


For additional guidance on faculty summer appointments, see:

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Academic HR Partners should add teaching or non-teaching summer jobs for the period May 16-August 15 (in summer 2024 only, dates are June 1-August 15) with associated Scheduled Weekly Hours (SWH) first, in order to bring the faculty member up to 40 SWH. Any remaining payment still owed to the faculty member should subsequently be processed as additional pay (via Allowance or One-Time Payment) on the summer job. See Additional employment on this page for more information.

Scheduled Weekly Hours (SWH)

  • If a faculty member is conducting sponsored research, use the period of performance and number of SWH equal to their time and effort on the grant.

  • If a faculty member is not performing duties related to sponsored research, adjust their number of SWH to equal the total payment amount over the period of performance.

  • If the period of performance covers both the academic year (

    September 1

    August 16-May


    15) and summer (

    June 1

    May 16-August


    15), follow academic year guidance.

Summer Monthly Rate

  • Useful Workday report: Academic Summer Rate (Monthly) - RPT0806

  • Academic summer salary plans are always monthly.

Institutional Base Salary is annual compensation paid for a faculty member’s appointment (9 or 12 months), whether their time is spent on research, teaching, administration, or other activities. Total Institutional Base Salary includes the faculty member’s Academic Rate plus compensation earned from Faculty Endowed and/or Faculty Non-Endowed Supplements.


The Summer Monthly Rate for faculty with nine-month appointments should be calculated at one-ninth of their Institutional Base Salary for each month of summer effort. For example, a faculty member with a nine-month Academic Rate of $90,000 and a Faculty Endowed Supplement of $10,000 will have a summer monthly rate of $11,111.11:

  • Institutional Base Salary: $90,000 + $10,000 = $100,000
    Summer Monthly Rate: $100,000 / 9 = $11,111.11

Processing summer faculty appointments in Workday

Who processes what?

Dean's Office Faculty Affairs will add department chair appointments to the appropriate tab for each department, and will process the corresponding business process in Workday. Any appointments for a department chair acting in the capacity of faculty member, for instance, teaching or research, should be added to the spreadsheet and processed by the department.


Assignments funded by Sponsored Research will be added to the spreadsheet by COERA, but the corresponding business processes should be processed by the department.


General instructions


Preparing the department faculty summer employment spreadsheet


Best practices

  • List jobs with hard-set dates, teaching assignments for example, first. This will make it easier to plan any assignments with more flexible dates - service stipends to be paid over the course of the summer with no set dates, for example, around the 40 SWH limits.

  • List multiple jobs for an individual chronologically on the spreadsheet to more easily confirm that the 40 SWH maximum limit is not exceeded during any segment of the summer.

  • Please DO NOT keep more than one faculty summer spreadsheet in your department folder, to avoid confusion. The copy on Box should always be the primary and most current version



  • .


  1. COE Faculty Affairs will create spreadsheets for each academic department on Box, named "[Your department} - 20XX Summer Faculty". Example: SPE - 2024 Summer Faculty.


  1. Department AMs/Academic HR Partners: Run Workday report "Academic Summer Rate (Monthly) - RPT0806" for all of the supervisory organizations in your department.


  1. Create a separate tab on the single spreadsheet for each of your tenured, tenure-track and 9-month professional-track faculty members who will need summer additional jobs, and sort tabs alphabetically by last name. For the "Financial" columns H-J on the spreadsheet, use corresponding information from RPT0806 (see step 1 above), and verify that amounts in the "Summer Rate - Monthly" columns on both match exactly.


  1. Follow the instructions on the template to complete the spreadsheet. Each tab should show the full picture of each faculty member's assignments for that summer, with each job listed as a separate line. Review carefully to ensure that the faculty member is at no point assigned to more than 40 Scheduled Weekly Hours (SWH) for any segment during June 1-August 15, and that total compensation for the summer does not exceed three months at 100% - Workday is unable to audit this.

    1. If a single job will vary in SWH over the summer, it should be broken into separate date spans. For example, if a single job is 30 hours from 6/1 to 7/15, and then 20 hours 7/16-7/31, it should be listed as two jobs.

    2. Example:

      1. Job 1:


      1. 5/


      1. 16-


      1. 6/


      1. 31: 30 hours

      2. Job 2: 7/


      1. 1-


      1. 8/


      1. 15: 20 hours


  1. Once COE Faculty Affairs gives the go-ahead, process summer assignments in Workday - one business process per Add Job. Refer to COE Faculty Summer Assignment Guidance on Box for college guidance and requirements. See CSU Faculty Summer Jobs Initiator and Approver Checklist for step-by-step instructions.

Processing summer employment in Workday

  • Employee type: Always use "Fixed Term" for summer jobs for 9-month faculty. Benefits eligibility should match their status the previous spring, either benefits eligible or non-benefits eligible.

  • For each Add Job processed in Workday, upload a copy of the spreadsheet to the business process, in whatever state of completion it is in. As summer processing is ongoing, it is not necessary that the spreadsheet be fully-completed for all faculty members in the department when uploaded. Ensure only that the information for the relevant tab matches what is in the business process for that faculty member, and that no segment exceeds 40 total SWH.

  • For SRAs, upload a copy of the signed SRA Acceptance form to the Workday business process.

  • For summer salary included as part of an offer or retention letter, upload a copy of the signed letter to the Workday business process.

  • Explain briefly and clearly in business process comments any circumstances not readily apparent within the Workday business process that may help approvers in their review. Comments can also be useful in revisiting a business process later.


  • Mark off on the departmental spreadsheet each job as routed forward for approvals, in the column "Dept. - completed". The Dean's Office will also mark off each item on the spreadsheet as they are approved forward in Workday.

Administrative appointments

Include Describe in the Workday BP information about comments the administrative work to be performed and/or role to be held, either in the comments of the BP, or as an attached email or other document. It is strongly recommended to give the . Give each administrative appointment a unique name in Workday including dates of service, such as "Director of [Program] Graduate Advisor 6/1-6/30." This will make the job much easier to find in Workday later.

Allowances and One-Time Payments

The usages of One-Time Payment and Allowance are different during the summer (June 1-August 31) than during the nine-month academic appointment period of September 1-May 31. Generally, work performed during the summer should be processed as summer Additional Jobs, up to a total of 40 Scheduled Weekly Hours (SWH). Once the 40 SWH limit has been reached, any remaining payment still owed to the faculty member should then be processed as Additional Pay (via Allowance or One-Time Payment) on the summer jobIndicate department chair approval of the additional job and compensation in BP comments, including approval date. Example: “Approved by [Chair Name] on MM/DD/YYYY.” Upload any additional documentation as relevant (offer letter, email exchange, etc.) that help provide context and background information for the additional job.

Allowances and One-Time Payments

The usages of One-Time Payment and Allowance are different during the summer (May 16-August 15) than during the nine-month academic appointment period of August 16-May 15. Generally, work performed during the summer should be processed as summer Additional Jobs, up to a total of 40 Scheduled Weekly Hours (SWH). Once the 40 SWH limit has been reached, any remaining payment still owed to the faculty member should then be processed as additional pay via Allowance or One-Time Payment. For 9-month faculty, all compensation must be processed on an Additional Job rather than on their primary 9-month faculty position. Additional compensation for teaching organized courses should be paid via Instructional Overload allowance, and non-teaching (administrative) work should use compensation plan Academic Activities. Work on sponsored projects and grants cannot be paid by Allowance or One-Time Payment. See COE: Additional Employment and Allowances > Allowance and One-Time Payment for guidance on using Allowance vs. One-Time Payment.

Benefits eligibility

If a faculty member was benefits-eligible in the immediately-preceding spring, they will also be benefits-eligible in the summer. For more information on faculty summer benefits, see COE: Benefits and Eligibility - Faculty > Summer insurance coverage for faculty


See Workday: Job Costing.


  1. Download the Faculty Summer Job Costing Tool from Workday: Job Costing. Ensure you are using the most current version.

  2. Select the appropriate Fiscal Year from the drop-down menu.

  3. Select the appropriate option from the Job Family drop-down menu, also outlined in red at #1 below. This will usually be "Faculty."

  4. Select "No" for "Apply mid-month proration."

  5. Complete the appropriate mini-tool on the right-hand side of the page.

    1. For course instruction with a salary cap, use "Calculating Scheduled Weekly Hours Based on Known Funds." 

New hires

New hires starting in summer

When a new professional-track hire is brought on for the summer only, the PAR pushes a Summer New Hire Salary plan to Workday, but it does not push a corresponding Academic Salary plan that would result in them being paid into the long semester (because they are not expected to continue into the long semester). Unfortunately, this also means they will not be picked up on an EIB because a salary plan must be in place on 8/16 to “convert” to a No-Pay Salary Plan. An inactivation will need to be processed manually. Please also be sure to add the No-Pay Salary Plan.


The College of Education does not have a policy on Option III courses, and Option III courses are not subject to the College teaching salary cap. Follow any applicable established department policies and standards. Workload and amount are at the discretion of the department chair but should be consistent within the department. 

UT Policy

See See Option III Guidelines PDF - page 5 on faculty compensation.



*Note that these guidelines apply only to 9-month faculty (i.e. not applicable to all faculty titles, both 9-month and 12-month faculty titles, such as Research Faculty.)

Review these resources


Per University policy, effective April 2022, faculty may not be appointed 100% on sponsored funding during the summer. Faculty may commit up to 95% on sponsored funds, with the remaining 5% on discretionary funds, if available.


Faculty may also request an exception to charge 100% effort for three full summer months to their grant(s), but this request will require signing an Attestation that 100% of effort for all three months will be devoted only to the applicable grant(s) and to no other activities or personal leave. This Attestation must be approved prior to the summer appointment being made. All Attestations must be approved by the Dean.


If an appointment is more than 38 SWH and 100% funded on a 26 acct -account for more than one month, a completed attestation form must be uploaded to the Workday business process. Alternatively, reduce the SWH to 38 or fund 95% on a 26account 26-account and 5% on another non-sponsored account.

Instructions for exception process

Note that the Attestation Form does not include separate lines for each of the individuals described below. Additional signature fields may be added, however in DocuSign - please add these near the existing signature lines.

  1. Faculty member consults with their department chair about submitting an Attestation.

  2. If the Chair approves, faculty member completes and signs the Attestation Form linked on Salary Compensation Reports - Office of Sponsored Projects ( > section "Guidelines for Charging Faculty Summer Salary to Sponsored Projects".

  3. Faculty member works with department Administrative Manager. Administrative Manager routes form in DocuSign as follows:

    1. Department Chair: Needs to sign

    2. Office of Research Support & Compliance: Needs to sign

    3. Associate Dean for Research: Needs to sign – add “Approve” button only instead of signature line

    4. Needs to sign

    5. (or for Centers, the appropriate research administrator): Receives a copy

    6. Receives a copy

  4. A PDF of the fully-signed form should be uploaded to the associated business process in Workday, and a copy retained for department personnel files.

Scenarios - professional-track summer appointments


Scenario 1:  A professional track faculty member’s current contract ends May 31, 2024, with no planned summer assignment. 

Since all faculty positions (with the


exception of summer additional jobs) are “Expected to Continue” rather than “Fixed Term”, the mass termination process will not end this position.  The mass termination process will only pick up fixed-term employees and non-employee positions.  On September 1, 2024, the department will need to determine whether this individual will be renewed or inactivated.  Inactivations are not needed for summer; they should only occur on semester start dates.  See the Manage Non-Tenure Track Faculty Workday Process Overview for more information.

Scenario 2: A professional track faculty member's current contract ends May 31, 2024, but they will be teaching in summer 2024.

No changes are needed to their current contract, but the academic unit should process an Additional Job for summer 2024. If no further action is taken, they will be mass-terminated effective August 31, 2024. The mass termination process will only end the summer add job because summer jobs are fixed-term.  As in scenario #1 above, the department will need to determine whether this individual will be renewed or inactivated. See the Manage Non-Tenure Track Faculty Workday Process Overview for more information.

Teaching assignments

Compensation - summer teaching assignments

COE policy: $9,000 cap per course; faculty earning less than $54,000 will be prorated below that amount.


  • Unique course ID of class being taught

  • If a faculty member teaches two classes in the summer, note department chair’s approval in the Workday business process comments, including date of approval

Example: "Teaching two classes in the summer approved by Chair Name on MM/DD/YYYY"

  • If a faculty member teaches two classes in the same summer session, Dean’s approval is requiredin addition to Chair’s approval – both noted in the Workday business process comments, including date of approval.

Example: "Teaching two classes in the first summer session approved by Chair Name on MM/DD/YYYY and Dean Name on MM/DD/YYYY"


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