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title9th of December 2024


Priorities, Tasks, & Assignments 🥼 Notes, Progress, or Issues 📔


Next meeting


  •  Andrew Collins list of options of drop downs for Best estimate dialect, here is a draft: after consensus in next meeting, Sonia will add it on Smartsheet - add a column “Best estimate dialect” with all dialect options, drop down options specially for acoustic analysis, make list, consensus and create
  • Castilian dialect - regional variation

  • Mexico dialect

  • Puerto Rico dialect

  • Catalan - regional variation, català-central, etc.,

Rule add dialect of participant to the drop down

other info:

  • Hometown (where did they grew up)- sociodemographic questionnaire


Next tasks pending to assign:


Coordination of meetings

  • Meetings needed, when

    • Connected Speech planning (structure) - tasks pending - pre-r01 data, MINT.. see previous notes, no meeting needed, just more support, clipping students can help

    • Connected speech and VISTA transcription progress + Connected Reliability process

    • Connected Speech Clipping (Shayla lead)

    • Connected Speech Whisper (Whendy lead) Alejandra, Alexa - once trained just check every 2 weeks how they are doing

    • Connected Speech data analysis

Code switches

  • we have noticed that fo Spanish samples code switches are transcribed sometimes like (difficult on how similar languages are)

    • paraphasias, fragments, xxx


      • PROPS1: include it within the reliability, Rater 2 should be Helena/Núria/Sonia

      • PROPS2 (CWR): Having a code switching checker, if she notices a code switch she checks it in the smartsheet -

        • Alyne (brasilian spa-cat, recognizing code switching) non native speaker

        • Do a test (5 samples), if she misses one code switch is out - influence of catalan of samples, take notes, grammar, vocabulary, - 90% accuracy, (blinded) - transcripts+audios

      • PROPS3 (SMK): Helena/Núria/SMK listen to all WAB picnic and change if there are code switches - mark it in column in Smartsheet - Decide task by task – maybe Núria first

  •  create a column in CATALAN, SPANISH, ENGLISH smartsheet to check if there is a code-switch

recommendation to use chat to ask questions in case there is a code-switch

Training -CATALAN transcriptions - Helena

Helena training complete, high reliability

  • next steps - Diana has to give access to all systems

  • which samples assign?

    • 1. CS picnic scene reliability? - 1 more sample

    • 2. VISTA samples?

Chat preguntas transcripción

  1. Cuanto tiempo toma hacer preguntas-respuestas

  2. sistema mejor?

  3. doubts

Discussion - effect on reliability, faster-more efficient

Have same for Helena

check by Mor doesn’t work


RELIABILITY CS transcriptions

  • Separate meeting with Camille about how to join POM+reliability for transcriptions
  •  For VISTA transcriptions: Folder structure for transcription reliability is created
  •  For VISTA transcriptions: Smartsheet for reliability once decision is made on where to capture rely output scores
  •  Shayla Fernandez Amaya to 1) add reliability columns to VISTA Transcription Smartsheet using the example Sonia created for Pre1Castellno (higlighted in yellow); 2) create a row with the timepoint and language only ; 3) Remove timepoint from the Smartsheet header by

Smartsheet link:

  • CS structure was already decided upon
  • Ana Elisa Quinonez Camacho created the CS folder structure for Spanish for Kesha’s project and for Dr. Santos' project during the week of 11/25. Note, since this process/structure was developed after reliability was run, the transcriber 1 samples are the final transcripts with consensus.

Dr. Santos' transcriptions

  •  Ana Elisa Quinonez Camacho For Dr. Santos' transcriptions: Add to the Connected Speech Smartsheet add 1) NHC ID, 2) Trained Coder, 3) Picnic scene status 4) Create a column with note in CS for when audio is very poor 5) Reliability by

Kesha’s Samples

  •  For Kesha’s samples: Final sample needed for Spanish: Whendy Avila Motta BIOBS003- Observacional branch- transcription needs to be added by
  •  For Kesha’s samples: For Catalan: Helena is waiting for a BIOBS003 to go through Whisper as well
  •  For Kesha’s project: Reliability is very high for transcriptions and is finished
  •  For Kesha’s project: Samples are stored in three places: the master spreadsheet for the project will indicate where the sample is saved. Sonia Marqués to ensure that every patient has this cell complete
  •  Came up during discussion with Kesha’s project- probably Ana Paola to move samples over Sonia Marqués to create structure for Ana Paola, but another student could be selected

VISTA probes

Update from Ana Elisa VISTA In progress, need to discuss in meeting. Ana Elisa Quinonez Camacho added the PicnicScene_WAB_PostTX_Coded_Rely samples and the PicnicScene_WAB_PreTX_Coded_Rely samples to this folder structure.

  • Decision made in meeting: VISTA probes: We decided that the reliability scores for the post-tx WABs will be stored in the folder for the VISTA paper on Box and that in the Reliability Smartsheet, we will list the VISTA paper as the project for post, and both the VISTA and Kesha’s project for the pre-treatment WABs
  •  VISTA ProbesAna Elisa Quinonez Camacho to update the he Reliability Smartsheet, we will list the VISTA paper as the project for post, and both the VISTA and Kesha’s project for the pre-treatment WABs by





  • Connected Speech Picnic scene:

    •  CS Reliability completed
  • VISTA probes:

  • Whendy as of 12/2: Finished transcribing BISE013_Post2, making final revisions, not yet ran through CLAN. Began transcribing BISE004.

  • Ana Elisa 12/1: Currently working on BISE014_Post1. Need to revise BISE015_Post1, BISE014_Post2, and BISE015_Post2.

    • Note Catalanismo BISE014_BACC005_LaDificultadParaHablar: *PAR: estoy haciendo ejercicios para retardar la [//] el deterioramento [: deterioro. Decision on 12/3, code as phonological paraphasia.

  • Dr.Santos samples:

  •  all samples completed?
  •  TASK? move Dr.Santos excel to SPANISH Connected speech smartsheet --better to track picnic scene completion and reliability
    •  Create column in Connected Speech like the VISTA smartsheet: Background noise? Pre1 Castellano, No




