Use the meeting as an opportunity to share updates on your progress, ask for feedback or guidance, and discuss any concerns you may have.
After the meeting, take note of any action items or next steps discussed, and follow through on them in a timely manner.
The purpose of these 1:1 meetings is to foster open communication, provide support and guidance, and ensure that you and your supervisor are aligned on goals and expectations.
Open action items
✅ Open action items
Task report
📝 Meeting minutes
Meeting Minutes Jun-July 2024
Notes, decisions and action items
MAIN TASK: Copying clipping data status from ARCHIVE 0.Connected_Speech_Clipping to Connected Speech Data analysis
Data Analysis Smartsheets- adding file type recording and saved as options
Kyleigh McAlister Add columns of Recorded In and Saved As, as shown in WAB example but add columns for ALL other tasks
Kyleigh will do this for all three languages
Ensure dropdown options are allowed
Allow for multiple select from dropdown for each column
WAIT for next step when Sonia gives green light-
Kyleigh McAlister has organized list of samples with file types in lab folder
Kyleigh McAlister and will add that data to the Data Analysis Smartsheet
all data of saved as has been completed in all the data analysis smartsheets
Kyleigh McAlister next task filling out file type for all pre-r01 samples in all the smartsheets How it was recorded Columns
Diana already included data on how it was saved for all pre-R01 Samples. For pre-r01 samples all samples were recorded through Zoom
Kyleigh McAlister deleting double option format in columns of saved as
Changed drop down of “saved as” options in the Connected Speech Clipping sheet
Decided we would allow for multiple options for the samples saved in audio and video and clipped in both formats
Double-check status of moving of clipping sheet for R01 samples to the Data Analyses Smartsheet -
let clinicians know that they have to save it there in lab meeting-- naming convention- SMK give overview to Camille Diana
VISTA Clipping
BISE013’s files: .wav files were not yet being collected consistently for VISTA clipping, so we need to use all video for this patient
BISE005 files have only partial data and partial observations at post so Ana Elisa will include what we have and create a readme
BISE014: Sonia Marqués needs to see if pre-treatment wav files were collected in Spanish and Catalan and export and if we don’t have we will make decision after
SMK found them and will export them and upload them in wav files and will let Ana Elisa know
Video Clipping Guide
Kyleigh McAlister Create a clipping guide for videos using QuickTime Player
Ana Elisa found some audios that needed to be reclipped from Kayle, Kyleigh and Shayla have helped clipping them
VISTA suggestion
Ana Elisa Quinonez Camacho add column with drop down that informs if data should be used from the MB data POM sheet excels or whisper
add in VISTA POM guide step of checking ortography
Shayla Fernandez Amaya clipping VISTA Samples, prioritize Catalan samples so Núria can check them
change made in CS1 Span make to all CS instruments
Kyleigh last day
Check lab notebook, include anything in wiki, delete archived files
training Shayla complete!
Decisión 20241003- Siempre hacer clipping según las indicaciones de Dr.Grasso, si no por default siempre hacer primero las de la fecha más antigua.
Shayla downloads box drive or box sync for next meeting
Ask Ana Elisa to adding SMK and Shayla to channel
access to Dr.Henry's smartsheet - use it to edit when necessary, but it's more recommended to use your own account for general tasks
add column for date for the samples in 0.VISTA_Probes
asignar a Hallel y Jada de añadir las fechas (cuando acaben de hacer clipping de las muestras que les faltan)
Clipping progress
VISTA - ready all timepoints?
some of them we used the zoom, no audio, -- this is documented in lab notebook -- SMK: recommend having this information in the 0.VISTA_Probes smartsheet
TASK: adding a column in 0.VISTA to indicate if sample is missing in audio -- "Audio uploaded and copied to box" "yes, no, missing, yes but audio unuseable" 1. Missing audio and another column of "note in regards to missing sample"
CS - ready all timepoints?
TASK: reviewing if they are OBS or Clinical Trial looking at
Option A. Redcap, anamnesis --- future task: create report of CS
Option B. Madr participant information
Task for SMK- monthly check that the audios are correctly saved
Midtx audios clarified
November 2024
Priorities, Tasks, & Assignments 🥼 Notes, Progress, or Issues 📔
Important Links to Projects 🔗
Diana’s update
Started on English pre R01, but not yet complete (there is a lot of missing videos).
Decisión 20241003- Siempre hacer clipping según las indicaciones de Dr.Grasso, si no por default siempre hacer primero las de la fecha más antigua.
Shayla downloads box drive or box sync for next meeting
Ask Ana Elisa to adding SMK and Shayla to channel
access to Dr.Henry's smartsheet - use it to edit when necessary, but it's more recommended to use your own account for general tasks
add column for date for the samples in 0.VISTA_Probes
asignar a Hallel y Jada de añadir las fechas (cuando acaben de hacer clipping de las muestras que les faltan)
Clipping progress
VISTA - ready all timepoints?
some of them we used the zoom, no audio, -- this is documented in lab notebook -- SMK: recommend having this information in the 0.VISTA_Probes smartsheet
TASK: adding a column in 0.VISTA to indicate if sample is missing in audio -- "Audio uploaded and copied to box" "yes, no, missing, yes but audio unuseable" 1. Missing audio and another column of "note in regards to missing sample"
CS - ready all timepoints?
TASK: reviewing if they are OBS or Clinical Trial looking at
Option A. Redcap, anamnesis --- future task: create report of CS
Option B. Madr participant information
Task for SMK- monthly check that the audios are correctly saved
Midtx audios clarified
Task report
SPANISH Ana Elisa+Whendy updates:
Dr Santos transcriptions
transcriptions - all done
reliability ratings in July - Ana Elisa lab notebook
double rate 10%, ratings were quite high, all above 80%
check notebooks, functional to transfer action items
Kesha paper - Connected Speech WAB picnic scene lvPPA and nfvPPA pre and post - ALL transcribed (pre and post)
SMK asks to transcribe new samples: BISE020, BILP029 (transcribed by Whendy and AE during week of 10/4) - also completed.
Post not for Kesha’s paper, but transcribed because some pre samples were missing/bad audio and also because some postx were going to be used for AoA but weren’t used
Reliability only ran for POST- for Spanish, 4 transcriptions,
all ok, high reliability
-VISTA samples - in progress re-revising transcriptions after new transcription rules.
Question about omitting BISE016’s frequent production of “&+ea”
start clipping MINTs using date of administration to find video in participant folder - Shayla access to redcap, export data, or ask SMK to create excel and add dates to the smartsheet
Add columns of MINT administration to the smartsheets