The key distinction is evidence of engagement with the academic enterprise through teaching, mentorship, or supervision of students at some level. For information on research staff, see COE: Research Positions.
Research Faculty titles
See EVPP: Research Faculty Titles.
Title | Job Code | Description |
Research Professor | 0017 | Research accomplishments and scholarly credentials equivalent to that of a full professor, including supervision of research programs/projects as a principal investigator. |
Research Associate Professor | 0027 | Research accomplishments and scholarly credentials equivalent to that of an established assistant professor or a new associate professor. The individual must have an established record as a mature, independent researcher. |
Research Assistant Professor | 0037 | Expected to show the potential to develop an independent research program that represents a significant portion of their activity and also be involved in activities traditionally thought of as professorial. |
Appointment dates
Research faculty are 12-month positions and use appointment dates of September 1-August 31. See more on dates associated with different types of faculty positions at COE: Dates for Faculty Employment Changes.
Contract requirements
Active contracts are required for research faculty, as they are for all professional-track faculty. For more information on professional-track contracts, see COE: Contracts - Professional-Track Faculty. For guidance on the administrative processes required to manage contracts, see COE: Managing Professional Track Faculty in Workday.
PI (Principal Investigator) eligibility
Research faculty are granted automatic PI status. See Principal Investigator (PI) Eligibility Administrative Procedures for more information.
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